Why Health Histories DO NOT Lead To Sales - And What To Do Instead

Have you been told to do health histories to get clients as a health coach or wellness entrepreneur? I’m sharing why I’m against using health histories as part of your sales process and what I recommend instead. If you're struggling to convert poten…

In this post: I’m sharing why I’m against using health histories as part of your sales process as a health coach or wellness entrepreneur. Plus I’ll share what you can do instead to convert more potential clients into paying clients!

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

Why Health Histories DO NOT Lead To Sales - And What To Do Instead

I recently spoke to a lady who is joining the next round of my UPswing Mastermind. She shared with me that she had performed 20 health histories and that only one had converted. That’s only a 5% conversion rate and it made me want to cry.

As our conversation progressed, I realised what the issue was. She had been doing health histories as part of her sales process and spending a lot of time on this rather than talking about her coaching package and how working with her could help them. Plus, the package she was offering had not been designed in a way that helped her potential clients immediately understand why they should work with her.

For those of you who don’t know what health histories are, Medical Dictionary defines them as:

a holistic assessment of all factors affecting a patient's health status, including information about social, cultural, familial, and economic aspects of the patient's life as well as any other component of the patient's life style that affects health and well-being. The health history is designed to assess the effects of health care deviations on the patient and the family, to evaluate teaching needs, and to serve as the basis of an individualized plan for addressing wellness.

There's a couple of reasons why health histories, which have been taught by many health coaching schools, simply do not lead to sales.

1) A sales conversation is not the right time to do a health history

The point of a sales conversation is specifically for someone to make a decision on whether they want to transform their life and their health, and whether you are the right person to help them do this.

Health histories are more of an in-depth exploration that is better done in one of your initial sessions working with a new client.

Often health histories can take 30 to 45 minutes and then you’re not left with much time to discuss how your services can help potential clients with their desired transformation. Not to mention that it can feel awkward trying to switch from doing a health history to then trying to pitch your coaching services.

2) It shifts the focus away from your coaching package

It’s really important to be clear on your coaching package and know how to talk about it in a way that shows how it will benefit your potential clients.

Often, when you are focused on doing a health history, you will tend to focus on the features of your program rather than painting a picture of the benefits and results (aka transformation) it will help your potential client to achieve.

What do I mean by ‘features’? Your features are the tangible offers of your coaching package. For example, the number of calls you have, the length of the calls, sending text messages between sessions, or the handouts you provide.

All coaching packages have features but here’s the thing: no one wants to buy features (said with love!).

I mean, of course, I want to know that my health coach is going to be invested in me but ultimately, I want to know about the transformation that your coaching helps me to achieve. That’s why I got on the phone with you in the first place.

Related Post: The Ultimate Guide To Creating Coaching Packages That Sell & Gets Results

3) Health histories are not going to help your potential client decide what’s best for them

So following on from the last point, the aim of a sales call is to answer your potential client’s question of “Can this coach help me transform from the pain I'm in, to the outcome I desire?” and focusing on health histories and features aren’t going to help make this decision.

Yes, health histories can help your potential clients to uncover where issues might be coming from BUT it is not a format for decision-making.

You are opening up a whole can of worms that will probably overwhelm your potential client rather than taking the time to show them that you understand their problem and how your purposeful coaching package can help.

So, what should I be doing instead of health histories?

Use your sales calls (aka Discovery Sessions) as an opportunity to get clarity around their pain points and how you can support them to make a transformation.

I have a whole module on this in my UPswing Mastermind, but it’s really important to start with a deep understanding of your target market, so that you know exactly what their pain points are and then you can craft your purposeful coaching package around providing a solution for these pain points.

Related Post: 4 Ways to Identify Your Target Market (aka Dream Clients) As A Health Coach

Next, you want to learn how to communicate the benefits of your package and learn how to sell your services on a call.

If you are experiencing objections on a call (for example, “I need to talk with my husband” or “I need to have a think about it”), it means that the potential client was left with questions and that your call did not help them come to a clear “Yes” or “No” decision about moving forward with you as a coach.

The purpose of a discovery session, in the way that I teach them, is to actually support your client in a very soulful way to help them make a decision from their heart and soul, is this a Yes or No from me.

Essentially they are making the choice about whether or not to commit to making a transformation at this time.

Health histories do not sell, so while there is certainly a place for them in your programs, they should not be present during a sales call.


Amanda xx

P.S. If you’re ready to get consistent clients & earn a consistent income from your health coaching or wellness business, then you’ll love my FREE Masterclass where I teach you the three-part framework to consistent clients and cash flow as a health coach without overwhelm and burnout. Click HERE for Instant Access! ​​


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Have you been told to do health histories to get clients as a health coach or wellness entrepreneur? I’m sharing why I’m against using health histories as part of your sales process and what I recommend instead. If you're struggling to convert poten…