In this post, you’ll learn:
The importance of being okay with being in failure mode every now and then!
Why entrepreneurship is a game where you're never going to NOT fail!
What real failure actually is (...hint: It's certainly NOT trying and falling!)
One QUICK mindset shift that will change the way you look at your circumstances
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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)
Why Failure Is A Necessary Part Of Success As A Coach
When thinking about what would be super supportive or valuable to share with you all this week, the topic of ‘failure’ came to mind.
It seems a funny topic for me to talk about because normally we focus on our goals or visions or the entrepreneurial spirit of positivity and moving forward. But you may have noticed, that in recent weeks I have also been wanting to share more about the real talk, the ‘behind-the-scenes’. Because I think we all know that what we see online about the glitz and glamour of being an entrepreneur is not the full story, by any means.
I think it’s really important for us, in our community, to talk about what is real. To not fantasize about having our own business, but be real about it. So that we can actually step forward, embody and become the business owners that we are here to be.
So why would I want to talk about failure?
Well, I've had some failures lately in life and business. This might cause some people to look at THEMSELVES as failures. But my friend was saying to me that I’m the happiest she’s ever seen me!
You could be swimming in ‘failures’ on a daily basis, things are breaking down, going wrong, or scenarios arising. I have personally defined these things as ‘failures’ in the past. But what I have learnt as a business owner, having grown my business to where it is today, is that I actually thrive on failures.
I know that the only way forward in business is to fail forward.
It scares a lot of people when I say that. So why do I say it?
Here's the thing. If you already knew how to succeed, you would be doing it. Why be in business then? Because business is largely a working-it-out game. A personal development game.
Most people are afraid to start a business because they're afraid to fail. I talk to so many people whenever we put our programs on sale each year and hear all about their dreams and what they want to do. At the end of the day, they say they're too scared that they might fail, so they don’t even try.
This mindset of being afraid to fail can be because people are scared of being judged, feeling shame or falling into low self-worth and self-beratement. I see this every day.
Why do I love failure?
Well, no one loves stress or drama. But what I've learned in growing my business over the last 9 or so years now, is that the only times that you have the big breakthroughs, the quantum leaps that you see all successful entrepreneurs talking about, are when you fail forward.
Let’s look at this tangibly, like a skill you don’t have yet. No amount of just sitting there and manifesting or journaling or even buying a course on it is going to get you this skill. For example, many people haven’t had clients before, so they don’t even try to put themselves out there and ask people to work with them. What If someone rejects me? What if no one buys anything or I don’t get results?
You learn the lessons
Being unwilling to fail, means they will never learn the lessons. Because if you’re not on the playing field and you’re not tripping, how will you ever learn to get back up? If you’re trying to shoot the hoops and missing, you might not think to reach for a coach or ask for help. You may stay on the sidelines, lamenting how you can’t shoot hoops.
Whereas the person who is willing to fail, will get into the game and get a coach who watches them and tells them where they need to improve.
It takes being humble enough to drop out of ego and the need to be seen to have it all worked out, perfect and polished. We need to be willing to be vulnerable and find out what our weaknesses are, like in our business, so that they can be brought to the light. So that we know what to work on.
You can take massive quantum leaps forward
Failing forward is not the only way forward. Because you can take the slower, steady, small steps at a time. But if you’re willing to be vulnerable, to try, to fail, then you can take massive quantum leaps forward.
As I said, I have been going through a version of this in my own business this past month. My friends are telling me I’ve never looked this happy, and I’ve been saying this is the biggest, best breakthrough ever.
There may still be things, on a daily basis, that show me where I need to step into a new level for myself, but I welcome these lessons as they cannot be intellectualised. You can’t read a book that will teach you which internal parts of yourself you need to grow. They come from experiences in life. Being willing to walk through the mud and get dirty.
Then we can do repetitions to build new muscles, neural pathways and cellular activations. Which help us to step into the leaders that we are here to be.
You build up your bravery and courage
Whilst it might not always be fun on the outside, it is definitely brave. It’s courageous, it’s risky and it’s what entrepreneurship is all about.
That is where the quantum leaps come in, as opposed to the safe, slow, waiting on the sidelines until I am ready. I see it all the time with women considering getting into business, just starting their business or at different stages within it. They are more scared of failing than they are of getting into the game and potentially tripping up.
There’s a saying, that out of all smart business people know, that you always want to be the dumbest person in the room.
It allows your ego to drop so that you are willing to know nothing and be seen not having it all together. That’s being real, not doing it for other people, but for yourself to learn. One of my favourite quotes says something like “What if I fail?”, “Well darling, what if you fly?”. Are you willing to get into the game and get messy?
It means you’re trying
I do not want anyone in my community to think that entrepreneurship is a game where you will not fail. To me personally, the ‘failure’ is in sitting on the sidelines year after year, making excuses about why you aren’t getting into the game.
I’ve had some reflections on those areas myself recently. We can go around life, blaming others and getting into victim patterns, but the biggest failure is still never trying.
Related Post: Are You Stuck In A Victim Mentality? (+ Practical Steps To Get Out Quick Smart)
I hope that this is supportive to many of you. I hope it encourages you to embrace the fear, feel the fear and do it anyway.
Being comfortable with uncertainty, failure and things going wrong does not make you a bad person. It makes you someone who is playing in the arena. Brene Brown has a quote just like this, about the only opinions worth taking are from those who are also playing in the arena of life.
You get the choice. You can step into the arena and surround yourself with like-minded people. Or stay on the edge, wishing, making excuses, blaming others or even judging those in the arena. Which do you want to be?
Amanda xx
P.S. Want to learn how to boost your coaching confidence so you feel like a PRO and get MASSIVE results? Click this link to get instant access to my FREE resource on Coaching Confidence >>
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