4 Steps to Consistent Income as a Health Coach

Today I want to let you in on some of the steps I teach our private clients in the UPswing Mastermind and our higher level program Momentum to consistently earn income as a health coach.

In this post: Today I want to let you in on some of the steps I teach our private clients in the UPswing Mastermind and our higher level program Momentum to consistently earn income as a health coach without overwhelming yourself and without waffling around about what you offer and how much you charge.

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

4 Steps to Consistent Income as a Health Coach

Hey there, Amanda Jane Daley here, Founder of the UPswing Mastermind where I teach health coaches how to get consistent clients and cash flow, without burning out. Today I want to let you in on some of the steps I teach our private clients in the UPswing Mastermind and our higher-level program Momentum to consistently earn income as a health coach without overwhelming yourself and without waffling around about what you offer and how much you charge.

When you're a new health coach, the main goal is to get clients. This can feel like a daunting task, especially when getting started. I get it. 

To be honest, it’s why a lot of health coaches throw in the towel too soon! 

You might find yourself thinking things like:

“Oh, I’m never going to find clients.”

“I'll just coach people as a hobby.” 

“I'll get another job and I'll coach people here and there.” 

“I did this for myself, not to make money.” 

And a lot of times we say these things to ourselves because we're really protecting our ego from that feeling of failing at something that really means a lot to us. 

There's a reason you pursued health coaching and there's a reason you're reading this post. And I want to honor your decision to become a health coach and encourage you to stay with that dream because it's so, so important. 

We are in a time globally where healing is so needed. The more people we have in this world offering services that benefit people, the better for us all. 

If you’ve faced challenges building your coaching business so far, that doesn’t automatically mean walk away! You need real strategies and frameworks to make it work for you. 

Talking about systems and frameworks might sound boring or it might sound overly simple, but the fact is the business side of things should be boring and simple. 

What tends to happen is we go into these dreams of having our own business and being self-employed, and it's a little bit chaotic. You find yourself doing this and that, making your graphics, trying to have social media, trying to pursue interviews, trying to teach workshops, trying to be the admin, the bookkeeper, the coach, the creative, the assistant, everything in your business and it doesn't feel very structured. 

Business itself thrives when there's a consistent plan happening in the background that you implement. It supports and allows you to do the fun and exciting work of coaching people by taking care of the business needs. 

So let's talk about how to have a less chaotic and dramatic business model so you can have a wonderful and exciting time with your work. 

The first way to do that is to make sure you have a plan for consistent income. 

What happens when there isn't a plan?

Here's what I see: most of the time, a new health coach will complete their coach certification training, but they don't necessarily cover all of this business stuff in the coach certification training, or they glossed over it, or they didn't really give you a lot of frameworks to work with so now you're faced with getting clients, dealing with the nervousness about getting clients for the first time, not knowing what you're offering or how to describe it. 

When I work with new coaches, I want to make sure they know what they’re offering and how much it costs. 

Every year, once or twice a year, I run what we call the Purposeful Packages Challenge. The purpose of this challenge is to help health coaches create their coaching package.

The reason being is before you get out there and start taking discovery calls and start working with people, if you know what you're offering them, you’ll have a higher success rate with Discovery Calls. Think about it from their perspective. 

If you were on a consult or a Discovery Call with a health coach or any kind of coach, you're expecting that they have it figured out. You want to know that they know what they're doing and what they're offering.

If you get to the end of the call and they are stumbling over their words trying to describe what they do, not really making sense, changing what kind of pricing they'll offer based on what you're saying or what they think would work for you, you might start to feel a little bit of doubt about this person's professionalism and therefore, a little bit of doubt about working with them. 

The package you create will instil confidence in your clients and give you the confidence to get out there more and more because once you are on a Discovery Call with someone, you'll know what you have to offer.

So the key is creating a coaching package and having clear pricing, both of those. We teach you how to do this in the purposeful packages challenge, but today I'm going to give you four steps to think about now. 

1. Step one is, you're going to want to know who you're working with. Who are the clients you want to reach?

If you're going out there online and you're trying to appeal to everyone, you've probably already figured out it is very hard to do. You'll have a tendency to soften your message and not really confidently describe what you do because you want to make sure no one disagrees with you. 

So that's something to get out of the way right away: know who you're for and who you're not for and be okay with letting those people you're not for go.

You don't have to convince them. It's not about convincing. It's about reach and impact. The people you are for need you to reach them so they can have the benefit of your coaching services. And if you're holding back and you're not really being clear, that's not going to happen. So step one is knowing who you're for. 

2. Step two is knowing what you offer. 

Here's what not to do: Offer one-off one-on-one coaching sessions. Meaning, you let someone know how much your sessions are and then try to get them to book each session. 

That's really stressful for you and the client because they may have had a really great deep conversation with you in one of your sessions and now you’ve got to talk about booking and paying for the next one.

People are going to commit more when they see themselves as part of a program. When you create a package for them, you’re offering the program experience. It also gives you the flexibility to feel good about in-between session support to know what your limits are, how much you want to be in contact with them, and what kind of resources you're offering.

There’s more opening to amplify your services in different ways.

3. Step three is pricing. 

Now, this is the part that brings up a lot of mental chatter. You're no longer pricing your coaching sessions on a session by session basis. You are pricing your coaching package. And here's the thing: pricing is objective.

When you let someone know your price, you're giving them your matter of fact price. Just like if they went to invest in any service, or if they went to the store, there’s an understanding that the price is the price. What can get really messy is if you're starting to interfere with your own pricing by making up stories about your client’s money situation. 

Related post: How Much Can You Charge As A Health Coach?

4. Get a clear picture of what your income could be in 6-12 months with your new prices. 

So let's say you have a three-month package and you price it. How much income potential do you have for the next six months at that price?

If you have five clients purchasing your coaching package in one month, and they're working with you for three months, what was your income with just five clients? Now let's say you bring in five more clients the next month, what's your income then?

The more you start to write these numbers down, the more tangible it feels. You can really see that with just a handful of clients, you're actually bringing in real income as a health coach and creating a real business.

It's no longer just a side hobby. It has that feeling of “this is something I can do for a living.”  

There’s a bonus step!

As you're doing your pricing, money mindsets can come up. Money stories can block you from offering your services. When that happens, you'll find yourself stuck at step three and four, because you might start inserting a lot of bias about money in there. 

You might think things like:

  • “Who am I to offer that?”

  • “No one is going to pay for that?”

  • “Why would someone pay this when they can pay less to do something else?”

  • “Is anyone else paying this?”

  • “Is this too much?”

  • “Am I greedy?”

  • “Am I asking too much?” 

All of these are money beliefs rooted in stories with money and abundance. 

As a coach, you are aiming to create a living for yourself doing something that is beneficial to others and that can bring stuff up because we internalize these beliefs that in order to be of service we have to suffer and sacrifice.

Your suffering and sacrifice isn't of service when you're a coach.

You being taken care of and feeling in alignment and integrity with what you're doing and also feeling like your boundaries are solid and that you're being well-compensated will make you a great coach. You’ll come to sessions with calm. You’ll come to sessions focused and present because you're not panicking about money. You're not panicking about security. 

And if you want security and you want money, you have to let yourself be okay with it. 

If you want to start making money as a health coach yet you're telling yourself things like money is bad and money is the root of all evil, the contradiction will make it really challenging to actually do so.

Just as much as if you were an employee and you go somewhere and you earn a paycheck. As someone who is building a business, you are your paycheck. You have to create the paycheck and it’s ideal to feel really excited about it. 

So, anywhere where there are stuck money beliefs, it is time to address them. 

So if we added a bonus Step five, I would say it would be to face these money mindsets. It's actually a step that should be happening all along the way because you will face a lot of mindsets that come up as you start to do those pragmatic business steps. 

That's why, in the UPswing Mastermind, we always do the energy work with the practical work. They are never separate because when you do something that seems as objective as pricing your package, there's going to be energy behind it.

If you can address and release that energy, you can actually create a higher income potential for yourself and result in you attracting the best possible clients for you and you the best possible coach for them. 

So, as we create less drama in our business we're actually creating less drama in our energy fields, we're creating less drama in our mindsets, and that's going to trickle out and impact you in all kinds of ways. It leads to feeling a lot more at ease and secure in your life in general. 

Let me know in the comments how this resonated with you and what step, you want to be focusing on right now.


Amanda xx

PS. Ready to create PURPOSEFUL PACKAGES in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease? Click this link to get instant access >> https://training.amandajdaley.com/packages


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Today I want to let you in on some of the steps I teach our private clients in the UPswing Mastermind and our higher level program Momentum to consistently earn income as a health coach without overwhelming yourself.