In this post: Why it's so easy to fall into overwhelm as a new Health Coach + 2 ways to overcome it.
I talk about:
How we're living in the information age - and why that is both good and bad
Why overwhelm is a resistance mechanism
The #1 thing you MUST do if you want to nix overwhelm
How all businesses are built one step at a time...there are no shortcuts.
The very first step for ANY business (what you MUST have clear before you do anything else)
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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)
Why It’s So Easy to Fall Into Overwhelm
How are you? I just got off from our 20 laser coaching call with some UPswing Mastermind ladies and oh, there's so much that happened.
But firstly, I just want to say, I love you all and our community. You are making this decision to break away from the norm, training to be a coach or a life coach or a health coach or whatever it is that you want to do now. This is big stuff. Congratulations on going for your dreams, not many people dare to do that. The courage in people who are stepping forward to get this work of health out there is just awesome energy to be around.
It's nice to be surrounding yourself with like-minded go-getters who want to change the world, who want to get this work out there. And I'm willing to do the hard work to step in and learn new ways. And this includes new ways that we have to think and act and everything. It's such a fun and challenging journey all at once. I love you all for being courageous enough to go on this journey.
A topic that came up today in the call is about how easy it can be for us to fall into overwhelm. We are in the information age and simple Google searches, simple click here on Facebook or whatever, can have you completely overwhelmed in content, in different opinions of what you should be doing of what you could be doing. I saw a coach today who shared that she go look at competitors then gets self-doubt.
We're in a minefield, aren't we? I don't know if anyone else feels that, but sometimes I'm just like, there's so much content! Think of all the things when we get started: there's list-building, there's social media, there's a target market, there's packages, there's discovery calls, there are all these things. Some people were expressing to me today that it can just be really, really scary and we just get overwhelmed.
But here's the thing, when I actually am coaching and not just talking about these theories with these women and men on this morning's call.
What we really talked about is that overwhelm is actually a passion of our ego that comes up to protect us.
Overwhelm is a resistance mechanism.
Anyone that knows or has been through one of my programs knows that I try to bend the overwhelmed word because it is actually just a tricky little game that the ego brings up resistance patterns. You're scared and think to yourself:
What if I try and it doesn't work?
What if I put myself out there and I'm rejected?
What if it does work?
What if I start making money and then I lose it?
What if my business starts going, I leave my job and then it doesn't keep going?
All of these fears, would be reasons why we say we do want to go for it, but there's something secret in us that is scared and the ego can bring up resistance patterns. And one of those is overwhelm.
A lady in the call today said she went to set up a scheduler, but then she realized there are 10 schedulers. So now, she's got to go research to see which is the best scheduler to set up clients on.
Whereas when you really think about that pattern, like, come on, just choose a scheduler, ask other health coaches in the Healthy Wealthy Society Facebook group or my mastermind groups and find out what someone else is using. If it's working for them, use the same and move on. But why would you get into these overwhelming patterns from the ego level?
Because it's quite convenient that now, I'm all too busy and all too stressed and all too stuck to actually take the first step forward.
So that's one theme that we talked about today. The other thing though is wanting to know it all in one session. And the mind's like, "What about this? And what about that?" I was actually coaching a lady right at the end and it seemed like a social media-related topic, et cetera. But I caught that it's because she hadn't mastered the first step in any business and that is target market. I talk about this all the time that all these layers of business, none of it can be there, without a target market.
Overwhelm or resistance or whatever it can be, pretty much comes in only when we're not focusing on the ONE next step.
And if you are a beginner and you haven't yet nailed the target market, you are probably going to drive yourself crazy because it's not possible to get a package, to get a discovery session, to get a social media — all the pieces that create the overwhelm. You need to be out and know who you're talking to.
So look, if you haven't done any of my training or my free training, whatever that might not make sense about the target market, but if you could take my shortcut tip it's that if you don't know what to do next, choose one thing.
What is the one next step, work it out for yourself or take my advice, it's possibly the target market. And then after that one next step, you'll be able to move to the one next step and the one next step.
Any business must be built one step at a time.
When we try and take the escalator instead of the steps, we fall off. We try and take a shortcut and get to the finish and finish line too quickly, we miss the steps behind and we fall off like falling off a treadmill. The best way to build a sustainable business is step by step with the one thing that you need to do next.
Amanda xx
PS. Ready to create a purposeful package in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease? Click this link to get instant access to the FREE training >>
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