The Five Most Common Money Mindsets Health Coaches Need to Get Over

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There’s one conversation many health coaches want to avoid as much as possible: Your prices! 💸💸

Do you ever…


✅Offer free coaching

✅Give really generous discounts

✅Jump through so many hoops to avoid naming your prices that you skip this part of the conversation at the end of every Discovery Session hoping they’ll enrol by email??

I’m here to tell you that this has to stop 🛑 

To really serve your clients and offer premium health coaching services, you have to feel just as valued and compensated for the work you’re putting in.

In this video, I talk to you about the top FOUR most common money fears that come up with so many health coaches...

Tune in and let me know which mindset stuck out the most for you! What mindset are you ready to replace it with?

I also had a really important conversation with Ellen Yin on her podcast Cubicle to CEO where we explored the masculine and feminine energies that go into running your business. 

You can listen to the full podcast here:

Cubicle to CEO.png

The truth is, as helpers, coaches, and healers, we have a hard time identifying with selling and marketing and asking for money because we’re taught to see it as hustle, push, and a masculine way of showing up. It can seem like the opposite of healing and helping. 

So, it makes sense that we think money has to be uncomfortable or that we’re going to hurt or offend when asking for higher rates. 

And in order for you to be in a more ease and flow and a Feminine state of doing business, you have to feel taken care of! You have to feel resourced! You have to love your life and the business you’re creating! 

So, it’s time for us to face these stories once and for all. 

Have a listen to the podcast and the video this week and let me know what comes up for you!