Imposter Syndrome & The Trap of Productivity

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Happy November! This week I’m continuing the series on imposter syndrome to address something really important: The trap of productivity. 

Last week I started talking about imposter syndrome which has come up for so many new coaches right now. 

We addressed the question you can ask yourself when imposter syndrome feels like a really big obstacle to moving forward: How am I benefitting from this belief right now? 

For example, it can be a form of protecting yourself from rejection. It can also feel like a misplaced sense of motivation to work harder to prove yourself to others and even to yourself. 

There’s another heavy burden of a belief that can make its way into your consciousness and feel really overwhelming when it comes to imposter syndrome: That is feeling like you’re not being productive enough. This might feel even louder right now than usual. 

Imposter syndrome can really feed these feelings of not doing enough where you measure your value and the value of your day and even of your business by how much you did or didn't do. 

Here’s the thing: Constantly being busy or at work could actually be detrimental to your long term success as a Health Coach! 

So this lesson is really important for Health Coaches. And I say this as someone who had to overcome chronic fatigue and built my own successful health coaching business, Urban Wellness.

Watch the full video here:

Instead of being overly focused on productivity, I challenge you to reimagine how to reflect on your day and measure it for flow that leads to more efficiency and calm in your business rather than being busy for the sake of feeling like you’re doing things. 

Imposter syndromes says BE BUSY. 

A confident and calm coach can appreciate and practice strategies to actually cut back on busy time and welcome more down time, which is time for your body to recover, regenerate and for you mind to relax and think more creatively. 

Here’s what to stop measuring your day by:

  1. How much didn’t you get done

  2. How much you did get done

Here’s what we’re focusing on instead:

  1. What brought more energy and focus into your day. For example, maybe your morning routine really worked for you and you want to keep doing that

  2. What are the top actions you are taking right now that more the needle forward in your business. For example, instead of tinkering on your website for hours, you set a goal to talk to 10 people about a Discovery Call. 

  3. What feels stuck? Did you feel unfocused and lower energy? Instead of being hard on yourself, the question is go back to number one and ask “What would feed my energy right now so I can return to focus?” 

We have a nasty habit of taking away really important, needed self-care practices from our day as a form of punishment for not getting enough done. We see them as rewards and indulgences. They are the opposite. They are important to your growth and continued expansion as a coach. If your energy for focus and motivation to get out there and start meeting new clients feels low, there’s an energy block that needs your love and care, not punishment. 

In the Upswing Mastermind, this is something I teach to my clients: how to balance the Masculine and Feminine energies in your business to create more flow and ease but also boost your client roster and cashflow. 

It’s a balance of the energetic and the pragmatic and it really works and it’s also so so important for Health Coaches. 

Let me how this lands for you right now? Are you feeling busy but overwhelmed by what’s not getting done? What self-care practices are you looking forward to trying out? 

You can also join us in the free group, Healthy Wealthy Society, and let us know there in the comments on this video: 
