Top 3 Strategies for Finding Health Coaching Clients Online in 2020

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In the year 2020, we know more people are online, on social media, and purchasing virtual health and wellness services than ever before. 

Feeling the pressure to build up your social media then?? 

This week I want to help take the pressure down a little and still assure you that you CAN book health coaching clients through social media, even with a small audience or email list! 

You just have to take a different approach than you would if you did have a huge following. But let’s face it...most Health Coaches simply want to focus on working with clients and not spend all their time in marketing!! 

So, let's talk about the three most effective strategies to begin finding your clients online before you have a big audience or email list. 

Here’s what you don’t have to worry about when implementing these three strategies:

✔️You don’t have to have a big email list

✔️You don’t have to have a huge social media following

✔️You don’t even have to be on social media all the time trying to post everywhere and be in every Facebook Group

You can become more visible without social media taking over your life.

In this video, I’m going to talk about

  1. How to become more visible without social media taking over life

  2. What goes into building relationships with ideal clients

  3. How to people to get on a call with you without being pushy or sleazy

Watch now:

Here’s a snapshot of what you’ll learn today:

Strategy One: Choose one social media platform to focus on and post there consistently every day. Don’t overwhelm yourself or set unrealistic expectations. Trying to be everywhere all the time is like saying you can be at 5 different get-togethers and socialize with everyone you know in one night...except you’re trying to do that every night! Being on social can actually be fun for you too! 

Strategy Two: Engage with people daily in some way! You’re building relationships! Don’t post promotional post after promotional post and expect action. People have to get to know you, know what you’re about, and really connect with you as a person in order to know you’re the coach for them. So comment on posts, respond to other comments, get to know people, engage in their groups, share their content, etc. 

Strategy Three: “Ask for the dance” in the DMs"

In the UPswing Mastermind for Health Coaches, I teach you about how to “Ask for the dance.” It’s how you take a conversation from meeting one another to inviting them to a Discovery Session with you. 

>> The key component is connection <<

You don’t just hop into people’s DM’s randomly inviting anyone and everyone to a Discovery Call. Be curious with people. Build the relationship. Ask lots of questions! 

And that’s it! Which strategy are you going to start with? 

With Love, 


P.S. If you want help with what to say in a Discovery Session or in ongoing coaching sessions that can boost your confidence, offer amazing results to your clients, and give you the structure to offer multiple coaching sessions without ever running out of material, I do have something special for you: The 3 Part Framework to Amazing Coaching Sessions Bundle. 

In it, you’ll receive three full video lessons on this unique framework for Health Coaches plus you’ll have downloadable templates with questions you can ask to keep the flow going in your sessions. 

What you’ll also love is that for just an extra $9, you can add on my entire Social Media Masterclass where I teach you more specific strategies when it comes to social media. 

Get yours here while it’s on sale: