The Biggest Secret to Avoiding Burnout In Your Health Coaching Business (It's Not What You Think!)

Do you feel great about the systems and structure you have in place for your Health Coaching Biz?

In this post: So many women I talked to worry about burnout. There’s a feeling of overwhelm that often comes up when you are starting your business. So today, we’re going to talk about the biggest secret to avoiding burnout and overwhelm. Because business doesn’t have to be full of chaos and drama that drains your energy! Read on to find out how to yourself up with a system that protects you from burning out as a health coach.

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Do you feel great about the systems and structure you have in place for your Health Coaching Biz?

(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

The Biggest Secret to Avoiding Burnout In Your Health Coaching Business

So many women I talked to worry about burnout. There’s a feeling of overwhelm that often comes up when you are starting your business.

There's a lot going on in the world. And then on top of that, you're trying to build a coaching business. You don't have a plan. You don't know what to do. You're learning how to market yourself all for the first time. Does this sound familiar to you?

And trust me when I say burnout is real - I would not wish burnout on anyone.

I left my corporate job because adrenal fatigue gave me no other choice. My body gave me a big resounding “No!” when I tried to push myself too hard.

But since then, I've built two very successful coaching businesses. And I've learned A TON about what it means, not only to run a coaching business without feeling overrun, but I've learned a lot about what truly causes burnout.

And I encourage you to really listen up. Here's the biggest secret:

Having a system and trusting the system is key. Businesses thrive on systems, but so does your nervous system And your energy system.

One of the reasons, as females with female energies, is that we often burn out when we don't have a structured system to support us.

Think of it as a nice flowing river with strong riverbanks that are there to support and guide you. There's a path and the feminine energy can flow. On the other hand, when there is no structure or riverbanks, the water will have no path or direction. It becomes a flood. It becomes a mess. And that's literally what happens in our energy system. Our energy gets flooded and we burn out.

So burnout does not come from doing more things. Burnout comes from a lack of structure and a lack of support.

And by support, I mean someone having your back and then also having a community around you.

Too many new coaches go into working for themselves for the first time, without any idea how they are going to get clients. They don't know what they're going to offer them, don't know who their target market is. They don't really know how they're going to help clients and don't have a plan to sustainably grow and support themselves.

So then it becomes a flood – a flood of emotions, a flood of push and hustle and a mental scatter of trying to work it out.

It actually becomes very anxiety-inducing. And from that place, it is totally possible to burn yourself out before you've even made any money in your coaching business.

Businesses thrive on systems, not chaos.

So bringing a system in, and bringing in support might not sound super sexy, but trust me, your whole entire energy system will thank you for it. And so will your business.

The goal is to take drama and chaos out of building your business, So you can actually get on with coaching, get on with making money at the same time, without all this worry and anxiety that goes on.

Worry about if this is going to work for me. What if this doesn't work? How will I find my clients? What if I should try this? Now I saw another free challenge over here. Now I started all those different webinars. Maybe I should try this. It is not structured and it is not clean and clear.

It is so important to add structure and a system, like the UPswing Mastermind, into your business life if you want to grow your business. It is much more likely to take you out of overwhelm and burnout than it is to add stress.

And I hear this all the time from the ladies in the Mastermind, how much it takes off their plate when they now know, and they can timetable how they are building their business.

For example, there’s one hour of business training a week that can then be put into my calendar. There's going to be 90 minutes of the support group call each week. I put that in my calendar and I can relax.

I know I'm doing the steps and I've got lots of people that have my back. I don't need to go into all this nervous frenetic energy.

How does that sound? Can you see how having a structure helps to take the pressure off?

System and structures are absolutely key for our entire energy system, for our health as human beings, not only for us as a female energy system but also for our business.

Now let’s talk about where to start when building a business.

How to feel great about the systems and structure you have in place for your Health Coaching Biz

1. Learn the business systems

Step one when building a business is to find the best business system designed for the business you want to run. In this instance, learn business systems specifically for health coaches, don't go buy generic training and then have to do the hard work to make it fit your industry.

Sometimes, we self-sabotage by getting generic business training then doing the heavy work of working out how it applies for health coaches. That doesn't make sense. Find a business system that's already designed for health coaches, just like the one I've created in UPswing Mastermind.

2. Commit to the system.

Consistently show up and apply that system each and every day. No looking around, no questioning, “What if there was something else?” Trust the system, show up and apply the system.

3. Ask for support.

You've got your UPswing Mastermind sisters. You've got the team coaches. You've got me. We are there for support and feedback from step one.

Interact in a community of others doing the same thing, including coaches who are there to have your back.

4. Celebrate yourself because you will be doing it.

Step four is the most important. Are you ready to receive and celebrate? You will be thriving in your energy system when you take out the chaos of “I don’t know!” in your vocab and instead, turn that around to “I do know and I am doing it!”.


Amanda xx

PS. Purposeful packages are one of the ways you can avoid overwhelm in your business. If you want to create a purposeful package in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease then click this link to get instant access to the FREE training >>


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