To Pursue Your Health Coaching Dream or Not?

I’m going to share with you 4 questions to ask yourself to decide whether or not you should wholeheartedly pursue your Health Coaching dream right now or start looking for a job.

In this post: To pursue your health coaching dream or not?

In today’s post, I’m going to share with you 4 questions to ask yourself to decide whether or not you should wholeheartedly pursue your Health Coaching dream right now or start looking for a job.

By the end of this post, I think you’ll have your answer...

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I’m going to share with you 4 questions to ask yourself to decide whether or not you should wholeheartedly pursue your Health Coaching dream right now or start looking for a job.

(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

To Pursue Your Health Coaching Dream or Not?

Hi there, I'm Amanda Jane Daley, Founder of the UPswing Mastermind where I teach new and upcoming health coaches how to go from struggling to find clients to consistent $5k months and more without burnout or overwhelm. 

Today we're going to talk about this question: Now or never - Go back to work or pursue your Health Coaching dream? 

This is a little bit of a confronting question and I think it's an important one.

You're not going to see a lot of business coaches who are willing to talk about this because they want you to do the thing that would result in you enrolling in their program. They want you to pursue your business so you'll pay for their coaching.

I want to be able to support you and I do have a program that is designed just for Health Coaches, and I only want you there if that is where you're meant to be right now. 

I know that these past couple of years have been a pretty wild ride for many of us and it has brought up a lot of questions about the next steps in life. I know it's also brought a lot of things to light that may have not felt as obvious as they do now, such as the big question, “What am I doing with the rest of my life? Am I living the purpose I came here to live or am I playing it a little too safe?” 

So, here's the question we're asking: Is the time NOW for you to build your coaching business? 

Maybe you have a job in your field of expertise or wherever you received your degree and training, and you're pretty good at it. And it's not a terrible job, and it pays the bills. Or perhaps you left that job or you lost that job this year, and you're debating whether or not to go back. 

But this time has changed a lot of things and it has woken you up to what you really want to do. You may be good at the thing that you've been doing for years but it might not be bringing you the amount of fulfilment and joy that you know you see yourself experiencing as a coach.

So you keep coming back to this idea of health coaching and also this really bold idea of working completely for yourself and answering only to yourself. 

So, yes, you could always go back to work, which might feel like the more guaranteed and more secure option. But then there's a voice inside you that knows that you'll be mad at yourself for not making it happen now. 

It kind of feels like a now or never thing. So I'm going to offer you some prompts to answer this question. By the end of this post, you'll have your answer.

Question 1: How often do you think about leaving your job and launching your coaching business? 

  • How often did you fantasize about transitioning out of your job when you were at work? 

  • Did you find yourself creating an exit plan?

  • Did you write out how much you could make if you could find x number of clients?

  • Did you sometimes scan the Internet looking for higher-paying jobs where you might possibly be happier, but a part of you knew that the only way to really be happy is to work for yourself and to create your own schedule and to direct your own daily life and decisions?

  • You also know that the freedom you want is something that's really hard to achieve when you have to go to work for somebody else.

Question 2: How much do you really want to be your own boss and work for yourself on your own terms? 

  • Does it set your nervous system off every time you see an email from your boss or a co-worker telling you what to do?

  • Do you feel stressed when you think about returning to a job and having a schedule that is pre-set for you where you’re told what to wear and how to talk, where you have to put on airs of professionalism and have to deal with things you probably wouldn't deal with if you worked for yourself?

  • Do you hate having to make all these meetings and show up and follow someone else's rules?

  • Does a part of you really know that if you could direct yourself in your business you would do it so differently?


It would feel free, it would feel spacious, you can already imagine it. You'd wake up when you want to wake up. You'd open your schedule for client sessions when it was the right timing for you when you were at your best during the day. You'd wear whatever you want to wear. You can set the tone and voice of your business because it's your business. You get to set the terms. 

So if you find yourself really loving that, then that's a really great thing to reflect on.

Question 3: How often do you think about doing something where you feel like you're really having an impact on others.

Maybe you like your current job or your past jobs or they weren't too bad or maybe you hated them, it could be a lot of things, but at the end of the day, they were a job and they didn't seem to bring you the amount of joy you feel after you've helped somebody. 

Maybe you've tried coaching and you've already coached people and you experienced that rush that you get when you know that this is what you were meant to be doing. You feel that rush when you think about helping others for a living. You feel it when someone has shared with you how much you've impacted them. 

That is something that happens for coaches all the time. You receive amazing testimonials, often unsolicited, from clients who are changing their own lives because of how you help them. 

If that lights you up more than thinking about going to work, then that's something to reflect on. 

The final question: Do you have this deep knowing, this gut feeling, this intuition, that if you don't do this now, you're never going to do it?

You know you're going to be pretty mad at yourself about it if you don’t do it now. You keep coming back to this dream of coaching and to this vision of having your own business, and to this desire of making money on your own terms.

You imagine having more space in your life and having more opportunities for self-care and connecting with your family. You want to have a life that is designed by you, rather than what can feel very constricting when you have to work for someone else. 

You have this feeling that if you go back to that job or you stay at that job or you pursue another job, you'll fall back into those old habits where it's comfortable and it's familiar enough. You know how to do it because you've done it before. It may not bring you that same sense of purpose and fulfilment, but it's just familiar enough to feel safe. 

And you have a feeling if you do it, then it's going to be a repetition of all these patterns you've been working on this year to break. You’ve been addressing all these beliefs. You’ve been working on your confidence in yourself and on your belief that you CAN do this and you're MEANT for this! 

And if you walk away from that right now, you might feel the kind of regret that you are afraid of feeling. 

After answering these questions, like I said before, there's a really good chance that you already have your answer. You may not need to journal about this beyond reading this post. 

Your intuition knows. Sometimes it takes us a little while to come to terms with it, to accept it, to believe in it and to trust in it, and that's a really big step. 

And if you know that your Health Coaching dream is really the answer for you, that you really want to make it a reality and a business that can support you, then, the next step is just knowing how to get the real practical frameworks and systems in place that will take you from dreaming about a health coaching business to having one that's working sustainably every single month where you know exactly how to get clients, who your ideal clients are, what you're offering them, how to offer it to them, and how to keep bringing in new clients every single month.

Once you know these systems and these frameworks and you've implemented them, and you've had the support in seeing yourself through all of the hiccups along the way, then you have endless possibility to create the income you really want to create. 

And that is where I come in and that is where the UPswing Mastermind comes in, because that is what we do. We specifically focus on Health Coaches. You may be a health practitioner, you may have a background in other health fields, and so you may not refer to yourself as a Health Coach, but what you want to do with others is coaching. 

And if that is what you're feeling called to do, then I will teach you how. I will do more than that, I will coach you through it in the UPswing Mastermind.

If you want to learn how to get started then I highly recommend starting with the Masterclass where I teach you the three-part framework to consistent clients and cash flow as a health coach without overwhelm and burnout. 

Right now it is being offered as a limited time instant access masterclass. That means all you have to do is sign up and you'll get instant access to the masterclass plus a special invitation to apply for the UPswing Mastermind

Even though we are not open for our large intake right now, we will take your application once you sign up for the masterclass and you can also book a discovery call to really be certain that this is the right step for you. Simply go to

I really really look forward to hearing from you. And let me know in the comments what your answer was! 

Is now the time for you?


Amanda xx


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I’m going to share with you 4 questions to ask yourself to decide whether or not you should wholeheartedly pursue your Health Coaching dream right now or start looking for a job.