In this post: We all have that fear. Don't let it hold you back. We're all the same. The only difference is that some of us are living with fear while others put themselves in the game. Who you surround yourself with MATTERS!
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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)
How to Overcome Fear as You Build Your Health Coaching Business
Hey, Beauties! What I wanted to talk about today is something that I've seen coming up in my communities, in my paid groups and my free groups lately. And that topic is fear.
What comes to me before I even start talking about fear is something that a mentor said to me a few years ago. At that time, I was actually a little insulted, but I understood after a while how she meant it.
She said to me, "Amanda, you're not that special." And I was like, "Why is my coach talking to me like this?" At the time I was feeling like nothing was working in my business. I can't make money. I can't get clients.
Today, I'm going to share the concept of that with you in regards to fear, because none of us really are that special.
We make it about ourselves so much more than the facts and the truth, especially when growing a business. In growing a business, there are actually more than ever facts and figures and strategies. And it's only when we make it all about ourselves and go into fears and our stories that we really spin out of control.
So if you're curious and want to play along with this idea of, "I'm not so special", stick around.
What I've watched over the years, but I'm going to in particular right now with one of my coaching groups. There's a lot of fear coming up around, putting themselves out there in business. And that's why it's really prominent on my mind as I'm guiding them through this process. It's not so much about fear of making money or making a successful business or getting clients.
The biggest fear when we get really honest seems to be about being judged or failing.
Can anyone relate to that? If we're really honest, we create a lot of fear in our life. We say it's about not making money. We say it's about not getting clients, but actually, it's our fear of being judged or failing that's holding us back and creating a lot of drama, creating a lot of stories, which most of the time, if we take a deep breath and sit in the present moment and say, "What's the truth right now?" The story isn't even here.
The fear of putting themselves out there, of starting to talk about their business gets stopped because they're more worried about people judging them, especially the big one, normally family. What if a family judges me? What if close friends judge me? What if my community judge me? What if potential clients judge me? What if people don't want what I'm putting out there?
The fear is so intense. The fear of judgment is so intense that they'll take no action at all. Let me know if you can relate.
I do have one tip that beats everything I'm going to say today and I want to share that with you before we even start:
My shortcut to overcome fear is to surround yourself with other like-minded people.
Those who are doing what you do want, not what you don't start to put yourself in conversations in communities where people are getting clients making money. This is the shortest shortcut ever to rewire your brain.
When we can see other people doing it and start to become normal, instead of relying on judgements from other people of whether or not we can do this.
If you want that community, I have my free Facebook group, Healthy Wealthy Society, come on over, join us. I'm hosting live streams, Q & A sessions. It's just for health coaches. Think of it like an intimate woman's circle, really for health coaches. There are sessions where we're going to get in circle with other women who are maybe six, 12 months into their business and they're going to share with us honestly, what it's been like for them growing their journey, how they've overcome the fears, what has worked for them so you can get proof of what's working, what hasn't worked.
If you were sitting there in fear, as I know a lot of people are, I want you to know that with love, as my mentor said to me many years ago: You're not special. I'm sorry. You're just not. We all have fear.
I have fear all the time. And I also see that a lot of my colleagues and peers have fear. We have fear and honestly, I sit in rooms with some of the world's top entrepreneurs and they have fear too. We all have fair.
And so I want to say with love, of course, I have compassion if you're feeling that fear, but you're not that special.
If you have got fear, that is no reason to take yourself out of the game. We all have fear and we all move forward anyway. So don't let your ego take over and let that fear stop you, paralyze you for going for what you want to do or want to be doing.
One of the first books that I ever picked up on personal development or that line of work was Susan Jeffers' Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway. Many of you might know it but it used to be one of the absolute classics.
The truth is that fear never goes away. There are women who've been joining my UPswing Mastermind and all of them have fear, almost 300 of them. I don't think anybody ever joined without having some level of fear.
We all have fear, but it's whether we're able to step forward anyway, with that fear and allow ourselves to quiet down that fear, that's the key. There's no other way to work through fears.
I talk a lot and teach a lot about the inner work, spiritual work, mindset work but what I've seen that can be paralyzing in this world is that we get this idea that, "Oh, I've got fear. Now I need to go off and fix myself before facing my fears."
I see clients go off and start doing more mindset work, lots of inner work, which of course I'm all about, but they do that instead of putting themselves out there.
They're waiting for the perfect day when they're going to be fixed when they're not going to be scared. And that day just never comes. Fear is always there.
Fear only goes away when you step into the arena, step into the game. The fear goes away by turning your camera on and starting to talk.
Even when you don't know exactly what you're going to say, the fear goes away by stepping on stage and going through with your talk. When you realize that the worst-case fears actually don't come true when you take the action, that's the only way that you can calm that reptilian brain down, which just goes crazy with fear.
When you get on video, you don't have people throwing tomatoes at you. You get in the ring and no one's actually sitting there telling you, "Get off! You're making a fool of yourself!"
And even if they do, which they might from time to time, you know in yourself that you're proud of, that you took action on who you are than worried about anyone else's judgment.
Other people's judgments say more about them than they do the person they are judging.
And then they'll just move on and judge anyone else. It's not really about you. I got to add one step to that. Sometimes the reality is things do happen. Anyone who puts themselves in the ring, who puts themselves out there to be seen to be visible is going to get judged.
Instead of being fearful or hoping that people won't judge, the real way through it is to understand that you will be judged and to learn to be okay with that, understand that other people will always have their opinions, always have their own perceptions, their own lens. There's nothing we can do about that.
Just because other people will have their own perception and lens doesn't mean that we don't have ours and that it's not important for us to speak up and put our work out there. So if you do feel passionate about getting your work out to the world, feeling you've got a message or something that you want to pass on to others, you really have no choice, but to get in the ring, to get in the game and to start putting yourself out there.
Many of you would know Brené Brown's work. I actually heard her speak in Sydney a couple of years back. She has a wonderful quote and she talked about this. She talks about never taking opinions or taking on judgment from those who aren't also in the ring, those who were in the ring, but in the game, putting themselves out there, they understand how hard it is to do it.
Maybe they can give constructive feedback. Again, that's why it's really important to be in communities like my Healthy Wealthy Society or my paid programs like UPswing Mastermind.
Don't listen to those who aren't in the ring. If they don't understand it and they're sitting around judging. They are there to judge.
So maybe that's something that might help with your fear, to understand that we're all in this together. Those of us who are putting ourselves in the ring, come join us, come be part of one of us and only listen to those around you who are focusing on the positive work and putting the positive work out in the world.
The piece that I want to tap on the back of that is once we've realized that actually, we're in control and that everybody has fears, you have a choice.
Sometimes it can be really confronting to realize for all of us. What can be most confronting when we stopped buying into other people's projections and fears is we realize that we have a choice and we are the one who gets to choose, if we take action or sit on the sideline, waiting for the fear to go away.
Sometimes we don't want to admit it, but we're the ones holding ourselves back.
We like to blame. We like to say others are judging us or others are holding us back, that others aren't supporting us, but we always have the choice of what we do in our life.
There's no in-between on that. There's no middle ground, you have the choice and you have the power to decide and make that choice. You have that choice. That might be something to check in on right now, checking in on ourselves and our own progress this year:
Have you decided? Have you made the choice?
Are you doing what's in your best interest for the rest of the year?
Are you getting yourself surrounded by other women, other like-minded people so that you can support yourself?
Are you getting mentoring to put your business, to know what to do in your business?
Are you putting yourself out there or are you sitting at home allowing the fear to be an excuse for hiding, for being an excuse, for being in resistance, for being an excuse, for not taking action?
We all have fear and it's not an excuse to not take action. If you can relate, maybe if you're feeling fearful too, I'd absolutely love to hear that. If you want to share any of your experiences, how you might be feeling about fear, comment below.
I'm in fear all the time. When you see that other people are in fear as well, but it doesn't hold us back, we say yes to building up the business, we say yes to getting on camera. We say yes to investing in a mentor. We say it anyway when you start to understand that you're not that special and you can move forward with fear as well.
So one last thing I want to mention is the importance of having a community. I can't say it enough, where you can feel supported in your actions as you move through your fears.
If you're not already in my Healthy Wealthy Society Facebook group, come on over. I've got a beautiful free community over there of like-minded entrepreneurs. It's really is one of the most important ways to step out of your fears is to be in a community.
If you're wanting mentorship to take your business and really start getting clients, actually building the business, being coached, I have my UPswing Mastermind program for people who are ready to start the health coaching business.
There's a reason I don't sell e-courses, they won't get you results. I have an e-course. It's very, very rarely that I put it on sale because all the business training in the world won't get results if you don't learn to overcome your fears and don't learn to overcome these inner pieces.
Putting yourself in a peer mastermind, like I said I'm in multiple peer masterminds, that's the number one thing that you need to do to remove these fears. Honestly, when you surround yourself with other people, it's like a cellular level shift. You see that other people have fear too. You'll see that they're taking action. It's going to give you permission to do the same. It's just going to shift things for you, normalize the experience of being in fear and moving forward anyway, lightens the load.
You don't have to do this yourself. You really, really don't, you're not damaged. You don't need fixing, it's normal to experience fears.
I believe it's important to surround yourself with people who do believe in you, who do believe in this work because you've got a message in you. You've got to get this work out there and you need people on your side who are supporting that.
One of the number one issues that I see people struggling with is having partners or family or friends, not believing in them, especially when they're ready to step up and say yes to building a health coaching business. Yes to receiving mentoring from me or joining my UPswing Mastermind program when they know in themselves, but they are struggling with the judgment of others, of other people not believing them.
And this is where I say it's really important that we step into our truth into our power and make decisions based on what we know to be true and put ourselves in circles of those who are making it happen and do believe. That's the only way, honestly, that I can see to build a business like this.
Share your fears in the comments. Be visible, be willing to ask the support, get like-minded people on your team, be around people so that we're all scared. We're all putting ourselves out there.
One of my VIP clients that I was coaching the other day said, "Honestly, I just don't know if I'm gonna put my course out there because what if no one buys?"
And I said, "We all have that fear, but how else can we put ourselves out there? No one's going to see it if we don't put it out at all."
And then we've proven ourselves wrong, we've actually set ourselves up to fail because we were too scared to potentially fail the other way around. It makes no sense. We're all the same. The only difference is that some of us are living with fear and putting ourselves in the game. Some of the others are living with fear and keeping out of the game. Choose to step forward.
Amanda xx
PS. If you’re ready to get consistent clients & earn a consistent income from your health coaching or wellness business, then you’ll love my FREE Masterclass where I teach you the three-part framework to consistent clients and cash flow as a health coach without overwhelm and burnout. Click HERE for Instant Access!
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