How to Commit to Your Business Building Tasks

How to COMMIT to your biz building tasks - even when your day goes haywire, mercury is in retrograde or you just don't feel like it!

In this post: I’m sharing with you tips on How to COMMIT to your biz building tasks - even when your day goes haywire, Mercury is in retrograde or you just don't feel like it!

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How to Commit to Your Biz Building Tasks

I don't know about you, but I've had a crazy day and I thought I would check-in and see if you had days like this where you need some tips on how to get your business to-do lists whacked off when life gets in the way. Can you relate?

The first thing I did this morning, was to sit down with my planner. I'm pretty good at goal setting and knowing how much I can get done in a day. So I got really clear on the couple of things that I was a hundred per cent committed to getting done today.

After that, the day has unfolded with interruption after interruption, personal family issues and people arriving at the house to do things unexpectedly. And I'll be honest, I was pretty tired today too.

Apparently, we're about to have a new moon and a lot of people aren't sleeping and I haven't slept the last two nights very well at all. So what to do when we have business goals that need doing and life gets busy?

I would like to share with you something that I was introduced to from Mastin Kipp. I worked with him privately for a couple of days in Bali a few years ago and he drew me a graph.

He was basically saying we've got a start point and an endpoint. And between these points are the goals that we set, like a bridge to get from where we are in our business now to where we want to be. These goals are the action steps to get us there.

And, like a typical kind of hardcore businessman, he would get up each day, do the steps, even when it’s raining. He follows the plan and gets to the end.

Many of us have a plan. I definitely have plans in my business, but it’s quite different for a woman, like myself.

We do the steps. And then the moon gets in the way. Like how I'm a bit tired, so I didn't take a step today. Then someone came to the door. Now, people are about to arrive. Okay, that's it for the day. And so I’m going to have to pick up again the next day.

Maybe another little step only gets halfway done. Now I'm emotional. Now someone triggered me, yeah, no, that's enough for today. I need to go process my emotions or I need to go sort out my blocks and that's enough for the day.

Now there's another project, another distraction. We start taking these steps. Then we get disheartened because we're not even getting that dopamine hit of ticking off that to-do list at the end of the day.

I don't want to say this is a male-female thing. I don't think it necessarily is, but this is definitely the path of the businesswoman. If we let our emotions and interruptions rule our business, we will not get to the end goal. And that is just a fact.

How to commit to your business goals when life gets in the way

1. Set only 3 top things to do for the day.

At the beginning of the day, I never set more than three to-dos. Of course, I have probably hundreds of to-dos. But at the beginning of the morning, I literally pull out my top three for the day. And I base those back on my biggest business strategy goals.

I choose the most important three and try to stay out of the urgent. But sometimes it needs to be a mix of both.

I only write the three I’ve chosen for the day on a piece of paper and I hide the rest of the to-do list. I'm not allowed to look at the other to-do lists until I've got the three done, that's rule number one.

And part of that is not being distracted, right? Not being distracted by, oh, someone just sent me an email wanting this, someone sent me a message etc. Every time you find yourself distracted, come back and look at the list and stick to it.

2. Reset your state

For example, I had got to the end of the day and not got my three things done. I'm committed to completing my tasks no matter what when I've chosen my top three. I could have pushed through, but I was getting a bit kind of gnarly and stressed.

The best way that I know to change my state is to go for a run (and also the run is on my must-do list.)

For you, it might be a song that you love. It might be going to a little nook or your favourite cafe, even just spending 15 minutes to change your state, get your brain sharp, get yourself focused, and shift your energy.

3. Set yourself a challenge

You've probably heard me mention this before and I think it’s important to have an action plan that you commit to, something you do every day.

It could be something like running three times a week. Or doing a Facebook live once a week. You commit to getting it done even if that’s doing it at nine o'clock at night even when I know that the best time is usually eight o'clock in the morning, it doesn't matter.

Even if it's a crazy busy day. Those are non-negotiable. And they have to be done, even if it gets to the end of the day.

4. Be okay with imperfect action

To do a really good Facebook live, I need about an hour. Whereas tonight, I literally ran in the door and looked at my list. I was like, I didn't do a Facebook live today! Too bad that I have no makeup on, too bad that I’m pouring with sweat and, too bad that I’m only half-dressed. I did it anyway.

Things will not always be perfect, and we should be okay with it.

Ultimately, the daily actions that you'd complete, not start, are an indicator of the success of your business over time.


Amanda xx

PS. If you’re ready to get consistent clients & earn a consistent income from your health coaching or wellness business, then you’ll love my FREE Masterclass where I teach you the three-part framework to consistent clients and cash flow as a health coach without overwhelm and burnout. Click HERE for Instant Access!


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I’m sharing with you tips on How to COMMIT to your biz building tasks - even when your day goes haywire, mercury is in retrograde or you just don't feel like it!