Just Getting Started? A Fancy Website is NOT Going to Get You Clients!

I want you to stop for a second and think about why so many new coaches might think that a fancy website is the key to getting started?

In this post: Just getting started? A fancy website is NOT going to get you clients!

I want you to stop for a second and think about why so many new coaches might think that a fancy website is the key to getting started? What about the ‘NEED’ to learn the latest social media tactic? OR MAYBE it’s getting that ‘1 more’ qualification?

So, to get clear you need to:

  • Find your passion

  • Take the Risk

  • Make it Fun

Today I share with you why these three things are so much more important than even the fanciest website you could have designed!

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

Just Getting Started? A Fancy Website is NOT Going to Get You Clients!

If you're getting started, do you feel that you need a website? Because if you've been around here for a while, you'd already know this – I have a strong belief and knowing that a fancy website is NOT going to get you clients as a health coach.

Someone emailed me just yesterday and asked me, “What is the website that you’re using?” Did I use the health coaching school website? Or what other platform are they using?

And while I'm happy to share that, what I know for sure is getting a website is not going to get your clients in the first six to 12 months as a health coach.

I want you to stop for a second and think about why so many new coaches, maybe like yourself, do think that getting a website is the key to getting started.

What about the need to learn the latest social media tactics, or maybe to get another qualification, these are things that we often focus on at the beginning. Because these are the vehicles that we see other people using, and we think we need to do the same, right?

So you think that if I can help you with nutrition because I've done a qualification or another qualification or another qualification, or I can help you lose weight, because “Look at my fancy website” or you need to post 10 times a day on social at the exact times and that's the way you'll get clients. None of these things is actually going to get you clients!

If anyone's done my some of my signature training, you'll know my iceberg effect, what's above the surface of the iceberg is not what's actually taking to build a business.

Why are we doing all these things? Partly, we are doing all these things because that's what we see everyone else doing. We think that's what we have to do. But partly, the piece that we're avoiding is first setting some foundations. 

The very first foundation is to get clarity on what your business actually is.

You think that you can work with more people if you are going to be a “health coach for women”. It's going to be generic. You can’t be a health coach for all women and say, “Everyone's going to buy from me. And I will put it out on social media.”

It doesn't matter how fancy your website is or how many degrees you have if you're putting out generic messaging.

When you say things like “I'm a health coach for women”, Or “I'm a hormonal health coach.” – people are not going to resonate strongly enough with your messaging.

So before you can start doing any marketing websites, social media, anything like that, you need to first learn exactly who you're talking to and the specific problem you solve in the unique way you do it.

Clarity on your target market, in your purposeful package, must come first before any marketing.

So how do you get clear on your messaging?

1. Think about finding your own passion.

Don't look at what you think other people are doing or what you think you have to do. Here are a few questions for you to explore, (a little journaling exercise, if you like) and ask yourself to help you figure it out:

  • What is your zone of genius?

  • Are you able to identify what lights you up?

  • Do you know what it is that makes you want to show up and do marketing every day for your business?

  • Do you know what it is that lit that like flame inside you in the first place that made you want to be a health coach?

  • Why are you passionate about health coaching?

2. Take the Risk

The second thing I want you just to mull over in preparation for getting clear on what you want to do is thinking about taking risks.

We can't stay small or stay hidden when we step into business because we're afraid of being seen out often. What we think is we're trying, we need to be unique or different or something like that to think we can put ourselves out there.

And I wanted to say today that you owe it to the world. If you have an interest in health, you've got any level of knowledge in health, you owe it to the world to start getting these gifts out to people.

Are you willing to consider that it is going to feel like a risk when you choose to focus on serving other people, instead of focusing on hiding?

That is gonna feel like a risk when you stop watering down your message. When you want to please mom and dad or friends or school friends, or you know, your kids or whatever, when you're truly going to be in a place of service, you will have to step up and it's going to feel a little risky. I want to plant that seed now, as something for you to think about. You won't get clarity on your business if there's a subconscious part of you that doesn't want to, that wants to keep you safe. Say to yourself, “I'm willing to take the risk.”

3. Make it fun.

The third thing that I want you to think about so that you are able to get clarity as we move forward on your business is to make it fun.

Do the work you love. Hire people, whether it's coaches or support teams. You might not have the money yet, but even just by hiring or recruiting, you put yourself around people and circles of people that you love to do this work with.

For example, choose an ideal client, an ideal target market that you love to work with. You don't have to appeal to everyone and you don't have to be surrounded by things that are not fun for you because you won't want to build your business if it's not going to feel fun, right?

You're going to subconsciously resist getting the clarity on your business if you think that getting clarity is going to become difficult work and not fun.

What's your vision? What's the vision from a heart place? Not someone else's vision, not your husband's vision of what is, or isn't going to happen in your business or your partners or your parents or your kids or your friends.

Do you feel supported? Is it going to be fun or is it going to feel like hard work that you've got to do by yourself?

So these are just a few little coaching pieces. I wanted to plant the seed even if you're already building your business. But I know there's a lot of you here who are just getting started and are hungry to get clarity on your business. And instead of jumping straight to marketing and social media, we need to get clarity on your message, your target market, and your purposeful package.

I want you to come in with this excited hunger, then the clarity will be able to come through. The way to build a business that really lights you up and that you can then promote online with all the beautiful marketing pieces with confidence, with ease, has to start with being super clear on these foundations. And these are a few things you can do first so that I can support you on that.

The marketing, the business side of things, all of those can be learned, and they will become a hundred times easier when you first get clear in yourself. And let's all be on this mission together. So let me know in the comments if any of this is resonating with you.

What can you do to get clarity? What do you want to do to look after yourself this weekend, to feel really fueled this weekend, and ready to come work on your business this week?


Amanda xx

PS. Ready to create a purposeful package in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease? Click this link to get instant access to the FREE training >> https://training.amandajdaley.com/packages


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I want you to stop for a second and think about why so many new coaches might think that a fancy website is the key to getting started?