In this post: Do you feel confident talking about and promoting your coaching package? No? You might not be in alignment with what you are offering your potential coaching clients.
A common reason for a lack of alignment with your coaching package is when you feel fear around having to get your clients tangible results. But a lot of coaches have misconceptions around what your role as a health coach is. In this post, I’m clearing a few things up to help you release your fear and serve your clients with confidence.
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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)
Are You In Alignment With Your Coaching Package?
When you think about creating a coaching package, you might jump to thinking about how many sessions should be included and how much should you charge and all of that. But there's a fundamental conversation that I want to start talking about.
I see a lot of fear, a lot of dogma and a lot of really intense thoughts and conversations going on around health coaching. And this puts us into this frequency of feeling like we could be doing something wrong.
You might have been told or heard that if you don't teach the right thing, if you're not doing things like a doctor would, then you’re at risk of negligence and other scary things.
Words like legal, treatment, insurance are pretty intense and it’s no wonder that it makes us scared to talk about and promote our health coaching packages.
And that’s why I teach creating your health coaching package a bit differently to what you might have learned through the health coaching schools.
Because here’s the thing, health coaching is not supposed to be a magic bullet replacement for integrated functional medicine doctors or for conventional mainstream doctors or insurance.
So when thinking about packaging up our services into an aligned coaching program, we need to come into our hearts, into our bodies, into our groundedness on what health coaching is and what it isn’t.
I believe anybody who's been on their own healing journey and wanted to get into health coaching because of that, will intuitively know this.
You know that there are still important things you can teach and support your coaching clients with.
For example, things like actually learning to breathe and get out of heightened fear, or stress state that a lot of us are often living and actually coming back into parasympathetic nervous system mode.
Even if that was all you taught in your health coaching package, someone's life would be changed by that.
There are so many pieces that you could teach. There's movement, there's hydration, there's adding more vegetables. These can all be important parts of your package depending on what transformation you want to help your coaching clients with.
We don't need to pretend or feel the pressure that we need to be like God and work out this new magical health system that will cure it all. It doesn’t need to be so serious or so intense.
Health coaching is largely about learning how to take good care of ourselves.
And for me personally, it's about implementing the basics in your life.
So many people run off to the fancy specialists and fancy doctors and all of these things, saying things like, ”I don't know how to fix my health”. But can they look the doctor in the eye and actually say that they are doing the things that we all know to do?
Are they actually doing things like having a steady movement practice that we all know helps with health?
It doesn't have to be hardcore at the gym or bending in flexible yoga moves or anything like that.
But can they look at their doctor in the eye and say, “Yes, I do that.” Or can they say, “Yes, I have my stress completely under control.”
What about getting enough sleep? Or adding as many fresh veggies into their diet as they can? Or getting enough fresh air and taking time off technology and their phone? Or having good relationships?
All of these things can be really important and health coaches can offer support around these pieces.
Now, I'm not trying to say that this support replaces medicine. No. What I'm saying is that we all know the things we should be doing in health and in life, aka the basics.
And to me, health coaching comes in largely from the perspective of, “but why am I not doing it?”
Sometimes someone just needs someone else to hold their hand through that process of implementation and helping them to take action. Sometimes we need someone there as a sounding board or a mirror on these basics.
If we can come back and at least start with the basics as health coaches and then let the doctors do their jobs, the functional medicine, the nutrition etc. They can do their jobs in the system if we really own ours and take off all this fear and legality and all these very intense kinds of topics.
This is really just part of the conversation, I'm giving you an example here. But if we can come into how we can make a difference in ways that are very safe and ways that everybody could absolutely thrive on, then we're in a really good place now to start to make a package that we feel in integrity and in alignment offering. One that takes away any of that being overly responsible on you needing to get the results for the client, or all of these kinds of heavy entanglements.
I'm not saying that your package has to be a certain way. Your package might be quite different depending on your own training.
But this is an example of why people are getting stuck on the packages that they've either come out of coaching schools with, or that they perceive they have to do is because the content that they're putting into those packages has them full of fear, or has them full of pressure that it should get someone an unrealistic result or it’s somehow be competing with a medical system or something like that.
But remember that health coaching is not meant to replace professional medical services.
It is largely around prevention and self-care. It’s about loving ourselves, habit change, accountability. There are so many baby steps that all of us can improve on in our life and for our health that don't need to go into extreme measures.
The coaches in my community who have the most thriving businesses are definitely the ones who are not trying to compete with the mainstream system, they are offering complimentary support instead.
Another reason that we go into feeling like we've got to create these extreme level programs, which will like heal extreme diseases or guarantee massive results, can be because we're focusing on the wrong target market for our business.
For example, we might be trying to target a market that is in an advanced medical state, when health coaching is not really for that target market. Health coaching is for a different part of someone's journey.
So I wanted to plant the seed that we can make things much more easeful by taking the stress and the fear out of building our business and showing up for clients (potential & paying) when we align with a package that feels really good and in integrity with us.
When you have a package that feels exciting and safe to be delivering, plus we're also offering it to a target market that is in congruence with and alignment with this it can be much easier to talk about and promote your coaching services.
How many sessions?
How long are the sessions going to be?
What do you put in the sessions?
And what pricing?
We're going to create a package for you to sell that feels so amazing to offer, and that others are going to truly benefit from without you worrying about whether clients will get results from.
You’ll have a package that you are super clear on who it works for so that when you're meeting a potential client, you can be clear on if your package is for them.
If you want to be a part of the 4-day training, click here to sign up and get everything you need!
Amanda xx
P.S. If you missed the live training but you’re ready to create PURPOSEFUL PACKAGES in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease - then click this link to get instant access to my Purposeful Packages Guide!
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