grow your health coaching business

The Ultimate Guide To Finding Your Target Market For Health Coaches + Wellness Entrepreneurs

Hey healthy ladies!

In this deep-dive blog post, I’m going to walk you through EXACTLY what to do to get crystal clear on your target market as a new health coach.

So, let me walk you through my step-by-step process for doing just that!

INTRODUCTION: Why do I need a target market?

Businesses that don’t have a clear target market often have trouble attracting and converting clients; take longer to be seen as leaders in their field; and struggle to grow their email lists and income.

Here’s what knowing your target market can do for you:

The Ultimate Guide To Creating Coaching Packages That Sell & Gets Results (for Health Coaches & Wellness Entrepreneurs!)

Hey there healthy lady!

In this in-depth blog post I’m going to walk you through - top to bottom - how to create your very own unique ‘Purposeful Package’ that sells like gluten-free hotcakes and gets massive results for your clients.

First up, I’m going to explain WHY it’s so important to sell coaching in a Purposeful Package format - especially if you want to make a consistent and significant income as a coach.

Then I’m going to walk you through what to do - step-by-step - to craft one STRONG signature program that you know your ideal client wants to buy, and that you feel confident and excited about delivering.

This is a process, and you’re going to have to do a little work to complete it - so take out a journal, a notebook, and set aside some time to action the steps.

How to Overcome Money Objections In Sales Calls (Without Feeling Sleazy)

Hey beauty,

Now, today I wanna talk about something that most clients come to me about once they start getting clients — AKA: what to do in that final part of a sales call, when you have to talk about ‘the money’, and your perfect prospect says they ‘can’t afford it’.

It’s definitely a time where you need to tap into a little bit of that inner strength… and it’s also very normal to struggle with, even for the most successful coaches! 💗

The good news is, there IS a way to overcome money objections which is intuitive and soulful — not sleazy — and in this video that’s what we’re diving into.

How To (Finally!) Choose Your Target Market

Being able to identify your Target Market is one of THE KEYS to building a successful Health Coaching business.

And it makes a world of difference to your sales when you truly know WHO you are talking to, and who you are creating your Health Coaching services for.

BUT this topic is often misunderstood (and maybe over-complicated!).

So in this video, I get suuuuper personal, sharing my own rollercoaster health journey, and an anxiety attack I had earlier this year — all to make the topic of target market a little clearer.

Watch it now to learn:

  • The KEY things you DO need to know about your target market… 🤓

  • On the flip side - what you DON’T need to know about your target market! (This is where I see a lot of people over-thinking, wasting time, and getting stuck…) 🤯

  • How to FINALLY feel confident choosing yours… 😍

  • Plus, have a peek behind the scenes of an UPswing Mastermind Coaching Call! 🤭

How to Use Your Facebook Business Page as a Health Coach

Hey beauty!

In today's blog post and FB Live video, 👆🏼👆🏽👆🏾I'm going to teach you the keys to a killer Facebook Business Page as a Health Coach, and give you some essential action steps to take once to improve yours.

When you read the post or watch the video (it's your call!) you will learn:

  • Why having a Facebook presence is important…

  • My top tips for optimising your FB Business Page…

  • How to create consistent content that helps grow your business..

  • What’s working on the platform right now...

(And I want you to know that these tips are up-to-the-minute and reflect the most recent algorithm changes that have taken place over the last few months.)

My Top Tips To Shine On Social Media

Social media platforms are a way of bringing mutual friends together, and connecting us to millions of people around the world who are interested in the same thing as us!

The top thing is to remember that this is about true connection (not sleazy business or marketing tactics) and getting our message out there.

But how do you go about building this true connection?

In this post, I’m sharing 4 of my top tips on how to shine on social media!

How To Start Your Health Coaching Business While You're Still Working

Hey healthy lady!

Many women start their health coaching business or join my programs while working full or part-time jobs. It is absolutely possible - even preferable! - to start a coaching practice while you're still working.

The key to success lies in being laser-focused with the time you DO have and prioritising client-attraction and income-generating activities.

For example, getting in front of your ideal clients, telling them what you do, positioning yourself as an expert, and asking for the dance (aka: inviting them to discovery sessions).

It is very easy to spend hours tinkering “behind the scenes” on your website, or perfecting your business cards - but actually MARKETING your business consistently is how you will succeed.

The great news is, you can definitely do that in 1-3 hours a day. You do NOT need to be working on/in your business for 8 hours a day to be successful - especially when you’re first starting out.

I asked the women in my latest UPswing Mastermind & UPswing Momentum programs to share their top tips for starting a coaching business while still working...

From Crippling Money Blocks To Making $10k In 10 Weeks [Amanda's Story]

As January comes to a close and we move into February, how are those New Year's Resolutions holding up?

Still avoiding carbs? Going to the gym every morning? Spending less on that shoe collection?

Yeah, me neither...

But I do have an even more important question...

How are your BUSINESS resolutions holding up?

Well, I have one graduate who's starting the year with a BANG! I spoke with Amanda Pickering before the holidays, just a few months after starting my UPswing Mastermind, and I wanted to share her story.

Choose To Trust Yourself

It's been very busy in my world lately.

Working with over 50 health coaches a week, launching the next round of my UPswing Mastermind program, and travelling back to New Zealand for Christmas and New Year with my family.

A few weeks back I was presented with an opportunity that felt almost too good to be true.

I hesitated... I almost didn't say yes... Maybe they were mistaken... Maybe I should think about it some more first... Maybe I'm actually too busy right now... I'm about to launch my program so maybe I should be "safe and responsible" for the next few months...

Oh and the clincher: Maybe I shouldn't spend the money needed to take action...

Isn't the mind clever at holding us back from our dreams?!

You Don't Have To Sacrifice Your HEALTH To Achieve WEALTH

Burnout is no joke.

And I'm guessing you're so passionate about self-care and starting your health coaching biz because you know exactly what I mean.

Before I became a health coach, I worked in corporate advertising for 15+ years. I worked with clients like Coca-Cola, eBay, Nokia, and Microsoft (just to name a few). Let me tell you, after THAT many years, I was stressed to the max.

During that time, I developed a whole bunch of health problems (thanks, stress!).

As a result, I discovered health coaching and realised I needed to start taking better care of ME.