Client Case Study Part One: How Tiffany Drake Went from $0k month to $5k to completely supporting herself in her health coaching business


Today I want to share an AMAZING story about my client Tiffany Drake who quickly turned her first $5k month into $8k months and is now fully supporting herself with her health coaching business The Wellbeing Movement;

I’m sharing with you today so 

  1. You can see the potential for growth in any health coaching business

  2. You can learn from shared lessons in her journey for ALL health coaches who dream of building their profitable coaching biz.

I’ll share some usable FREE resources along the way, that’ll help you do the same.

So, pour a cuppa tea, whip up a coconut milk matcha latte 🍵, get comfy, and meet Tiffany - a beautiful soul with a big heart, and a big mission too.

Tiffany Drake.jpg

When Tiffany joined the UPswing Mastermind, she was working 3 days a week at her part time job. The flow of health coaching clients was very inconsistent. After taking part in all of our webinars, challenges, and free resources she dropped to 2 days a week at her part time job because she was already getting busier in my business.

The real action took place once she joined the UPswing Mastermind. … Tiffany craved some structure and more of a plan that could take her from chasing clients to being a client magnet. She knew she needed a different kind of support system in her life; to be surrounded by other women on a similar journey who could relate to all the ups and downs that go into starting a new health coaching business. Sure, she had friends and family who wanted her to do well. Yet, we all know it’s not the same. There’s something to be said about having a community you can lean on, learn with, and feel supported by. 


In short, Tiffany wanted a plan and a support system and that’s exactly what she had in the UPswing Mastermind

How does that sound to you? 💕

Here’s what happened for Tiffany in just 6 months

☑️ She made more than enough in her health coaching business to pay off the investment in the Mastermind

☑️ She reduced her hours at work to part-time and then to eventually completely supporting herself 

☑️Rather than chasing clients, her ideal clients started seeking HER out! 


Do you want to know one secret  to her success?

She committed to the frameworks taught in UPswing and did the work! 

From successes like this:


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To this:


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Tiffany attributes so much of her momentum to following the proven plan we teach in the UPswing Mastermind. She didn’t have to try and GUESS what to do each day.

What can you take away from all of this… 

The Path To A Profitable Health Coaching Biz Begins With A Plan 

There are a lot of resources out there that offer the bits and pieces to running online and in-person businesses. However, if you don’t have a framework for how you’re going to put it together, it can feel like being stuck on a hamster wheel. 

When you have solid frameworks in place, you don’t have to copy what others are doing, you don’t have to learn every single social media platform out there, you don’t even have to master the technology. 


Let me much better would you feel about growing your health coaching business if someone gave you the plan on exactly how to do it? Reply here or share in the Facebook Group.

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Today I want to share an AMAZING story about my client Tiffany Drake who quickly turned her first $5k month into $8k months and is now fully supporting herself with her health coaching business The Wellbeing Movement; I’m sharing with you today so y…