Client Case Study Part Two: How Tiffany Drake Went from $0k month to $5k to completely supporting herself in her health coaching business


Remember Tiffany, our amazing client? She went from struggling to get paying coaching clients to fully supporting herself in her coaching business.If you didn’t get a chance to read her story, head over here and you’ll find Part 1.

Here’s the really amazing part: She didn’t have to work herself into the ground in order to grow her business in 6 months! The opposite actually…

She shared updates like “I woke up and had a chai latte on the beach, had clients and admin to do this morning, now I am laying in the sun having a break and soaking up some vitamin D and then have another client this afternoon.” 

She was able to cut back on her hours at her other job until recently transitioning completely into working her business! 

WITHOUT hustling non-stop or working 40 hours a week. 


It was a lot of work for very little results. Why? 

Too many business programs continue to teach push, hustle, and working hard all the time…which we know can take a toll on our health. 

That’s why we take a very different approach. I want you to be able to LIVE the work that you teach as a health coach. You can’t do that if you’re burnt out! 

Tiffany even shared that after joining UPswing, her anxiety improved significantly, largely because we take a balanced approach to growing a business. 

She did two things right away: narrowed down her ideal client and created a coaching program she could easily sell! 

The more specific you get with your ideal client, the more likely you’ll attract the best clients for YOU. It allows you to emphasize your strengths, focus on what you love, and have an even bigger impact on your ideal clients the more you specialize. 

For example, Tiffany blends her health coaching with some specific occupational therapy. She receives referrals through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and works with her clients to adopt healthier lifestyles to get their lives back and regain their independence as much as possible (just as a health coach does). 

She is building a reputation as an OT health coach in that field and receiving a lot of referrals as a result! 

She recently shared with me: “I am very satisfied. The best thing about the NDIS is that I have clients for a year...or longer. After seeing them a few times, I get to determine how often they need to be seen for a whole year and then as long as they have the funding for it and they like me then I will continue to have them as a client. Even though I had hoped to achieve all of this. I am still blown away each day that I wake up and realise that I am actually doing it!! It is an incredible feeling as you know to design your own schedule!!! FREEEEDOM!”

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Do you have the belief that you need to hustle hard to grow your health coaching business? Well, you'll love Tiffany's story - she grew her health coaching business from nothing to $5K months without hustling non-stop. In fact, she was able to devel…