In this post: There’s one thing that almost every wildly successful health coach does that sets them apart from other coaching businesses: They create a signature Coaching Package and offer it with confidence over and over.
That’s why it’s so key to start out by creating your Purposeful Coaching Package FIRST because if you know what you offer, believe in completely, and offer it over and over while focusing on getting in front of your DREAM clients, you’ll get known as the coach to go to for that package!
Watch this post by clicking the image below or keep scrolling to read.
(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)
Why You Should Start With a Coaching Package
Hey, beauties! Amanda Jane Daley here and today I want to answer this question that comes up with so many new health coaches. The question is “Where do I start?”
The answer is by creating your purposeful coaching package first.
So the follow-up questions are usually along the lines of:
How do I create a coaching package without experience?
Don't I need to get clients first?
What if I don't have a website?
Shouldn't I be focusing on ads?
What about my logo?
What about the name of my business?
To tell you the truth, these are not the most important things to be focusing on when you're just getting started.
So I want to tell you why to start with your coaching package and how to get my guidance to create your own Purposeful Package!
Let’s start with what not to do and why.
What not to spend all of your time doing is:
Building a website
Trying to create ads
Trying to find anyone and everyone who will work with you and get them to a coaching session and then try to get them to the next coaching session
Usually, the first thing a lot of new coaches will do is try to imagine what their business looks like. And if you make sense of this in terms of creating a new business in person, you would be thinking about what does the building look like, what's the layout of the store. How does it feel? What's the logo? What does my sign look like?
But as a coach, business is different for you and you're going to have to take a different approach.
The most important thing that you can focus on is how you help people.
If you're spending a lot of time trying to imagine what your website should look like or how to get that most amazing photoshoot done, or how to appeal to anyone to work with you by trying to cover any and every single topic that they could possibly want to work with, then you're missing one of the key things that actually results in booking clients, and not just any clients, but people who you are actually compatible with.
Compatibility is most important because that's how you create a business that is sustainable and also one that you love.
When you create a website and you don't have a clear idea of what you offer and what you're all about and what you focus on, your website most likely is going to be a little too broad. Think of the difference between a speciality shop and going to a big well-known chain.
They have different business models because they are going for different kinds of clients. You might go to that chain store because you're looking for a discounted item that you wouldn't find at the speciality shop. You go to the speciality shop because you're probably looking for something specific, something quality, maybe something handcrafted.
Don't try to make yourself into a big chain.
It's pretty unlikely as a health coach, that you want to go up against big companies that are well known and have their own diet apps and their own large corporations.
Plus, that's not really what coaching is all about. Most coaches get into coaching to help people and to work with people on an individual basis or in group settings, but that's never going to be the same as serving millions of people and trying to be appealing to all of them.
So give yourself permission to be specific.
And the only way to really get specific is to actually know what you're offering. So before you put all that time into a website and into advertising, take the time to actually create your service first.
That’s why in my Purposeful Packages training, we cover...
How to figure out your ideal client and really know how to create something that's just for them that gets them amazing results.
How to understand your coaching package and how to put it together
How to price your package so that you can get to those $5k months and then beyond.
Plus the 3-part framework to marketing yourself as a health coach so that you can keep a sustainable client load each month without burning yourself out.
We are going to go through all of this in the Purposeful Packages Challenge, I hope you're joining us, it's completely free and it's on this week!
I only run this training live 1-2 times per year, so click here to join while you can!
We will be doing live videos each day and then finishing with an ultimate masterclass where I'll teach you that complete 3-part framework that I show my VIP clients.
Once you have a purposeful package, you have the key to growing an amazing coaching business that can sustainably support you and even expand to bring you unimaginable abundance, plus you feel really great about the results it gets your ideal clients!
Amanda xx
P.S. If you missed the live training but you’re ready to create PURPOSEFUL PACKAGES in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease - then click this link to get instant access to my Purposeful Packages Guide!
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