The Importance of Lifelong Learning as an Entrepreneur

In this post: The importance of lifelong LEARNING as an entrepreneur and the different kinds of learning available to you.

In many ways, I think - no, I know!! - that social media has brainwashed all of us to believe in simple fixes and overnight success as an entrepreneur. But here's what ACTUALLY works to see success as an entrepreneur...

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In many ways, I think - no, I know!! - that social media has brainwashed all of us to believe in simple fixes and overnight success. Here's what ACTUALLY works as an entrepreneur...

(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

The Importance of Lifelong Learning as an Entrepreneur

I was at lunch on the weekend and somebody talked about how group coaching used to be the poor cousin of one-on-one coaching.

Nobody wanted to buy group coaching before. There used to be a perception that you couldn't get as good results from group coaching as you would one-on-one. There’s a perception that it was diluted or you wouldn't get as much attention.

The conversation turned to me because I am someone who can assure you, having coached hundreds of clients in the last seven years. It is actually not possible to have a true quantum leap learning experience in entrepreneurship, in running a business from one-on-one coaching alone.

What it truly takes to learn

What does it truly take to learn something that you are not inherently already doing and for you to shift at a cellular level into a whole new experience? For example, how do you learn running a new business and become a business owner and entrepreneur?

It's actually quite a messy experience because being able to have true learning and true change is multifaceted.

And it's very feminine energy because, no matter how step-by-step or logical “masculine” steps are involved, for you as a person to actually make that quantum leap to having a very successful business, and changing your identity to be a successful entrepreneur, you not only have to become a lifelong learner, but you also need to become a multifaceted learner.

So you'll follow your plan (aka your structure or strategy), but things need to be able to flow in here and there as you change and grow.

I know that social media, to a degree, has brainwashed all of us to believe that if we just buy that one book, if we sign up with that one coach, if we take that one business training, if we joined that one webinar or a challenge or whatever it might be, then you are going to be an overnight success.

And that mindset, which we've all seen infiltrate the internet in a kind of unhealthy way, has harmed our sense of reality and our self-esteem when we don't magically become a millionaire overnight.

I actually am a big advocate for sticking with one tried system and mastering that system.

But because we have been brainwashed into thinking that we should see immediate results, we switch from one system to another, wondering why it isn’t working. Instead, you want to chose one proven system and take the time to find mastery with that system.

Mastery is not an overnight success.

We need mastery for a quantum leap learning experience. But it has to flow off from that one system.

So let's use my UPswing Mastermind program (my signature program for new health coaches) as an example. It is very masculine and it's very structured, but even with the weekly tried and true business trainings, that alone will never be enough.

There's a reason UPswing Mastermind has other aspects to it. You will need coaching by me as your mindset shifts and as your mindset gets challenged by new concepts. You will need to have other people to mirror off.

You will need to be able to have other people to mastermind with. Taking one business training alone, even one that's very thorough, tried and true system, following that system will not be enough. You need the feminine flow aspect to find mastery.

When you follow a system, the learning comes in the failure. You must fail in order to learn lessons.

But many people will be too scared to commit to a system or strategy because they're too scared to fail.

The point is to fail. The only way to get lessons is to fail forward.

And this is why we need group coaching experiences. We need these multi-faceted experiences to get the quantum leap because when you fail, that's when the real learnings are coming.

For example, if you didn't fail when learning my teachings, I wouldn't know then how to come in and coach you on your personal blueprint, your own DNA, your own thoughts, your beliefs, your values, the way you see the world, to get you back on the plan.

I wouldn't know which book to send you. I wouldn't know which person to help you mastermind with, which of my team members would be a good fit to support you. There are so many facets, but we don't see that until you fail.

A linear step-by-step plan only works when we see it as a journey, which is meant to be explored and is meant to be falling off the path and flowing along the way.

It’s often not until you take the practical steps like defining your target market or creating your package that the limiting beliefs and stories come up and you can then deal with them. But a lot of people get stuck at this point and move onto another system or strategy - and they take those same problems with them.

If you were alone during a learning journey, just trying to follow a book or follow a step by step plan, it can be easy to decide that something that you've failed at today is a true failure. Whereas when you're surrounded by other people who are further down that path, they can just brush you off and help you fail forward.

It’s like when a child is learning to walk. When they fall over, the parents will just pick them up and set them back on their feet. But if there’s no one there to pick him up and encourage him to keep trying, he might decide that he can’t walk and he might stay on the ground.

Learning is supposed to be messy and it is supposed to be done with support.

It is supposed to be done with just one person telling you what to do. That is not a definition of coaching. It's meant to be done by someone giving you guidance and then helping you as you make your mistakes and fail forward and find your own flavour to keep coming back and keep learning.

That’s how the learning muscle fibres fire. That's when your cells change. That's when you truly change as a person, as an entrepreneur. And this is why I always talk about becoming the $5k a month coach before you make that money.

When you are truly rewiring your identity into something like being an entrepreneur and shifting your money mindset, shifting the beliefs, shifting all the paradigms we have about success and worthiness, these are some of our deepest wounds and they cannot be overcome from one book, one training, or even one one-on-one coaching experience, it's just not possible.

So I hope that in learning this, you can actually take the weight off you and stop blaming yourself for not becoming an overnight success. You’re supposed to be nurtured in a community, you’re supposed to have a multifaceted learning experience.

The group aspect of community, of the different mirroring that comes when you see other people's work and how that reflects back on you, having a coach to see the blocks and shift you further along the path, all of these dynamics are needed. And of course, having the proven system that works are all of those pieces that need to be in the mix.

One piece would not work alone. In my experience, all of these pieces are what it truly takes to shift.

It is never about building a website or about having a Facebook ads funnel, or any other single factor.

None of those things will ever work for you if you don't actually get into true personal alignment on your target market, on your package, on your pricing and then on the techniques and the ways that feel amazing and good for you to show up, be visible and share that through a marketing plan.

Hope you have a wonderful day. I'd love to hear your takeaways on thoughts of taking a multifaceted approach to learning.


Amanda xx

PS. Ready to create a purposeful package in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease? Click this link to get instant access to the FREE training >>


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In many ways, I think - no, I know!! - that social media has brainwashed all of us to believe in simple fixes and overnight success. Here's what ACTUALLY works as an entrepreneur…