In this post: People think that building a business is sexy but there are days that business is anything but sexy and fun. It can be pure hard work and be really testing at times. So, in this post, I’m sharing the THREE things I do that ground me during a struggle, and help me move forward. Because the key to success is moving forward EVEN when it’s hard.
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Three Things To Do To Ground Yourself When Business Is Hard - So You Can Move Forward With Ease #selfcare
Here’s the honest truth.
People think that starting a business is sexy. We see all the glamorous photos online. The lounging about beachside with their laptop. Amazing networking lunches with girlfriends in the middle of the day or afternoon shopping trips. Even flying around the world.
And, yes, all of that has been a part of my reality as an entrepreneur and running my own business. Yet at the same time, I also have those days that are raw and real. Where business is anything but sexy or fun.
Honestly, it can be tough, extremely challenging and purely horrible sometimes. The day-to-day reality of running a business can be brutal so you need to make sure you really ‘want’ to do it. It helps that I have a lot of beliefs from a spiritual perspective on why having our own business is a beautiful tool for us.
When you started your business, were you full of glamorous ideas, thinking it will be all rosy and easy? My experience has been that anything worth achieving in life comes after struggle and challenge.
I first moved to London when I was 21. The plane ride was horrible. I remember the 24-hour journey where I was thinking “No matter how much I hate this place, I’m never going back”.
Then I arrived and I really did hate the place. It was so cold and rainy. I was living in a horrible shared house that had mice under my bed and I was alone most of the time. I remember standing on the bed one night, so scared, due to all the mice and the mould. The shower was even going to fall through from the first floor. It was horrible.
It was so hard to get my first job in London. I cold-called a lot, trying to get work. But then nine months later, I broke through that period.
London ended up being the best era of my life. It wasn’t just because by that time I had a great job, amazing friends and was living the life. It was overcoming all of the struggles that made it all the more amazing and increased my appreciation for it.
I find this to be the same in business. We really can be challenged on a daily, weekly basis.
So, what do you do?
There are a few things that I turn to when I have a tough situation arise in my business. I find these things ground me and bring me back to centredness, calm and enable me to stay level-headed and move forward.
I was talking to a friend yesterday and she said “Wow, what’s going on in your business? You seem so calm and happy!”. I said, “Yeah, actually I am! Because I now have all the tools”.
I have the capacity and the internal strength to hold it all too. It doesn’t mean it’s fun or nice, but I can work through those challenges. It doesn’t even really affect my energy anymore, at least not for long periods of time.
Most people get the hard days or weeks and go and cry in a corner and that’s it. Then it’s three months later before they start building that business again.
The key is to keep moving forward, even when there are hard times.
Here are 3 ways to ground yourself so you can keep moving forward:
1. Know Your Numbers
I talk with Upswing Mastermind ladies and men all the time about this. We can get into emotions, feelings- all of these things. But you need your whiteboard, with your numbers and to know the black and white effect.
Am I on track? Yes/No.
Did I book this many discovery calls? Yes/No.
Did I book these clients? Yes/No.
Did I do my marketing activities? Yes/No
Getting back to the grounded and masculine numbers side of things is really important.
Energetically, business IS numbers. When we’re intimate and honest with our numbers and look them in the eye, it’s the quickest way to get back to reality. 99% of our panic over money issues comes from things in our minds that prevent us from getting clear on our numbers.
2. Getting clear on your ‘Why’
Every single time I want to throw in the towel, I come back to this: I don’t want to go back to my day job, ever. But every time I consider giving up on the business, or I’ve had a hard day, I consider what it would be like to not be on purpose.
For me, nothing is more important than showing up here. To serve people who need to get health information out into the world and educate people on aspects of business that are not taught elsewhere. Specifically, getting the health coaching movement out there.
Nothing is more important, purpose wise for me than supporting men and women to step into their power. To step into the leaders that they are here to be and release all that's been holding them back. When I get clear on that, I don't really care what storms going on around me because I’m in the zone and this is what's important.
3. It’s not personal
This has gotten me through many years of business now. Since day one, I have envisioned an invisible tattoo on my arm with this phrase.
When any storm comes up in business at all, whether it's a lack of confidence, a challenging client, you're struggling to get clients this month or whatever- remember, it's not personal.
Of course, continue taking personal responsibility, but remember, that most trauma, craziness and chaos in the world is not personal. It’s the quickest way to release it and come back into your power and truth.
Keep moving forward
My final step is to not get stuck. When we stress or there’s drama or fears come up, we go into fight, flight or freeze. We freeze and do nothing. Or we go into flight and run away.
The real key is to keep taking one step forward. What is the next single step I can take here in line with my plan?
My mastermind client this week was feeling a bit overwhelmed about all the things she needed to do. When it came down to it, it’s the question of “What is the ONE next thing you need to do?”. She was able to ground back in on that. Then we were able to move forward with ease.
So there are the tips I wanted to share about the reality of running a business. I’ll never be the one to sit here and say it’s all fancy photo shoots, making a million dollars and flying first class.
Whilst all those things have absolutely been a part of my world, they are not the day-to-day reality necessarily of running a business.
There’s always going to be light and there’s always going to be shade. Don’t go putting on those rose-tinted glasses and think that working for yourself will come without challenges because it will.
It’s really about stepping into your ultimate health and strength, mentally, physically and emotionally. Being an entrepreneur is similar to being an athlete or a professional sports player.
One of the things I love about it so much is that it makes me walk my talk. I really do need to lean into all the self-care and feminine energy practices which I love to teach as well.
I hope this conversation is helpful for all of you. I would love to hear your thoughts on what you do when days get tough!
Do you run away or freeze, or do you have coping strategies that you’ve learned to stay attached to your purpose and keep moving forward?
Amanda xx
P.S. Want to learn how to boost your coaching confidence so you feel like a PRO and get MASSIVE results? Click this link to get instant access to my FREE resource on Coaching Confidence >>
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