The Top 4 Questions To Ask On A Discovery Call

In this post: Ever feel a little tongue-tied on Discovery Calls (aka Discovery Sessions) or Consult Calls? Or maybe they run too long and you end up coaching more than you planned? I’ve got you! I want to share the FOUR main questions to ask on your Discovery Sessions that results in more clients who are a really great fit for YOU.

The Top 4 Questions To Ask On A Discovery Call

Today we’re going to talk about 4 questions you should be asking in all of your Discovery Calls (aka Discovery Sessions). 

Ever feel a little tongue tied on Discovery Sessions or Consult Calls? 

Or maybe they run too long and you end up coaching more than you planned? 

I’ve got you! We’re going to talk all about how to run a highly effective Discovery Call that results in more clients who are a really great fit for YOU. By the end, making the ask and inviting them to work with you will feel much more natural. 

Take a moment, get something to write on and get ready to learn the 4 main questions to be sure and incorporate into every Discovery Call. 

So, before you begin a Discovery Session, I want you to really set the intention for the call. Too many times, because of how generous health coaches tend to be naturally, these calls can turn from a 20-minute consult to a full-on 90-minute coaching session. 

Why is this a problem? 

You’re still in the getting to know you phase. This is your opportunity to help your potential client really identify their main pain points and real desired changes. It might be, for them, the first time they get really clear on what it is that they want. 

If you skip over that too quickly and jump into coaching and advice giving, you don’t give them a chance to get clarity on why they are seeking help and how coaching, long-term coaching, can help them reach their highest goals.

If you over coach in the consult, they may feel they’ve done enough or that they need to go implement before they can think about a full coaching program. That’s not of service to either of you! Health coaching really is about the longer-term relationship and ongoing work. It’s never going to take just one session. 

So, set the intention that this is a “Get to know you” call. Even better, let your potential client know at the beginning of the call how it is going to work! 

Sound good? Let me know if this resonates with you in the comments! 

Now that you’ve established the way you’re going to run the call, you can go into the questions. 

Really important question number one: Ask your client, “What's your biggest challenge right now?” Then go deeper into this question with them. 

Why: You want to pinpoint the true reason they are seeking help. They might start with something like “getting back to my ideal weight.” Encourage them to share the details by asking: “Can you share everything you’d like to focus on or transform right now?” They might open up more about what they’re focused on. 

This helps you identify if you can help them with their challenge. It also helps them become even more aware of what is bothering them the most. This is important for someone to know in order to move to action. 

After you have identified their main challenges, here is the second really important question to ask: “What have you tried before?” 

If they are listing out these challenges, chances are, they’ve made more than one attempt at change. Let them go into the details again. Ask about diets they have tried, other programs, books they have read. Ask them why they think those things didn’t work out in the long run. 

You can also ask, “are you ready to try a different approach?” This is a great way to let them know you do offer something different that they’ll learn more about soon. 

Now for the third key question: “What are you afraid will happen if you don't change this?”

This can be a more emotional question and it’s a really important one to ask because it asks your potential client to get real about their real concerns about this challenge. You may have to spend more time with this question and be curious with them. 

Talk about different life areas that come up for them. How are they afraid this challenge will affect their career, relationships, future happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, and more. 

Take a few notes for yourself too because you can reference what they shared when you let them know how you help and work with them through your coaching program. 

Finally, the fourth really important question: “What will improve about your life if you do transform this challenge for good?”

This question is about them speaking to their true desires and wants. This is the real reason they want to change this part of their lives. They know why it affects them because of the last question you asked. What is the light at the end of the tunnel for them? What are they looking forward to? What are they fighting for? 

This will be THE main reason they take the final leap to invest in your program. They will be more anchored to why it matters most to them. 

And those are the 4 key questions to ask. Then, of course, make the invitation to work with you at the end...and that is a whole different discussion. 

Let me know, which question stood out for you the most? 

Are there any questions you’re nervous to ask? 

Are you ready to get out there and try? 

Share in the comments below!

Finally, if you feel nervous about what to say on coaching sessions and would feel really supported by a script and framework for how to run ongoing calls, I have something for you! 

I’m offering my 3-Part Framework to Amazing Coaching Sessions in an easy-to-implement bundle!

In it, you’ll receive three full video lessons on my unique framework for Health Coaches plus you’ll have downloadable templates with questions you can ask to keep the flow going in your sessions. 

Click here to check this out - and let me know if you have any questions!


Amanda xx


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