5 Ways to Book More Health Coaching Clients Right Now

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I think it’s time we talked about the one conversation most new Health Coaches want to avoid in their health coaching businesses:

Selling your health coaching services! 

This includes:

  1. Inviting someone to a Discovery Session with you

  2. Inviting them to your Health Coaching Program at the end of the call...without feeling icky and sleazy.😩

Why is this conversation so hard for so many health coaches? 

The majority of Health Coaches I meet pursued coaching to help others...so asking them for money can feel strange, pushy, and even aggressive 😧

...especially if you haven’t done the work to address your wealth consciousness! 💸

Here’s the thing: Selling coaching is simply an invitation to work with you. You’re letting others know how you HELP them and giving them the opportunity to take action on that if it’s a good fit. If you are a great match, there isn’t a lot of convincing that goes into it!  

🌟So it is absolutely essential to overcome this fear of making the “ask.”

One way to do that is to learn helpful frameworks you can implement to make asking for the call feel so much easier…

I go into more depth on each step in this video:

Here are THE FIVE WAYS to invite someone to a Discovery Session and to enrol in your Health Coaching Program on social media (without feeling sleazy)

✅Offer value through your social media posts before asking for the next step.

✅Direct Message people who engage with your content the most! Offer to support them through a Discovery Session and see if working together is the next step.

✅Referral Partners: Build relationships with others in the online health and wellness industry. See each other as colleagues, not competition! 

✅List build and invite through email newsletters after offering value

✅Offer webinar and live video classes with a call to action to get on a call at the end

Learn more about each step and watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/E1HZxb9IuL0

You can choose and focus on one step at a time. The more you focus your energy on one area, the faster your business can grow!

Let me know which step you think you’ll be focusing on!