How to Get Started on Instagram and Book Clients Quickly

Instagram is one of my favourite ways for getting clients ASAP and here are my top three tips on exactly how to do that.

In this post: Instagram is one of my favourite ways for getting clients ASAP and here are my top three tips on exactly how to do that:

1. Get clear on your message.

2. Show your FACE!

3. Use the Interaction Tools that Instagram offers.

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

How to Get Started on Instagram and Book Clients Quickly

Today, I’m sharing with you all about how you can get started on Instagram to get clients really quickly. In fact, this works for Instagram and Facebook, but Instagram is one of my favourite ways for getting clients ASAP, even if you're just getting started.

1. Clarity in your message.


The number one piece that you're going to need in place if you're going to have success in getting clients on Instagram is to have clarity on your message.

Understanding your target market is the pivotal underpinning of knowing your message.

You don't need one player tagline. A lot of coaches I see are waiting for that ONE elevator pitch or that ONE line that's going to clarify who they are.

When you've got the tools of how to do what I call magnetic messaging, then Instagram is a wonderful place because you can play and you can put out one message one day, or one message to the next. You can try it on the grid or stories, which is my favourite because it's gone the next day anyway, but you can measure and you can watch what people are responding to and playing around with your message.

Normally, if you have that ONE message, it would be hard for a multi-passionate health coach like you when you’ve got 1,000,001 ideas.

So the beautiful thing about a platform like Instagram is that we don't have to try and get it into one slide or one website or one title – we can play around.

We can share all of our messages when we understand and really make a magnetic messaging framework of how to make that clear for our clients.

So that's the first thing, understanding how to get your messaging in a clear way that you can also play around with. You got to have both.

2. Show your FACE!

I know that this could be really, really scary. We might not even realize that. A lot of clients that I coach have a lot of resistance, they don't even realize that. Sometimes it shows up in their life as, “Oh, I'm just too busy.” Or “I couldn't do this because the kids were sick or things like that.”

But when we really get into a laser coaching situation and I'm supporting people to see what's really going on, a lot of the time it is the fear of being seen or heard.

Showing our face is the quickest way to know, like and trust.

Get in front of the camera. Post a photo of you, a video on InstaStories or even do a live. Showing your face might be a little thing to add to your own marketing this week. This is really important for your personal brand, a great way to connect with your audience and potential clients and that “know, like, trust” factor.

3. Use the Interaction Tools.

If you want to get clients ASAP on Instagram is to really utilize the back end functionalities they have. This means all the ways that you can get people into your direct messages (DMs) so that you can book your discovery calls. So these include knowing how to use things like polls and questions, and how to have interactive conversations in the DMs.

We don't want you just coming into the DMs and saying, “Hey, want to book a call with me?” No one wants to feel kind of salesy, slimy or sleazy like that. There are elegant ways to use those tools and to have real true conversations for what we call social selling.

So if you want to get clients ASAP on Instagram, those are my three tips. One, have a magnetic messaging framework that you know how to play with. Two, you got to show your face, you gotta have that connection and see you. And number three is knowing how to utilize the back end tools to get into people's DMs. I hope that you take these tips and run with them, using a little bit of an audit in your own marketing.

Also, share with me anything that you are doing on Instagram as well on anything else you'd like me to share around getting clients, either on that program or from any other platforms, have a beautiful day.


Amanda xx

PS. If you’re ready to get consistent clients & earn a consistent income from your health coaching or wellness business, then you’ll love my FREE Masterclass where I teach you the three-part framework to consistent clients and cash flow as a health coach without overwhelm and burnout. Click HERE for Instant Access!


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I’m sharing with you 3 things you can get started on Instagram to get clients ASAP.