Choose To Trust Yourself

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It's been very busy in my world lately.

Working with over 50 health coaches a week, launching the next round of my UPswing Mastermind program, and travelling back to New Zealand for Christmas and New Year with my family.

A few weeks back I was presented with an opportunity that felt almost too good to be true.

I hesitated... I almost didn't say yes... Maybe they were mistaken... Maybe I should think about it some more first... Maybe I'm actually too busy right now... I'm about to launch my program so maybe I should be "safe and responsible" for the next few months...

Oh and the clincher: Maybe I shouldn't spend the money needed to take action...

Isn't the mind clever at holding us back from our dreams?!

When an AMAZING opportunity came my way...

Instead of jumping all in with a YES...

I questioned it.  I didn't TRUST.

Thankfully I caught myself super quick. Took a deep breath and said YES to the opportunity... and already, only a few weeks later, so many things have unfolded as a result that I couldn't have even logically dreamed of myself.

Saying yes to that one opportunity created a ripple effect that I could never have created alone - and yet I almost missed it!

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Sometimes we can be so 'busy' in everyday life that saying YES to something new can almost be missed, despite our dreams and best intentions.

Or sometimes when something arises that we would love to do, our sneaky monkey mind comes in to tell us "You can't do that," or "What if it doesn't work out?".

Ask yourself:

  • How are things going for you right now?  

  • Do you ever get these conflicting messages between your heart, your dreams and your monkey mind? 

  • Are you feeling a bit daunted by the whole "Health Coaching Business" thing?

I know that when I was first out of training, I had big expectations about what I was going to be able to do with myself.  

No more long hours in the office... loads more time to get to those yoga classes... not feeling like I had to rush from one life-draining part of my day to the next... it was exciting!!

Then as time rolled on and I couldn't seem to bring in enough clients... I started to doubt my big dreams.

Who was I to want this? Could I actually do this? Did I have what it took to run a profitable business?

Then, as amazing opportunities presented themselves - chances to learn how to really do this from mentors I admired - I had moments of doubt.

And you know... I don't think any of it had to do with what was on offer because at the time I knew it was what I needed!

What was holding me back was ME.

I had moments where I just didn't trust myself...

I didn't believe that, if I was given and accepted this opportunity, I could actually be trusted to put in the work and do it.

If I'd listened to that inner critic, I would NOT - in any way - have the life I have. The freedom. The choice. The lifestyle. 

So what was it that stopped me from listening to that inner critic that was telling me that I couldn't trust myself?

  • I looked at it rationally.

  • I knew that I had trusted myself to complete my health coaching training. And I'd done it. I'd graduated.

  • I'd trusted myself to decide to leave my corporate job and start my business. And I'd done that. So I knew that I had a track record of going for my goals.

  • And when I realised this - I was able to keep my eyes on this new goal and make that leap.

That investment in myself has repaid itself many times over. :)

How can you trust yourself more right now? How can you look more rationally at the fears and doubts that are holding you back?


Amanda xx

PS. Dreaming of starting your own business? Grab my FREE ‘Find Your Profitable Target Market Guide’ to help you choose a profitable niche. Just click the button below to get yours now!

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Do you get caught up in doubt and fear when faced with opportunities and decisions? Do you find yourself holding you back from taking action on your dreams? You're not alone! This is something that I have struggled with and had to learn how to choos…