Why Self-Love and Boundaries Help You Find Your Ideal Clients

Narrow Down Your Niche and Ideal Client with Self-Love and Boundaries

In this post: I’m going to talk about how self-love and boundaries will help you really narrow down your ideal client and niche and create the kinds of coaching packages that sell without force or hustle.

  • Cultivate more self-love and self-respect and finally figure out who your true ideal client is as a result

  • Know your boundaries and narrow down the best niche for you plus create an amazing coaching package that’s compatible with your ideal clients!

It really is all about how the personal work will always feed your professional progress as a coach when also combined with smart frameworks and action. Let’s get started...

Why Self-Love and Boundaries Help You Find Your Ideal Clients

How are you and what's happening this week? I have a bit of a unique post today. I'm going to talk about how self-love and boundaries will help you really narrow down on your ideal client and your niche and create the kinds of coaching packages that sell without force or hustle.

So today's topic is broken into two steps: first of all, how to cultivate more self-love and self-respect and finally figure out who your true ideal client is as a result of that. And then point two: we're going to look at knowing your boundaries and narrowing down the best niche for you, plus creating an amazing coaching package that's compatible with those ideal clients. So let's look at these two points.

It's really all about how the personal work will always feed your professional progress as a coach when also combined with smart frameworks and action — we've got to have both.

I was on a podcast interview last night and the lady was laughing because our interview was kind of bouncing from tangible Instagram strategies and ways to book clients. And then the next minute we're talking about money mindset and the interpersonal work, and we were laughing about how it was bouncing around, at the same time, it takes both. This is the life of building a business. So I'm excited to share some of these with you today.

When someone becomes a health coach, usually the next step is to start seeing clients. I work with a lot of new health coaches, in fact, I just got off my UPswing Mastermind with beautiful new health coaches and I get to witness those early phases of building a new health coaching business. I've also built my own health coaching business and have now booked two successful coaching businesses.

So there's a common denominator that I have seen time and time again for what moves a coaching business forward in a more efficient and speedier way. And what can be the factors that seem to be holding coaches back and causing the feeling of, "I don't have any clients? I don't know where to find them." Does anyone ever feel that? So if you've ever identified with that feeling of not knowing where to find clients right now, I think you're going to find today's post really helpful.

Step One: Cultivate more self-love.

Doing the personal work alongside the practical steps leads to the most desirable results in the long term. So why aren't health coaches having an easy time finding clients as say, business coaches or money coaches? I don't even know if that's true, but it's definitely something that you guys tell me. So it's a belief that seems to be here for health coaches or other practitioners in health and wellness.

There are a lot of factors. And one is that health coaching is a really broad general term. So when you're new to a field that can speak to a number of health concerns, sometimes you find yourself saying "I don't know how to explain what a health coach is and maybe no one knows what a health coach is." So now you start wondering, "Maybe I'm not ready. Maybe I'm not qualified enough. Maybe I don't know enough is someone going to choose me over someone who's been coaching for longer or who has studied in a more knowing field in health and wellness." Does anyone ever have these kinds of thoughts going on?

It's really normal when joining the health coaching profession because it's such a new industry. This is something that I'm yet to meet another business coach who understands why it's so important to get specific training for health coaches.

It's also where self-love comes in. Yes, you need to, at some point, figure out your niche, your ideal client, because when you do then you'll create programs and packages that are designed specifically for them speak to them and are easier to sell. And it's just going to always feel challenging to get that specific. 

If you don't have a lot of trust and confidence and faith in yourself, what tends to happen for a lot of new coaches who are new, trying to appeal to everyone and anyone, is they quickly experienced the fatigue of trying to reach everybody and feeling then like it's not working. And if you think about this in your personal life, what if you're trying to be friends with everyone? Not just acquaintances, but what if you're trying to be close friends with every single person you met out there? So then you like try to create then form your personality around them.

Trying to be friends with this person and this other person. You want to say all the right things. You'd be twisting yourself like a pretzel trying to please everyone.

Having the right interest in the right answers, you would be just like so exhausted. It's impossible to do that. And we know that we cannot be close with everyone. We're not going to bond or connect with every person on earth. And every person we come into contact with, we understand that on a personal level and at some point, you have decided that you didn't want to build a relationship with a certain person for certain reasons. And they may have decided that about you as well. It's natural, it's normal. It's called being human. So it's really important to remember this when you're thinking about who you want to work with as clients.

Here's a thing that happens in human personal relationships and in business relationships — when there isn't a lot of self-confidence, self-love and self-respect to start with, when those really important qualities are not cultivated, then you do find yourself trying to be liked by everyone, you might lose track of who you really are, what you want, what you like, why you got into this work and trying to please for what you think might be out there.

And so in friendships, you wouldn't want to do that, right? It might mean that you would do personal work to build your confidence and your self-love for yourself. So that you're okay. No matter who your friend is or isn't because you find the right relationships for you. It's the same in business. Not everybody can be your client, nor do you want everybody to be your clients. So ask yourself, who are the clients who are compatible with you because of who you are? How do you coach your interests, your specialties, and what you'd like to focus on? You don't have to become something else. This means you don't have to try and desperately put together a service that appeals to everyone.

You get to put together a coaching package that is perfect for clients who are compatible with you. How good is that?

How does that feel in your body? And that starts by really trusting yourself, believing in yourself and then asking yourself from a place of self-love and self-respect, "Who do I want to work with? Who's a great fit for me? What topics am I interested in? Specializing as a health coach, you get to choose the clients that you work with.

What do you think about this? What's coming up for you. Any thoughts? Any AHAs? I'd love to hear them.

So let's talk about the second step: Boundaries.

Before you start taking on clients, this will help you excel as a coach and help you grow as far as bringing in the best possible client relationships for you, which is what you want. And think about that in a personal relationship as well.

A boundary is your way of letting people know how you prefer to interact with them, how you prefer to be in a relationship, what works for you, what doesn't work for you. When boundaries are not in place between you and another person, that's where people can cross the line where hurtful things can be said or misunderstandings, or where expectations can be placed on someone that's overwhelming or not a good fit for them. That's how we might find ourselves in relationships that are not fulfilling or not a good match compatibility-wise.

Boundaries and understanding ourselves protect your relationships. And that's really important with clients.

When you figure out your boundaries then how to let your clients know how you work, how you communicate together, etc. All these go in a client contract, so you'll be super clear on your relationship from the get-go. It also helps you figure out your niche, your ideal clients, because then, you know your own limits, your own truth as far as what topics you go into, what topics you are not planning on specializing in that you can refer out to other people. It just helps you get clear. How you coach and how you describe your services, who it's for, who it's not for, what makes them a good match for you as a client is so important.

With these self-love and boundaries in place, you will feel confident enough to state outright what you want.

So you can say, "Here's who I work with. Here's how I work with them. This is my program" and you're not going to have that kind of push-pull, foot on the brake, foot on the accelerator going on, where you'd be like "I want clients. But oh my God, I don't. Because what if they are XYZ..." You then have got to be very clear and you're also going to magnetize in very clean, ideal clients for yourself.

By cultivating your self-love and boundaries, now what you have is a clear idea of who your ideal clients are, who your niches are, how you work with people. And that brings you so much closer to creating amazing coaching packages and services that are going to help you excel in business, reach more clients and ultimately get them the best results too.

So let me know what you think:

  • What boundaries do you know that you need to have in place right now?

  • What boundaries might you consider?

  • How are you cultivating more self-confidence to get more specific about who you work with?

  • Checking in, are you telling the story, "I am enough" and building your business from there? Or are you building on a foundation of "I am not enough"? You get to choose that.

If you are ready to think about putting your services out there, overcoming these, what can feel like awkward money conversations, putting together your coaching package, really ready to start pulling your offering together, I offer one of my training called the Purposeful Packages Challenge. It's free, full, premium training on how to create your purposeful package.

I would love to hear your thoughts on self-love and boundaries in business. Have a beautiful week, and we will talk soon.


Amanda xx

PS. Ready to create a purposeful package in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease? Click this link to get instant access to the FREE training >> https://training.amandajdaley.com/packages


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Narrow Down Your Niche and Ideal Client with Self-Love and Boundaries