In this post: Let’s talk about FEAR VS FACT
What is fear anyway - it is often nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real! Make sure you don’t buy into STORIES without first checking the TRUTH of it.
Emotions are real and valid (especially now) but you have to know the difference between FACT and FEELINGS!
I’ll share what you can do to INTERRUPT the patterns of fear and focus more on the FACTS of the situation.
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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)
5 Tricks To Overcome Fears In Your Health Coaching Business
Today I wanted to talk more around the unexpected fears that arise when building your health coaching business anytime, especially in times of uncertainty like we are in right now. Honestly, now's the time to master these. Now is the best time to be in the gym, doing your weights, as such of the mindset work.
So I'm going to talk about five different areas of mindset today that we can be aware of.
Facts versus emotion
So, firstly, I want to talk about facts versus emotion. This is something I've been talking to a lot of people about recently, this is a skill that I have mastered. Maybe not mastered, but I've definitely perfected or worked on a lot in growing a seven-figure business.
This business has been at a large level for a number of years, and I've been privileged enough to work with top world-class business coaches. And this is the kind of thing that they have taught me — resilience in the face of fear, resilience when there are unknowns.
And when you all know that fear, which is an energy, which is very strong on the planet right now is an acronym for:
It really is. So one way to navigate fear in your business is to separate the facts from the emotions, the numbers, the measurements from the feelings.
If you were coaching with me, this might be something that I might ask you. What are the facts? Is that emotion or is that fact? You would be surprised nine times out of 10 when I ask people that question, the answer is it's actually emotion. And often they don't even know if it's fact.
I'll give you an example. Someone the other day said, "Oh, I'd been in a group of ladies and they told me that 2 million people in Australia lost their job. So no one's buying health coaching anymore." And there was more to the conversation.
I said, "Okay, is that fact that two million people lost their job in Australia? Do you know if that's a fact?" She didn't know if it was a fact.
Then I said, "Okay, well it might be fact. Let's pretend it's fact. Maybe it is fact that 2 million people lost their job in Australia one or two weeks ago. How many people are in Australia?"
And we kind of giggled. And she said, "Oh, I don't know, maybe a billion?" We looked it up. It was something around about the 25 million mark. And so we're like, "Okay, great. So 9%, if the 2 million was true, 9% of the population lost their job."
That is real. That is a fact. That is not a nice fact, but there are still 91% of the population who did not lose their job if the 2 million is even real.
This doesn't make it better or worse, but it takes the emotion out of things. We look at the facts. The fact is that 9% of people lost a job. But concluding that no one will ever buy health coaching ever again? Absolutely not. That's not fact. And so we look for facts.
It's why I share with you often what's happening in my paid programs because there are facts right now. It's the fact that someone just sold a blueprint. That's a fact. Right before I got on the call is a fact, that someone sold other coaching programs yesterday.
We've got to be really careful of splitting fact from emotion.
If you're dealing with clients who might be wanting to freak out about paying for programs or anything like that, you can talk to them. "Is it fact or emotion?" A lot of people are very swept up in emotion right now from the news, from family, all of these things.
I spoke to a lady in my advanced program, we did a two and a half hour onboarding call yesterday, we went a little over time but it was a great one. And she was sharing how in the last few weeks, their family and friends have been saying like, "You're going to have to pull your business back. You're going to have to do this."
And she was like, "Why? The facts are I've got more clients than ever!" And she was saying it's almost like people don't understand the pattern interrupt when you're not bonding on that same level of collective worrying but she was strong enough because she values our community coaching. She was strong enough to go, "That's not my fact."
A little bit of a side note, in her mind, she was making about $2,000 a month. But we realized on the call last night that she had actually passed the $5,000 a month mark. I think she'd been doing that for a couple of months and she had been retracting the money. So there's another example of facts. She was in an emotional story and she hadn't done the facts. And I made her sit there on the call, work out the facts. And she is in fact making $5,000 a month as a health coach. So there's an example of where our emotions can bring us down or skew facts.
You cannot run a business, especially through times like this, if you don't stay in fact.
So that's my first tip for you now, going on from there, let's look at where that would take you with a mindset. Here's the next thing that can go on in our brains, in our minds at times like this in building business. And this is another thing that I learned from a top world-class coach that I worked with for a number of years.
Here's the thing, in the last few weeks, when there's all this unknown, what I do is I sit down and I work out what is the worst-case scenario from here.
What is the worst-case scenario? And I write that out. Then I say, what's the most likely scenario? And I write that out. And then I write what's the best-case scenario? What's the unknown scenario?
Just like my client earlier who realized her business is making more than ever, you know? When other people are saying, "Oh, actually I write it down. It's even more, two and a half times of what I thought."
What's the best-case scenario. The thing is the brain is looking for the evidence of the worst case. And actually, I've had so many examples of this recently where we start looking for what it is the worst case, best case, likely case.
Statistically, if we come back to facts, this is from hundreds of years of business and investing in all top research, 70% of the time, the middle track, the most likely track is the one that will happen. It could even be higher. It could be 70 to 80% of the time.
The worst-case only happens around two to 5% max of the time.
And the best case actually happens around 25% of the time.
So we spend all our energy and fear worrying about the worst case. Now it's good to have the worst case down because you can say, "If that was the worst case, what would I do? It's only 2% likely to happen if it happened. Great, I could do it."
But we don't spend a hundred per cent of our time as a business owner focusing on what's the worst case.
What's the worst-case because it's not likely to happen. 70 to 80% it's going to be the most likely scenario and roughly 25% will be the best case.
I've got a lady in my momentum who shared with us a book called Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg. I started reading only the first chapter and at the beginning of the first chapter, it says to build habits with an anchor.
So the first one they talked about was getting out of bed each morning, sitting up in bed and saying, "This is going to be the best day ever!" And then smile. That anchors it in and then get on with your day.
That's just a tiny habit, but I'll tell you what, when I started experimenting with this, I noticed what my brain did, my mind did it instantly. It's like a little chatter. At seven in the morning or whatever, it's a pattern interrupt.
The minute you say that the mind starts looking for evidence really quickly. It's almost like challenging me. It's like, "Well, how's it going to be the best day? Why is it going to be the best day?" And the brain just starts looking for how's it gonna be the best day, where's it going to be the best day and why is it going to be the best day. You're off on a new track.
Some of you in the UPswing Mastermind know that I talk about which bus you get on. Many of us get on the wrong bus in the morning, we get on the bus down that it's gonna be a bad day.
It's going to be this: nothing's working the economy's over. You've gotta pull back your business. Someone's buying. And we look at that evidence and we go to negative town.
But you can get off that negative bus at any time, just get off the bus and get back on the bus that you do want — the bus that is going towards positive town.
We have this ability to create our own reality. This is not about ignoring facts that are out there right now.
The biggest fact in the universe is yin and yang. It is just as much good and bad in the universe at one time. There are absolutely negative things going on in life right now. There are also absolutely amazing things going on right now. Which one do we choose to tune into? It's like tuning into which radio station. It is a hundred per cent our choice.
It is that simple. It's not always that easy. And that is why we need these practices.
Our circumstances are not what creates our thoughts. We all live in the same world right now. But if you are having a good day or a bad day today, it's not because of the circumstance. It is because of the thought that you had about the circumstance.
Some of you know about my teaching on thoughts cycle: It is not because of the circumstance, it is because of the thought that you have around the circumstance. This is why mindset is so important in business at any time. It has a big spotlight on it at the moment. So check in with yourself, how you're feeling today? How you are acting? How are you behaving?
Amanda xx
PS. If you’re ready to get consistent clients & earn a consistent income from your health coaching or wellness business, then you’ll love my FREE Masterclass where I teach you the three-part framework to consistent clients and cash flow as a health coach without overwhelm and burnout. Click HERE for Instant Access!
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