Brand, Marketing, Sales - What to Focus on When!

What's the difference between brand, marketing & sales and what should you focus on first when starting your health coaching or wellness business? I'm sharing what's what so that you know what to focus on to start getting sales ASAP in your business…

In this post: What's the difference between brand, marketing & sales and what should you focus on first when starting your health coaching or wellness business? I'm sharing what's what so that you know what to focus on to start getting sales ASAP in your business. And spoiler alert: marketing does not necessarily = sales!

Watch this post by clicking the image below or keep scrolling to read.

(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

Brand, Marketing, Sales - What to Focus on When!

Brand, marketing and sales are three really important aspects of your business, but the meanings of each often get tangled up under one umbrella and labelled as ‘social media marketing’ or ‘offline/online marketing’.

They actually have completely different meanings and functions within your business and you need to have a proper strategy for your brand, marketing and sales to help you build a successful business.

So, I want to help you differentiate between your brand, marketing and sales so that you can optimise your time and allocate the right resources to the right business function and turn your followers into clients.

Here’s the structure I use:


People think branding is about a logo, a colour palette, business cards and a fancy website, but brand is less about aesthetics (although that is important!) and more about the ethos, personality and energy of your business. We cover your personal brand in my UPswing Mastermind which is an important piece of your overall brand.

The purpose of a brand is to create a long-term reputation and to build your know, like, and trust from a really high-level place that filters down through your marketing and sales.

Your brand is something that is built up over time as you build your reputation and as you put content out there. Because of this, it’s not the first thing to focus on.



Marketing is not just posting on social media. It’s about relationship building and building up your network of potential clients.

It is gathering leads and nurturing them to the point where they would want to buy from you.

Marketing can feed into your sales process, but you need to be intentional and have a strategy around this. Showing up and doing social media marketing or online marketing isn’t in itself going to get you sales.


Sales is getting people on the phone or onto a discovery call. It’s asking for the dance and then selling your services.

This is actually the part you need to start with and focus on first because this is what actually brings the money in through the door.

A lot of people ignore this piece because it’s at the bottom of the funnel but it’s really the most important part. Branding and marketing don’t matter if you’re not able to make any sales.

So I hope this has given you an overview of the difference between brand, marketing, and sales and that you can now see that you need to focus on the sales piece first. Then you can work on your marketing strategy and lastly, you can build up your brand.

If you want to learn how to move through Discovery Calls with grace, ease and flow? Click here to get instant access to my simple 7-step sales script >> ​​

Let me know if you have any questions about this!


Amanda xx


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What's the difference between brand, marketing & sales and what should you focus on first when starting your health coaching or wellness business? I'm sharing what's what so that you know what to focus on to start getting sales ASAP in your business…