3 Pillars of Marketing Plan for Health Coaches

I’m going to share with you what I think most people are not aware of when it comes to marketing – and that is about the three main pillars within any marketing that you do. You really have to look at these three – leads, nurture and convert.

In this post: I’m sharing with you what I think most people are not aware of when it comes to marketing – and that is about the three main pillars that you need within any marketing that you do. Read on to find out what these three pillars are and how you can include them in your marketing plan as a health coach.

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

3 Pillars of Marketing Plan for Health Coaches

I was reading some of the comments in the Healthy Wealthy Society group over the weekend, and it prompted me to write about what I think most people are not aware of when it comes to marketing – and that is that there are three main pillars within any marketing that you do.

When I'm mapping out any strategy, any plans for my marketing at all, or when I'm doing that with my clients, then these are the three pillars that I always look through and always plan for. The first one we would call leads. The second one, we would call nurture, and the third we would call convert.

So what the hell did those mean?

Let’s look at them one by one…


If anyone works with me, you'll know that I normally call this one “eyeballs” because it’s literally how many eyeballs have seen your work today or more specifically, how are you going to get new eyeballs to see you and your work?

Or the question that we use in my UPswing Mastermind Program is “How am I going to be seen by my ideal client today?”

So what are the things you might do to get more eyeballs? Here are some ideas:

  1. Partner with people who already have an audience.

  2. Guest post on a massive platform that already has your ideal clients.

  3. Do talks at a workshop.

  4. Post on social media and use hashtags.

There are so many ways that we can get seen by new eyeballs. When mapping out a marketing plan, thinking about getting leads or eyeballs is the first step.


The second thing you would need to look at when mapping out your marketing is your nurture pillar and this one is all about:

How am I going to nurture those leads?

There's no point having a massive following or people starting to follow your work, or even someone seeing you for the first time if you don't know how to nurture them.

And we all know that we don't want to just sell, sell, sell to someone when they first come across you. That’s why the nurture phase is super, super important.

It used to be that someone had to be nurtured or see you seven times before you registered in their brain - to think of you as an expert and work with you. But now, it's about 13 times! So the specific pieces that you put into your nurture pillar actually take people through a journey. 

The first process is understanding who they are. Then, there will be questions that they're looking for that you need to answer right through that whole user journey. And that all happens in your nurture pillar. 


The third pillar is conversion, or as I like to call it, asking for the dance.

How are you going to ask people to work with you? This might sound like the most obvious salesy pillar, but actually it's the one I see people, accidentally or not, miss from their marketing all the time.

So your marketing plan must have ways to get new leads or eyeballs, it must have ways to nurture through a user journey, and then thirdly, it must have a way to convert or ask for the dance.

So those are the three pieces for anyone who might be working on their marketing.


Amanda xx

PS. If you’re ready to get consistent clients & earn a consistent income from your health coaching or wellness business, then you’ll love my FREE Masterclass where I teach you the three-part framework to consistent clients and cash flow as a health coach without overwhelm and burnout. Click HERE for Instant Access!


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I’m going to share with you what I think most people are not aware of when it comes to marketing – and that is about the three main pillars within any marketing that you do.