Slowing Down to Speed Up

If there's one thing that I've found myself talking about over and over this year, it is more often than not, we need to slow down to speed up.

In this post: Many people ask me over and over again: What has been the secret to being able to build my business to the level that it is year after year?

I think the key is to not overcommit. Taking consistent small actions and refuelling, like crazy – slow down to speed up.

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

Slowing Down to Speed Up

Something that I was reminded of when talking to the ladies in my UPswing Mastermind recently was that we can't jump to the big shiny kind of wins in our business that we might desire until we've done the foundations.

We can't skip to running big group programs or running membership sites, or doing all these things and wishing that we have thousands of people on our email list, if we haven't first taken the time to do the basics first. Things like getting clear on our:

All of these things can feel kind of unsexy sometimes compared to the bigger things that we want. But they are necessary and do take time.

And if there's one thing that I've found myself talking about over and over this year, it’s that more often than not, we need to slow down to speed up.

I do find that whenever we get too excited and start going out there and trying to do this and that, it kind of crashes and burns. We need to come back, and ask ourselves:

  • “Why am I doing this?”

  • “What are the strategic steps to get there?”

  • “What is the plan?”

What I call that iceberg effect of those foundational layers below the sea that nobody sees and nobody really wants to talk about, businesses just do not happen without those steps.

I'm curious, what other areas of life might you also find that sometimes we need to slow down to speed up?

Are we getting enough self-care into our mix of building our business? Are we taking on too much?

For example, I hadn't been to the gym for three weeks. I don't know where the last three weeks went, and every part of me wanted to go into the gym last night and push and do the big workout to get me in shape.

When I went back to the gym last night for the first time, I did one simple foundational exercise, a leg exercise, just one. It took me like 5, 10 minutes, and then I had a sauna and steam and really refuelled from my body level and soul level, making sure there was plenty of time for recovery.

So many people ask me over and over again, “What has been the secret to being able to build my business to the level that it is year after year?”

And it is that we need to not overcommit. We need to take consistent small actions and refuel, like crazy.

So slow down to speed up.

We all know that if when I had gone to the gym last night, I probably would have wiped myself out if I'd done like 20 exercises for an hour and a half or something crazy right away with no recovery.

So I encourage you all to take that same energetic feeling into your businesses as you're growing them right now and remember to take one step at a time.

I’m leaving you with these questions to reflect on:

  • Without trying to do everything at once and then crushing, how can we be consistent?

  • How can we continually slow down to speed up?

I'd love to hear if you have any reflections on that.

I hope you are all doing super well, have a lovely day and I'll see you soon.


Amanda xx

PS. Ready to create a purposeful package in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease? Click this link to get instant access to the FREE training >>


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Many people ask me over and over again: What has been the secret to being able to build my business to the level that it is year after year?  I think the key is to not overcommit. Taking consistent small actions and refueling.