Break Up With Your Sales Anxiety And Book Clients

Does the idea of hopping on a sales call (aka a Discovery Session) to book clients make you nervous? Do you cringe a little at the thought of “doing sales?”. Working with clients and making the kind of money that supports you and a spacious and nour…

In this post: Does the idea of hopping on a sales call (aka a Discovery Session) to book clients make you nervous? Do you cringe a little at the thought of “doing sales?”. Working with clients and making the kind of money that supports you and a spacious and nourishing lifestyle of freedom means accepting actual money in exchange for your coaching service. So let’s talk about getting over those Discovery Call (aka Sales Call) jitters NOW!

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

Break Up With Your Sales Anxiety And Book Clients

How do you feel about sales? Anxious, scared, excited? Does the idea of hopping on a sales call, or a discovery session as I like to call them, make you nervous?

They used to make me super nervous and that's why I thought it would be good to talk about them because the pressure to make a sale can often feel overwhelming and heavy, and you may even find that the word ‘sales’ itself evokes a lot of mixed feelings. 

As I share these thoughts, there’s a reason why I'm not dancing around the word ‘sales’ and that is because, in order to build a truly sustainable coaching business, one that brings you consistent clients and a reliable income, you are going to have to make peace with the fact that you are selling something; you are in business, and you are selling your coaching services.

Sales is not a dirty word, and it is not offensive. It is part of the reality of having a business.

Working with clients and making the kind of money that supports you in a spacious and nourishing lifestyle of freedom means accepting actual money in exchange for your coaching service.

That is what business is about, and it means that you will have to run sales calls so you can connect with and enrol new clients every week or month depending on your goals. If you want to close clients and grow your way to consistent 5k months and 10k months or whatever your goal is for your income, you're going to have to do sales calls.

But here’s the good news, you can learn to enjoy sales!

Sales can actually be an incredibly healing experience for both you and your potential client, to which I hear you asking, ‘how is it healing?’ I believe sales calls provide a wonderful opportunity to listen, to explore and really hold that space for your potential client. It allows you both to feel if working together would serve both of your highest good, and you are offering someone space and time to have their issues and struggles heard.

You are creating possibilities for them by enabling them to get clear on what they want and what they don’t want, which may actually surprise them. There may even be breakthroughs for them.

Even though I don’t recommend coaching on discovery calls, they can still elicit major transformations, major shifts and releases as you hold space for them to find clarity and truth as your potential client becomes crystal clear about what their next step is and whether they would like to get support.

Think about that ‘aha moment’ that you get clarity on an issue that's been weighing heavily on your mind, something that's maybe being frustrating. You haven't seen a way out then suddenly, through someone else asking you one question or a series of questions, you get that clarity.

Isn't that just the best feeling? I think it is!

Sales calls are not about coaching and trying to prove yourself, it's about helping someone get clarity on whether they are going to move forward and make a transformation.

There's an amazing impact we can have just from a complimentary discovery call and that’s pretty special.

Discovery calls aren’t the time to be showing off or improving your coaching skills. It can be easy to slip into ‘wellness practitioner mode’ and want to help, but it’s really not the place for this.

The goal of a discovery call is to help the potential client make an empowered decision. And, if you allow this to happen, it means that they will be more committed to working with you (and, in turn, get better results) if they do decide to get your support.

You also want to be checking to make sure they are an aligned fit with YOU. And in the way that I teach discovery sessions, there is a place for you to check this before you make the offer to work together. How you discover that fit is often by taking a pause in the middle, taking a deep breath, listening to your intuition and then letting them choose you.

It’s never about forcing or pushing them into a decision, it’s about taking them through a process to empower them and then letting them choose the right decision for them.

In my UPswing Mastermind, I teach you exactly how to run your discovery sessions so that you get to that place of clarity and empowered decision-making with the potential client.

I want to share with you a few tips about how to get to the stage where a potential client turns into an actual client:

1. Get your potential clients talking with you 

You shouldn’t be talking AT them. You're not there to be a teacher or a lecturer, you are trying to build a connection and talk WITH you. I have specific questions I use to help do this.

2. Explore and be curious

Bring the energy of exploration and curiosity to help you connect and engage.

3. It's okay to be imperfect

When making a sales or discovery call, practice makes perfect. One of the biggest measures we use in the UPswing Mastermind is how many people we are getting on calls because this is how you can practice. Until then, it’s ok not to be perfect.

4. Listen really well

Listening is key. You want to be listening and taking notes so that you can check if your program is the right fit for your potential client. You don't want to be selling something generic if it's not a match for what they've been saying, right?

5. Enjoy the process

Part of the fun is finding out if this relationship is something that is of the highest good for you as a coach and them as the client. This is all part of the healing exploration. The success of these calls doesn’t need to be measured by whether you made the sale, it can be about if you enjoyed meeting people and exploring if the relationship would be a good fit.

If you're looking for more tips I have so many resources in my UPswing Mastermind program to help wellness practitioners confidently lead discovery sessions every day.

You don't get clients without those calls, so what I am trying to encourage you to do is to embrace and love the calls as opposed to worrying about the sale itself. As you have more calls, you build up your confidence which then leads to consistently booking clients.

Let yourself embrace being a beginner at sales calls and let yourself not be perfect because this will be one of the speediest ways to get that confidence.

If you want to learn how to move through Discovery Calls with grace, ease and flow? Click here to get FREE instant access to my simple 7-step sales script and get a taste of how I teach my VIP clients to host sleaze-free sales calls. ​​


Amanda xx

P.S. It’s not personal if a potential client says no, so give yourself permission to go into your sales calls without any expectations (and let yourself do it scared and imperfectly!). Celebrate every time someone books a call, celebrate every time someone says yes, and celebrate the no’s too because you did the call!


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Does the idea of hopping on a sales call (aka a Discovery Session) to book clients make you nervous? Do you cringe a little at the thought of “doing sales?”. Working with clients and making the kind of money that supports you and a spacious and nour…