How to Use Your Time Wisely to Build Your Health Coaching Business

It doesn't take HOURS every week to build a successful Health Coaching biz when you're following a system that works.

In this post: It doesn't take HOURS every week to build a successful Health Coaching biz when you're following a system that works.

And you DO NOT need to quit your job in order to have TIME to build your Health Coaching business.

Learn as I share more on this SUPER IMPORTANT topic - including WHY quitting my job before I got started coaching was the WORST thing I did - AND share the KEY things you need to focus on to build your business in 20 mins a day.

Watch this post by clicking the image below or keep scrolling to read.

It doesn't take HOURS every week to build a successful Health Coaching biz when you're following a system that works.

(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

How to Use Your Time Wisely to Build Your Health Coaching Business

I am going to share today about something that I think is interesting for most of you. And that is my belief that the best way to build your health coaching business is if you have no time now. What do I mean by that?

Well, honestly, if you feel like you've got no time, I'm going to put my money on you to have success in your business and why. I have been talking about time management with other highly successful female entrepreneurs who run their own businesses or full-time businesses. And what we have been talking about for sure is that the winners in productivity and business are always those with less time, and I have to say, I can't agree more.

When there are days like today, where I've actually got a very wide-open schedule, I have to be very disciplined in my time. I have to make sure that I have my tasks scheduled. Otherwise, I want to do what I feel like, which is really kinda nice to have that luxury, but it can be super unproductive.

It can lead to procrastination. And basically what we've been talking about with my mastermind friends is that you always fill the time and space you have.

So there's a common saying, “if you want something done, give it to someone busy.”

And I absolutely know from mentoring hundreds of women and from my own time and productivity that it's the people with the least time who get the most done. Such a weird thing to say – The less time you have the more effective you are. And I have seen this in some of the most successful women, for example, in my UPswing Mastermind, starting their health coaching businesses or those who only have a couple of hours a week. It seems counter, but it is actually true. And I want to talk about this specifically around why it's key to understanding the best time to build your health coaching business.

So many of us use time as an excuse.

So many of us say, well, I'm in a full-time job or I've got kids at home or I'm studying at the same time. And we think that these things mean that we can't build our health coaching business, but the thing is building a health coaching business actually doesn't take that much time. The time gets wasted when we do things like scrolling Instagram and scrolling Facebook and, and even wasting time, I'm like researching this and researching that.

Whereas the actual work, when you know what to do, takes very minimal time a day, and this is where so many people are using the “no time” excuse to get lost in procrastination and kid themselves that they don't have time to run a business.

And it's a nice excuse. It really, really is. It's very convenient because it's a good excuse for why we can't break out and be running the business that we want.

But here's the thing guys – so many people think they need to quit their job and start getting paying clients before they learn to be health coaches. It doesn't really make sense in my mind, but that's the way that so many people think about it, but I do get the “quitting your job” piece.

A lot of people think they need to quit their job to have 40 hours a week to build their business.

Now, when I started, I did quit my job. I took that leap because I was going to be a health coach.

And it is the worst thing I did. It is the seriously, the stupidest thing I did. I sat at home all day every day with no idea what to do. I spent hours and hours polishing a logo on a website and making blog posts that no one would even ever find. It was a complete waste of time. And all it did was screw up my self-esteem and make me feel worse and worse about myself and believe that no one wanted my health coaching services.

All that time could have been used to make money, at least in a part-time job or a contract job that could have funded me for more coaching or resources because I never needed all of that time to start with.

You just do not need full-time space. And you, as I shared before, end up procrastinating and doing the wrong things to try to fill that space largely also because we have beliefs that the harder we work, the more successful we will be.

And that is not always the case with your own business or with health coaching. It is a completely different paradigm and to be an entrepreneur involves rewriting a lot of those beliefs.

You do not need to work 24-7.

The harder you work will not equate to your results. That is not how it works at all. It is about being consistent in the right actions and they can take minutes a day, literally minutes. So I did that, and once I realized that I was spending time just lying on my couch, going a little bit insane, eating up my savings because I was focusing on the wrong things and not getting any clients when I had 40 hours a week, then I decided I wanted to invest in training. But I needed some more money so I went back and got some part-time contract work.

So I also had hours going and training and learning. And I had much less time to work on my health coaching business. And that's when it took off, I was focused on the right things. You do not need dozens of things to do. You don't even need a website or eight opt-ins. You don't need Facebook ads, all these things that people talk about five or so, hours a week are plenty.

10 hours is like insanely plenty to build your health coaching business at the beginning, there are some key elements to focus on. You've got to create your package. And that's like a week-long project. You have to define your target market. Then after that, your daily work is to get seen by ideal clients and ask them for the dance or invite them to a discovery session, converting them obviously from there.

It’s about knowing and having a system, understanding your target market, knowing how to get in the package, and knowing how to communicate. If you have less time and you just focus on the right thing, your brain isn't going to be all scattered with all these things that you think you should be doing. All of that noise is just creating a false self-esteem loop.

Keeping yourself busy and thinking you need 40 hours a week is a fool’s game. 

The more we fall into the old paradigm, which was the more you worked, like in the industrial age, the more hours you clock up on your timesheet, the more you will get paid. It does not work that way anymore.

The less time you have, the more you will only do the important tasks. And if you have spare time, turn off the noise. Have fun. Go for a walk, work out your body, meditate and breathe. Those activities would be so much more effective in your business than scrolling Facebook and Instagram.

You need a system.

You don’t even need to do an opt-in right now, a website, Facebook ads – none of that is needed. You need to know the way to communicate. You need that package, the target market, all those steps that I always talk about. 

In the beginning, sure. For those people who go through my UPswing Mastermind, it's a six-month study period. There is a lot to learn, but the actual tasks of running your business and getting clients do not take that much time now.

Once you start booking your discovery calls, you get any time in your diary. As many people have told me, “I don't have time”. Then I get out their calendar on-screen and I show them where we could find one hour, two hours a week to do discovery sessions. One or two hours a week is all you need for those. Once they convert, you swap that out for coaching hours.

We do have time. I guarantee if you had timesheets, we were time-tracking how long you are on social or other activities, you could find that hour to do the coaching call and that's at the beginning, all that you're needing.

So I very much want you to experience and challenge your beliefs around time.

I want you to start rewiring the truth, that the less time you have, the more productive you will be. I see it all the time. Less time means you have to be more organized. You have to just take action. Building a health coaching business takes five minutes, 10 minutes, or 20 minutes a day. You do have 20 minutes a day. Rework your schedule to create 20 minutes a day. We all have the same amount of time, it’s just a matter of setting priorities.

So I highly recommend at the beginning, not feeling that you have to leave your job. If you're already out of a job, that's a different conversation. But I think one of the biggest mistakes I made was leaving my job and having all that open space, which was just space for warped thoughts and you know, like low self-esteem and things that creep in because there was too much space.

I recommend keeping a steady stream of income. It'll take the pressure off you. When you get started, it's much better to boot slowly on the side. And then you can go part-time. It also means you have money to invest in your business.

So many people tell me, “Oh, I have to get clients first before I invest in coaching.” And then they come back to me six months later, 12 months later, or two years later and say, “I wish that I'd invested before.” So take that pressure up. Stay in a job, have money that you can invest, that you can grow on the side. This is why I've created the systems to help clients build their businesses with ease. 

Many people tell me that in a time when I watched their time habits, they're actually wasting a lot of time on procrastination and stuff and not just doing the work out of resistance in fear. Obviously, as a coach, that's what I love to help you breakthrough. So keep your long-term business goals in mind, not just short-term ones. One of my favourite phrases is “What would future Amanda wish I'd done here?”

Always stay focused on how you want to feel.

Self-care is also a business action. Especially as a health coach, your vibration changes when you really take care of yourself.

You get to choose how you feel. Some of us come and start working and decide to keep working with stress and feel overwhelmed. You get to decide how you feel at any moment and you can come in and say…

“I'm going to feel organized.”

“I'm going to feel productive.”

“I'm going to spend 20 minutes on my set tasks”

“I’m going to get this work out to the world, ask for the dance, be visible”, and then

“I'm going to choose to let go.”

So that's my recommendation. If you are in a job already, you, I would say, stay there.

Many of my clients, as they start building up the health coaching clients, then they can go part-time in the business or contract in business.

And as you get more confidence to see the consistent client load coming in your health coaching business, then you won't be so scared of leaving. It won't be so all or nothing. You don’t want the pressure of being asked “Why are you not making money?” It's all too much. So where possible, avoid trying to go from black to white overnight, or from this to that overnight. There has to be a transition.

Entrepreneurship is all about the journey. It's never about the destination.

So being willing to transition from a corporate career full-time job into a health coach position, I would highly recommend stopping expecting it to happen overnight like that, black and white. Allow yourself to be in that transition maybe for a couple of years.

I've had clients doing that over and over again, building up a thousand dollars a month, $3,000 a month up to, you know, maybe around the kind of consistent $5,000 to $7,000 a month. All that while doing the business part-time. And it keeps growing until they’re ready to go full-time. And now, some of them are making $15,000 to $20,000 a month. But that took time.

And so if we can allow entrepreneurship to be the journey instead of the destination, we can take any idea that we have, and allow it all to merge, then we can relax more and enjoy the work and stay focused on helping others. So take the pressure off of it happening overnight.

So those are some thoughts that I had on time management. If you're in my programs, this might be a helpful reminder today. Or if you have never worked with me before, I hope that this also supports you in your journey as you start transitioning into your health coach career.

If you have any thoughts or comments, please always leave them below. I would love to hear them. Have a wonderful day. Take care.


Amanda xx

PS. Ready to create a purposeful package in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease? Click this link to get instant access to the FREE training >>


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It doesn't take HOURS every week to build a successful Health Coaching biz when you're following a system that works.