How To Transition Into Working For Yourself Online

Do you feel like now may be the right time to replace your current job or income because you have had a bit of a taste of how flexible working online is like, and you are curious to see how you could start your own health coaching business or any ot…

In this post, we’re talking about why working for yourself online is the future, how valuable health coaching is becoming and the three essential S’s for when you are transitioning out of a job. If you’ve been enjoying having to work from home and love the flexibility it brings, then you’ll love this post.

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

How To Transition Into Working For Yourself Online

It goes without saying that working from home has become a reality of these times. Many people have had ‘working from home’ on their vision boards for a while, so for them, this is a really positive reality.

There are so many benefits to remote working; making your own lunch each day, working your own kind of schedule, keeping your own rhythm and your own flow, and of course, no commute.

Working from home has also opened up possibilities to people who feel that now may be the right time to replace their current job or their current income because they are getting a bit of a taste of what flexible working is, and they are curious to see how they could start their own health coaching business or any other calling you may have previously considered.

There are some shifts taking place right now. Health coaching has become more needed than ever, and it's only going to rise in the coming years.

One of the positives of the last couple of years is that people's values have really been shaken up. People are being proactive about looking after themselves and placing the importance of health over everything else. It's so heartwarming to see so many people putting that first, not just for themselves but also for others in the community.

Why Working For Yourself Online Is The Future

This isn’t a short-term thing; there are going to be ripple effects in coming years as far as our value system is concerned, and through challenges that may come up, meaning that we are going to need to take better care of ourselves as humans. And that's what we're here for as health coaches.

With that in mind, it's a super exciting time in the rise of health coaching and it’s a really important time to understand the need for your services right now and how your work will serve and support others.

Aside from having a purpose-driven role where you are able to give back, being self-employed is a bonus during these times. Being employed by, and relying on, someone else can prove risky.

What we are starting to see is that we need to be able to adapt, to know how to make money online, and how to work for ourselves.

Being in control of your own income feels like the less risky option right now, but before you quit your job on a whim you should know about my ‘Three S Model’, which outlines the three essential S’s for when you are transitioning out of a job.

1.    Systems

All businesses require systems. I know that as entrepreneurs we just want to flow and be creative, but a good system will actually allow and encourage the flow.

When you have proper systems in place you have structure and purpose. You don't get up every morning wondering what to do next because your systems are aligned with your ultimate message, which is how to get seen and heard through marketing.

Ask yourself, what is the system for the clients you work with? What is the package you sell? What is your core message? What words and phrases need to be included in your messaging? How do you get seen by your ideal clients when you get seen by them?

You need a system that allows you to consistently be seen and heard and is able to take people from your marketing and move them on to a call.

There is a piece in the middle, and this is something that I find most people don't have a system for. I call it ‘asking for the dance’. So, once you have people on a call, you need a system for how to actually hold that call.

I want to raise the point of health histories because I don't actually advocate health histories. I'm not a fan of them because they are not an effective system to help someone explore whether working with you is the right fit – that is the purpose of a sales or discovery call and that should form part of your system.

Systems need to be attached to every part of your business; taking payments, conducting professional coaching sessions, what to do before, during, and after your coaching sessions, how to offboard clients when that's finished, as well as all your backend business systems.

2.    Support

I was just reading a great article recently by money expert, Denise Duffield Thomas. It was about areas where people are cutting costs at the moment, and she said one of the things you should not cut back on is coaching. She said, don't cut costs on things that will support you emotionally through this time, especially if that support is there to help you take action to make money.

I believe in coaching so much, and when you understand that people are looking for support at the moment, it's all about aligning with people who value and are willing to receive that support. This is important because it's hard for us all, especially when we're going through something challenging like setting up a new business or transitioning out of a job, and it can be particularly hard to do that all alone.

The number one thing to do is to surround yourself with support. Whether you are transitioning out of a job, whether you’re taking your coaching to another level or even navigating your business during times like this. The groups of people you choose to surround yourself with is so important.

I can't emphasize enough how crucial support is.

I've even had past clients coming back asking me to put them back in the mastermind because they want to be in a community that reminds them that they are offering high-level support and around people who are facing forward seeing possibilities of what’s to come rather than pulling back in fear.

3.    Step-by-step plan

When you are transitioning in or out of any situation you must create a plan to follow.

There is always an appropriate order in which to do things. I use an ‘iceberg’ framework that you may be familiar with, but whichever framework you use, it is crucial that you do not skip steps.

A step-by-step plan is exactly that; something that evolves with each step, so skipping over an important piece of the puzzle is not advantageous, it may even set you back. Thorough forward planning should not be wasted by trying to avoid what you know is vital to the overall plan.

A series of sequential steps helps you to be seen, heard and to get your message out there in a way that really resonates with people and connects with them. Skipping over or rushing through any of the steps may mean that your message is blurred, inconsistent, inconclusive or doesn’t tell the whole story.

In Summary

Working from home can be your full-time, long-term future. People are hungry for this kind of coaching right now and are really activated by this energy to better themselves. So, whether you’re transitioning out of or into a new job or another phase in your life, remember the Three S’s and you will be set!

Lean into having the systems, having high-level support and the support of people who think in the way of frequency that you want to be operating at, and then actually following the steps in order and not trying to bypass them or pretending that you're doing them, but really leaning into them.


Amanda xx

P.S. Want to learn how to boost your coaching confidence so you feel like a PRO and get MASSIVE results? Click this link to get instant access to my FREE resource on Coaching Confidence >> ​​


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Do you feel like now may be the right time to replace your current job or income because you have had a bit of a taste of how flexible working online is like, and you are curious to see how you could start your own health coaching business or any ot…