4 Ways to Get Motivated in Your Coaching Business Again

If you're a health coach or wellness entrepreneur, motivational quotes are not going to cut it right now in helping you to build your coaching business...not like they used to.

In this post: If you're a health coach or wellness entrepreneur, motivational quotes are not going to cut it right now in helping you to build your coaching business...not like they used to. Let’s talk about the 4 really important ways to help yourself feel re-inspired and motivated right now... as well as help your clients to do the same for themselves. These tips will help you to keep going when things feel hard so that you can keep working towards your dreams.

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

4 Ways to Get Motivated in Your Coaching Business Again

Hey and welcome and let’s talk about motivation this year, or the lack thereof right now.

If you’re new here, my name is Amanda Jane Daly, Founder of the Upswing Mastermind where I teach new health coaches how to build their businesses and get consistent plus clients cash flow every month without the overwhelm or burnout. 

Who here can relate to the following right now?

  1. You’ve felt more tired than usual which has affected the energy or motivation you want to have for your health coaching business.

  2. It has been harder to focus or to finish tasks on your to do list so you can get your coaching business going.

  3. It feels more overwhelming than ever to try and figure out how to get started or to know what to focus on.

  4. Even with the lack of motivation, you feel the pressure more than ever to get things together and get your coaching business going...and the more pressure you feel, the less energy and motivation you have

Feeling familiar? If so, I have to be real honest with you...

Motivational quotes are not going to cut it right now...not like they used to. 

That’s because the problem goes much deeper than a mindset. It’s not something we can fix with green juice, positive affirmations, or even setting new goals. 

We have gone through a lot this year! And, our nervous systems are feeling that. 

A compilation of studies have reported an increase in stress symptoms, confusion, anger and even PTSD these past 2 years. Our nervous systems have had to work overtime to compensate for the multiplying worries.

It’s important that we see and understand one another during this time so we can incorporate the kinds of solutions that are going to actually help us heal, receive renewed inspiration, and get us (YOU) motivated and refueled to get out there and keep the drive to help others as a Health Coach. 

This calls for an energetic reset and ongoing energy maintenance. We have to take care of ourselves on a mind, body, soul level right now. When you’re feeling a lack of motivation, beating yourself up is not what will get you going. It’s deeper than that. 

And there is hope! I could give a long list of women who have turned around everything this year threw at them and built their health coaching businesses with calm, clarity, and more ease than expected. When you take the kind of balanced approach I teach in UPswing, everything you do in your coaching business is done with so much intention and purpose, there isn’t a lot that could take that away from you. Rather than your year happening to you, you get to make what you want happen all year. 

Knowing all this, this is without a doubt one of the most important times for Health Coaches to start working with new clients! If you’re feeling the effects, you know your future clients are as well. What they need is going to be very similar to what we all need.

Here are 4 Ways to Get Motivated in Your Coaching Business Again

  1. Take care of yourself: Drink water, eat, limit time on social media, go to bed at a reasonable hour, get fresh air if you can, connect with loved ones as much as you can, read, do things for fun, and say kind words to yourself every day. 

  2. Write a 3-things-at-a-time to do list: Instead of making a long list of things, pick 3 of the top things you want to check off your list each day. For best results, include 1 business task, 1 lifestyle task, 1 fun task. For example: “Send 5 emails to potential clients, drink 8 glasses of water, read for 30 minutes.” If you check off all three and have space in your day for more, add one more at a time. 

  3. Find a simple routine: It’s natural that any kind of routine you may have had feels tossed out the window this year. And, that’s okay! Instead of trying to force back in the previous way of doing things, establish a routine that works for you now. The key is having consistency that helps you move forward a little bit every day. 

  4. Seek Support: As a coach, you know the value of coaching. It’s so much more than helping clients with their healthy habits. You offer them connection, conversation, and opportunity to feel seen, and to receive consistent support. You know who else deserves that level of care? YOU! Great coaches almost always have their own coaches. 

This is not a checklist, it’s a flow to your day that can help re-inspire you and help you get going on what really matters to you. And if building your health coaching business has been on your list of goals for this coming year, I’ve got you. 

I know how overwhelming it can feel trying to figure what to focus on in order to start seeing consistent clients and cashflow as soon as possible. That’s why I teach you the key frameworks for health coaches to book new (happy-to-pay-you) clients every month in this limited time FREE Masterclass. Get instant access here: http://training.amandajdaley.com/masterclass/


Amanda xx


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If you're a health coach or wellness entrepreneur, motivational quotes are not going to cut it right now in helping you to build your coaching business...not like they used to.