The Four-Pillar Framework of my Magnetic Marketing Strategy

The Four Pillar Framework of my Magnetic Marketing Strategy

In this post: Have you ever wondered if there is a way to magnetise your ideal clients to you so that you are getting clients nearly on autopilot? In this post, I’m sharing the four-pillar framework of Magnetic Marketing Strategy that will help you to do just that! Use this framework for your social media marketing strategy and you’ll start naturally attracting your dream clients while having a process to get them reaching out to work with you. Dive in now!

Watch this post by clicking the image below or keep scrolling to read.

(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs.  If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

The Four Pillar Framework of my Magnetic Marketing Strategy

To get clients in your health & wellness business, you need to show up and connect with your target market But this can seem really daunting when you’re not sure how to market your business so I wanted to give you an overview of the four pillars of my Magnetic Marketing Framework.

(By the way, if you want the full details of this framework, you can sign up for the free training of Magnetic Marketing framework where I go into this strategy in more detail.)

Using this framework in my own business and sharing it with my students in the UPswing Mastermind has created incredible results such as a flood of Discovery Calls and signing new clients.

This marketing strategy is perfect to be used on any social media platform, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, TikTok etc. You can even try out these principles with your other content, such as blog posts and emails, to use it as your overall content marketing strategy for your business.

It can be easy to fall into the trap of creating content to get more followers and likes, but when it comes down to it you need to SELL your services. You’re in business to make money after all!

My Magnetic Marketing Strategy gives you the framework you need to share a variety of content that not only connects with your target market but also gives you the other pieces you need to build up that all-important Know Like Trust factor.

So, let’s dive in!

Pillar One: Go viral!

The first pillar is all about creating and sharing posts that are going to go viral - those highly shareable, high-engagement posts that boost your views and gets you more followers.

They are your top trending content. Often it’s things like quotes, posts where you’re being really honest or raw and other engaging content that resonates with your ideal audience.

If you've already been posting to social media going, you'll be able to see which of your content performs the best and that’s the kind of content that fits into this pillar. It's the posts that your followers love every time - every time you have a similar post, they love it. They’re often fun and shareable.

You want to do these posts because the social algorithm loves these and the high level of engagement these posts get is going to help them get shown to more people. It also has the benefit of getting your future content to the people who are engaged, especially those who've engaged in the last two weeks.

So that’s why you want to be using these “go viral” pieces of content.

They don't sell your program, people aren't likely to reach out and say, “Hey, can I buy your health coaching services?” but it is boosting the ability for your other posts to be seen in your target market’s feed. And for that reason, it's a super important part of the framework.

Some people say to me, “don’t we want all our content to be “go viral” content? but you also need other types of content to make the most of your marketing strategy.

Pillar Two: Educate your audience

This is the type of content where you meet your audience where they are at and you teach them where they could be. You are helping people educate and give them a little win straightaway.

You’re helping people to solve their pain points and make them see what’s possible. Their life is improved just from your content.

It also primes them for working with you and you can educate them about what your service provides so that people will be ready to invest to work with you.

It’s a win because you are attracting people who actually do have those pain points, so you are cultivating the right kind of audience for the services you offer. By creating content that is talking directly to your ideal client’s pain points and desired outcomes, your content then naturally attracts and magnetizes your ideal client to you.

What are pain points? Pain points are the things that keep people up at night, it’s the things your client thinks is the cause of her pain. It's often not the same as the root cause. What is she motivated to fix? What does she think is broken?

And what are her desired outcomes? What does she aspire towards? What are her big, scary dreams? Who is she motivated to be? What's the destination that she wants to go in?

You want to know the pain points and the desired outcomes of your ideal client and then make content that helps people go from where they are to where they want to be in little bite-sized ways that gives them quick wins and reminds them what their life could be like.

It also shows them that you are there, by their side, helping them through their challenges, inspiring them, and educating them - it gives them a taste of your service that does this in an even more in-depth way.

Pillar Three: Ask for the dance

So what is “Ask for the dance” content? It is your sales posts, your calls to action, your invitations to connect. Your audience is unlikely to take action unless you invite them to. You need to let them know what action they should be taking.

If you want to make sales, you have to ask for the dance. It doesn't happen without you doing this step. And the point of business is to make sales so this is another really important step.

In fact, anyone in my UPswing Mastermind knows that this is the secret step - letting your audience know: How can people work with you? How can they book a sales call? What do you sell and how do you offer it?

When was the last time you told your audience how they can work with you, or even told people what you sell?

But a warning: these posts are going to bomb and not get much engagement. You are going to think that they failed. They are not the “go viral” content from pillar one. These are part of a framework that works to get your clients.

These are the income-generating pieces of your magnetic marketing framework. They are not the ones that are going to get the highlights and engagement and shares.

Okay. They're probably not even going to get any actual response from someone straight away, but these are the ones that make you money. These are the ones that invite your audience to book a discovery call. These are the ones that talk about the next intake of your group program, or even ones that share your opt-ins and ways to get people on your email list.

Single posts like this have been getting my clients discovery session bookings and paying clients.

And the magic really happens when you have a mix of all 4 content pillars. If you were to just do these posts, it would feel sleazy and salesy.

Pillar Four: Personalise your brand

This pillar is about sharing your story, sharing your values, what’s going on behind the scenes, what led you to this business in the first place and that kind of thing.

I often do these in my stories. The other day, I shared how I went to the beach with my husband in the morning and we got takeaway from the little and we went and sat in the sand dunes and had a nice bit of breakfast in the sand dunes and then went for a walk on the beach.

So many of you shared your thoughts and messaged back to me saying you loved that video, thank you!

It wasn't planned for content, it was just genuinely sharing my story, sharing my life behind the scenes. So you can share things like this and you can also talk about things that led you to business. It just brings about who you are. It brings your values to the table.

So why is it important to do this? Because people want to buy from people they trust.

In fact, they want to know, like, and trust you. People don't buy health coaching from brands. They buy from people. They also want to believe transformation is possible for them.

When you walk your talk, it sends out the signal of what you value.

Do you have to be a supermodel or some perfect person? No. Do you have to be healed from some crazy illness and be now miraculously recovered because of health coaching? No.

But I encourage you to share what you doing and what’s going on for you.

For example, you could say something like “guys, I've been dealing with anxiety too and these are the tools from my coaching toolbox that I'm using and I want to share them with you.”

It's all about being human. It's all about being real. It’s all about being you.

So many people will ask, “how do I make my personal brand?” You don't make a personal brand. You are your personal brand.

Connect to your why and let yourself stand for that. Letting your audience see that can help them to know you better.

And when you shared that and also commit to walking the talk, this just really shines and it is magnetic.

You are your greatest asset in your business and the know, like, trust factor has always been the key thing of what will have someone buying.

There’s been a shift from people moving away from buying from polished brands. They now buy from real people.

So share the genuine you. It doesn’t have to be sharing for the sake of it, you can look at it through the lens of supporting your audience. How can you demonstrate how you do something? How can it take your audience on that journey and inspire them in some way?

It can feel vulnerable but my audience has shared that with me many times before that it increases why you do then trust me.

You don’t have to share everything, some things might not be relevant. Be honest, be yourself, but always be in service of your ideal plans.


Let’s Recap!

The four parts of the magnetic marketing framework are your four different types of content that are:

  1. Your go viral content,

  2. Content that educates,

  3. Sales content that asks for the dance, and

  4. Content that personalises your brand.

When you bring these four pillars of content marketing together, you will get much more engagement. And engagement is the key to unlocking your marketing magnetism!

So that's the abbreviated version of my four-part Magnetic Marketing Framework for wellness entrepreneurs, if you want to hear about this in more detail, sign up to watch the full masterclass here.

I'd love to hear any insights, any aha’s, any reflections or any questions this brought up for you.


Amanda xx

P.S. Looking for the link for the full Magnetic Marketing Framework masterclass, head here!


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The Four Pillar Framework of my Magnetic Marketing Strategy