Client Case Study Part Three: How Tiffany Drake Went from $0k month to $5k to completely supporting herself in her health coaching business


Welcome to part 3 of Tiffany’s story, beauty!

So far you’ve seen how Tiffany found more ease in growing her health coaching business by committing to and implementing the proven plans and frameworks in the UPswing Mastermind.  

We know she was able to make $5K+ months almost right away, and then replace her job to work her business full time!

And here’s the really important part:

Rather than overthinking it and waiting until everything felt absolutely perfect, Tiffany started taking action RIGHT AWAY. She followed through on each action step and put herself out there immediately with posts like these…

Tiffany Drake Free Discovery Session.png

And guess what…it worked and continues to work! 

One of the main reasons Tiffany was able to focus on getting herself out there and was also able to convert clients on those Discovery Calls was because she took the time to create a Purposeful Signature Coaching Package she felt really good about! Rather than trying to get people to pay-per-session, she could offer them a packaged experience. 

So if you’re going to start anywhere in your coaching biz, craft your Signature ‘Purposeful’ Coaching Package first! — one that targets your ONE ideal client (your target market) and leverages your unique skills, passions and expertise…

Today Tiffany currently sells her 12 week package to health coaching clients, regularly receives referrals for new coaching clients.

You may think offering “generic” health coaching is a good idea when you’re getting started right? So you can reach more people, and get more clients.

You don’t want to narrow down your offering too much, do you? But staying broad will actually set back your impact AND your income as a new coach.

And it puts SO much pressure on you to be an expert in everything!!!

Instead of feeling confident, you’ll spend hours before each session researching, trying to be a ‘jack of all trades’ — which just makes you feel like a “jack in the box” ;) bouncing all over the place, with anxiety pumping every time you get on a coaching call. ARGH!

(Oh, and when you work with clients who don’t light you up — it ends up feeling like you’re back working in the corporate world, doing work you dread.)

If you want to feel confident in your ability to help your clients…

then stop trying to help “everyone” and focus on helping ONE ideal client, coming up with ONE powerful solution, and leveraging YOUR specific skills

When you implement this single strategy in your business, your confidence, clients and cash flow will increase like woah. 📈


Amanda xx

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