Why You Can’t Copy + Paste Scripts and Templates in Your Coaching Biz

You can't just copy and paste scripts or templates, even when someone gives them to you.

In this post: Today, I’m sharing about a discussion that was held in the UPswing Mastermind around scripts and templates, and how you can’t simply copy/paste these, and what to do instead.

  1. Everything you do needs to be tailored to YOUR ideal client

  2. You need to contribute to the conversation in YOUR own voice - use the language specific to your ideal clients

  3. The energy of your marketing is key to attracting clients

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You can't just copy and paste scripts or templates, even when someone gives them to you.

(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

Why You Can’t Copy + Paste Scripts and Templates in Your Coaching Biz

Biggest mistake - trying to be something you are not. You can't just copy and paste scripts or templates, even when someone gives them to you and you can never, ever copy what you see someone else doing online. There’s a couple of reasons for this. 

1. Everything you do has to be absolutely tailored specifically for your ideal client.

By “ideal client”, I'm more specifically talking about a set of qualities such as pain points, benefits, things they actually want to hear, things they want to buy, et cetera.

2. It has to be in your own voice.

People can tell the difference. One lady in the UPswing Mastermind this morning, when she copied and pasted the script exactly from the book got like one comment and a handful of likes. Then she rewrote it in her own words and her own story and therefore her own language, and got 37 comments! Same script as such, same structure.

We need to understand the masculine structures of what works in business and what to do, but at the end of the day, you need to bring your heart and your voice to it. And so the difference was starting to see the different results when people are actually starting to understand those nuances of their target market, starting to understand how to weave that into example templates and scripts.

It's kind of like magic when you start to see the difference. Now you can start to understand why you could never learn something like this from an eCourse or from a self-study course, book or online program or anything like that.

This is why I'm such a believer in the way that I teach through the UPswing Mastermind, which is an experiential six-month program, where we really get to understand the energetics of the personalization for your target market and for you and your personal brand, which brings me to the third point.

3. The energy of your marketing is key to attracting clients.

I do believe in the coming years, we will start to see the rise of what will be called vibrational marketing. It already exists and it always has. People are now getting almost blind to the words, getting blind to the promotions, et cetera. But why will someone be drawn to your work?

I was talking to a lady yesterday and she said, “You know, I follow a lot of coaches, a lot of people that I know you’re friends with as well. But there's just something that draws me to you.”

You don't need to try to be something you're not. You just need to be your own true person, talking from your heart, just being yourself. You will attract the right people from a soul frequency level. This is actually happening in your marketing all the time, whether or not you are consciously doing it. And the irony is that you actually don't want to consciously be doing it. You just want to be free and be you.

But how do we become free and be us?

It is through having structure, such as scripts and templates to start with, and then to kind of pour our heart and soul over top of and make them our own.

So the whole concept of frequency being in the marketing means that it won't fly if you are copying and pasting scripts from a self-study course or trying to copy what anybody else does.

The biggest mistake I see is people working hard to be something they're not, working hard to try to create a personal brand.

Whereas you already ARE that, and that is really part of the magic sauce. 

So I hope this tip about the importance of personalization helps you in your marketing and social media.


Amanda xx

P.S. The next step is to communicate the value of your health coaching services with your potential clients. Click here to get FREE instant access to my simple 7-step sales script and get a taste of how I teach my VIP clients to host sleaze-free sales calls.


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Today, I’m sharing about a discussion that was held in the UPswing Mastermind around scripts and templates, and how you can’t simply copy/paste these, and what to do instead.