The Energy Work That Will Help You Get Clients & Get Them Results

In this post, I'm talking about the type of energy work you can do that will help you get the best clients for you and also help them reach amazing results. I'm also going to talk about what can happen when you don't do this energy work.

In this post: I'm talking about the type of energy work you can do that will help you get the best clients for you and also help them reach amazing results. I'm also going to talk about what can happen when you don't do this energy work and
1. How that might be holding you back from reaching the best clients for you
2. From creating amazing programs that are a great fit for them
3. And from helping them connect to their highest goal and reach awesome results through your coaching package

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

The Energy Work That Will Help You Get Clients & Get Them Results

Hey, beauties, it's Amanda here and today I want to talk about the type of energy work you can do that will help you get the best clients for you and also help them reach amazing results.

I'm also going to talk about what can happen when you don't do this energy work and 

  • How that might be holding you back from reaching the best clients for you 

  • From creating amazing programs that are a great fit for them

  • And from helping them connect to their highest goal and reach awesome results through your coaching package

Why I love frameworks

If you have been in this community for a while or if you have ever worked with me, you know I am really big on following smart frameworks and practical steps to really building a health coaching business that you love and that allows you to live a life that you love, as well. That's why I've devoted years to creating doable frameworks just for health coaches. 

These are frameworks that I applied to my own coaching business and resulted in me building two successful online coaching businesses. They're specifically for coaches who work one on one with clients, and then can also be applied when you start to teach group coaching and other kinds of programs. 

But we also need energy work

What I began to understand was that in coaching we are developing a unique relationship with our clients, and therefore our marketing and our business model has to match that energy. Our clients will feel it. If you do not feel in integrity with the way that we are selling, and the way that we are marketing, and the way that we are doing business, you will feel it too. 

And that's why we also need something beyond the frameworks. When you work with me and do the UPswing Mastermind or any of my programs, we combine the practical with the persona: the personal work, being the energy work. 

That's the true benefit of being able to get on the group coaching calls, because you will know what practical steps to take when you're going through the curriculum, but you will also get to really address what energy is either blocking you or what energy is going to help move you forward. 

That's why energy work is going to help you connect with your true ideal clients and offer amazing results you feel great about. 

So let's answer the question: What is energy work?

It's a lot of things! 

  1. It can be addressing your mindset. 

  2. It can be looking at places where there are energetic blocks 

  3. It might be something you physically feel blocked around. For example, if you get up and you start thinking about doing some content creation for your business and suddenly you feel fatigued, there's blocked energy there and what we want to do is examine what is going on, so that you can bring in the right kind of energy that's going to connect you to the activity you're looking to implement. 

And so the energy we look at is what is the energy of your business?

What is the vibration that you put out when you show up and do live videos or create content? What is the energy when you put together your coaching packages, when you get on a client session, and especially when you get on a discovery call, or when you're hoping to book more discovery calls so you can book more clients? 

Believe it or not, the energy you put out does matter. 

Think of it this way: 

Let's say that there was a big argument in a room in your house between two other people. You weren't in the room, you might not have even been in the house. You come into the house and you walk into the room and they're no longer arguing, but you can feel the tension. 

That's energy! That's the energy that was put into that room through the argument that they had and also through the feelings that they were holding on to about one another about the argument and about the things that they may have said and even what they're thinking about the other person. 

How do we shift that energy? 

We have to recognize that it's there and look at what we want to change about it. 

Sometimes that means making new statements and looking at maybe something hurtful that was said and rephrasing it and shifting that into a more compassionate statement.

This applies to your business. Think about the things that you might be saying aloud or in your mind about your coaching business. 

Are you holding on to thoughts like this:

  1. It’s too hard. 

  2. I'll never get enough clients. 

  3. This will always be a side hustle or a hobby. 

  4. I'm never going to prove that this is something that I can actually do for a living full time. 

  5. I don't know how to find clients.

Every time you feed those thoughts, that's the energy that you're taking in and putting out.

The energy work can simply be looking at what thoughts are being fed and how can you rework them in a way that's actually going to shift you into higher energy and vibration around it, and you will physically feel it as well. 

For example, when you feel that physical fatigue before doing a task think about how you're approaching the task. 

  1. Did you rush into it?

  2. Did you skip breakfast? 

  3. Are you multitasking? 

  4. Are there other things going on around you? 

Part of the energy work can be setting up the room, establishing the intention, setting aside the time, and having all that you need.

Eat your breakfast and drink your morning drink. Take some deep breaths and set the intention: “I look forward to creating the best possible content for my ideal client.” The way that you set it up, and also the way that you think about it is the energy work.

YES, this absolutely does affect your clients. 

How does it help you in getting clients? Well, it's going to show up in your content, it will show up in your conversation, people will feel this energy coming off of you, and you will start directing your attention toward the opportunities and possibilities that are right for you. 

You will have more focus on who your ideal client is, and you'll look for them instead of making yourself open and available to anybody and everybody. You stop attracting clients who are really not a good fit and you feel drained and resentful towards your coaching when you work with them. 

You'll also have more of that confidence and grounding in your coaching package and in your prices too! So when it comes to inviting someone to a discovery call, you have more confidence in the call itself because you know that what you have to offer at the end of the call is of extreme value! It was created specifically for your ideal client and it's going to get them amazing results. You feel great about the price because of all of that. 

When you don't do the energy work, you risk attracting the wrong people or not seeing any progress at all. It's when you start to feel fatigued, frustrated, bitter, scared and afraid of the future. Therefore it's hard to make any steps forward. 

Energy work helps move you into action because it keeps you inspired and focused. 

Most importantly, it moves your mind into belief and hope and trust and that's so important because then you truly trust in the ultimate vision of your business. You can, with trust and love and compassion, take those important steps to move forward. Your invest in yourself, put yourself out there, really get to know your message, and create and price your coaching packages. 

This is when what you radiate out puts you on the radar for your ideal clients to take notice of you. 

And here's how it helps you get them amazing results: the energy that you put into creating your amazing coaching package is going to mean it was aligned with your ideal client because you made sure to keep your intention on them. And, therefore, you will only invite your ideal clients to work with you and you will be able to bring that energy into your sessions, and that will impact them in a positive way. 

You in turn model the energy work for them, and they can apply that in the work that they're doing with you. 

So in all these ways, this is why I truly without a doubt, know that the energy work that you do will help you reach your ideal clients and get them, amazing results.

Also, if you are ready to think about how to get your services out there and put that energy into creating an amazing Purposeful Coaching Package that’s just for your ideal clients, and will grab their attention, I have something for you.

If you’re ready to create PURPOSEFUL PACKAGES in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease? Click here to get instant access.


Amanda xx


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In this post, I'm talking about the type of energy work you can do that will help you get the best clients for you and also help them reach amazing results. I'm also going to talk about what can happen when you don't do this energy work.