In this post: I’m sharing with you today all about the 3 Pillars of Branding (and where your Purposeful package fits into these)
Business Brand (Your Purposeful Package - what you Sell)
Personal Brand (YOU + your marketing)
Deliverable Brand (a combo of both - what you actually Delivery to a client)
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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)
3 Pillars of Branding & Where Your Purposeful Package Fits In
I thought today, it might be fun to talk about personal branding because I hear a lot in the last few weeks about packages. And I've started to see people having conversations around social media and branding.
I've talked to many trainings lately around the traps of focusing too quickly on the visual, of what we see other people doing. But many of you have shared with me that you feel lost when people ask you questions about personal brand and struggle to articulate what that is.
I think this kind of concept of personal brand online has got confused as we've seen people building a customer brand, which is when we see a lot of us, maybe you see photos of me at the beach later today, thinking how the hell is that relevant to the business.
So today I'm hoping to break that down a little bit for you so that you can be focusing on the right things in the right way as you step forward and start getting your packages up to the world.
Let's talk about brand. What does brand mean? Brand is not colours and logos and fonts.
There are three aspects to your business brand.
The business brand, first of all, is the tangible of what you deliver, the tangible thing that sells. Ultimately it's the purposeful package, which is arguably the most important thing to nail in your business after target market because you can't make a good purposeful package if you haven't nailed target market. The business brand is the tangible thing that you deliver yourself, that you sell on the front end.
Your personal brand is more about you — your values, your lifestyle, what makes you uniquely you.
And the third layer is a mix of the two. The third layer is actually what you deliver and how you deliver your actual coaching package, the firm delivery of that business offering sprinkled with your own flavour, sprinkled with your own words, your own personality.
So I thought a fun way for me to break that down for you might be to try and explain that through my business because you can see my business and you can visually kind of get a feel for that.
Many of, you know I wasn't always a business coach to wellness entrepreneurs like I am today. I had a very successful online advertising career for over 15 years. And unfortunately, even though I gained great financial rewards, international awards, I was losing my own health, which is a top value.
It was my personal journey finding my way back to health that led me to where I am today. I know many of you have shared you've had similar journeys.
So firstly, I wanted to help others then transform their life through health. I quit my online advertising career to become a health coach, a wellness entrepreneur. And as that business began to flourish, other wellness entrepreneurs were contacting me, asking me for my advice. They wanted to build similar thriving health coaching businesses.
My online advertising career had given me the marketing expertise to know how to quickly build my business quickly, build my brand actually, which is why I wanted to share this with you.
It naturally led to this new profession where I would be a business and success coach, where I am today to have this unique expression where I'm a success coach and energy healer and a marketing and business coach for health coaches.
So one way that I regularly reach out to wellness entrepreneurs as a business coach now is through my Healthy Wealthy Society Facebook group, my blog, etc. I offer business building tips and advice on struggles that many of you might deal with daily.
As you can imagine, when I went from the corporate world to the world of health and wellness, like many of you, I had lots of questions too. I was like, "What's my personal brand?" And I used to go around paying people to come up with colours for me. I paid a copywriter. I was trying to define what is my personal brand. Until such time I realized to pause on that. I pause on that because for personal brand, there's actually a secret:
You never be able to outsource your personal brand to anyone.
Many of us are inspired by what you see someone else doing something and then you're like,
"Why can't I define myself?
"What can't I work out my own fonts, colours, and brand?"
"I don't even know what to say. If I say something, I might say the wrong thing."
And here's the secret: YOU are your brand. You, just as you are right now, are your brand.
Every little thing that differentiates you from everyone else around you, every little thing, make sure your personal brand. We completely overthink this.
Let's play a game. I want you to get a mirror or take out your phone, put the camera on and turn it around on yourself. I want you to look at what you see. What colour is your hair? What clothes are you wearing? What's in the background? What do you have?
Today looking around, I have a cold brew coffee with fresh orange and thyme. I guess that's my personal brand. There's a glass of water. There are hundreds of crystals on my desk. There are books, plants, essential oils everywhere right now. I have sunglasses because I did just come in from the beach.
What is around you? That is your personal brand guide. You don't have to look very far. You look at your hair, you look at what you're wearing. You don't have to become something else to be a personal brand. You need to make peace with what's already here.
Be really honest. What do you see when you look around, what do you surround yourself with? Do you always have books or magazines around you? Is there a sort of music you like? Do you have a pet? Do you have kids? What about your personal beliefs? How do you like to decorate your home? Do you live in the mountains? Are you at the beach? Are you a digital nomad? Do you have a corporate job? When you spend a moment or two, considering all of these things, a picture starts to emerge.
You are already your personal brand and I want you to know, you do not need to reinvent yourself to become a health coach online.
You need to start looking at yourself and be okay with what you see. How many times I hear people talking about, "I got to find my brand. When I find my brand, then everything will be all right. When I can just work out the look, when I can just work out what to say...", there is nothing to find as far as a brand. Your personal brand is already made. You are it. I'm sorry to break it to you, it's actually that easy.
Now the thing is, many of us attempted to develop a personal brand and it's like someone else who's found success and we see it to be the iceberg, wonder why we aren't getting the same results. And we start trying to copy. We start trying to copy someone's text of their website or try to copy their poses on Instagram or trying to copy their colours.
When we copy others, we stop being authentic. People can feel that. People respond to authenticity, especially when it comes to health coaching.
So you've got to show up as yourself. That's already your brand, whether or not you like it. And those who are attracted to your brand and connect with you are your people.
One of the best ways to share your brand is to do live video. It's amazing for being able to express your personal brand and authenticity and naturally and real.
What holds you back from putting yourself out there? Well, to start with, you've got to be okay with being on camera being you. You've got to accept that people will like you and some people won't. You must accept yourself for the amazing person you are and the incredible reason you were put on earth. There's no one else like you.
Some people need to hear the message only through you and that unique personal brand. Maybe your mind starts filling up with a whole lot of negative talk right now. Maybe you want to be someone else. You want to have a life like someone else. You want a different colour hair, different body shape, different phase, whatever that might be.
We often have shame around who we are and think we're made to be another way and that shame can stop coming out. When we put ourselves out, looking for clients.
The quicker you can accept who you are as you are and stop worrying that everybody needs to like you, the faster you gain confidence in your personal brand.
And that's going to have a massive impact on the other two aspects of your brand to follow. We need to be honest, not everybody is going to like us. Not everybody is going to resonate. It's like relationships. You don't need to fall in love with everybody you date, but someone, when they're searching for a coach, needs to know that they can trust who they're choosing. By being willing to be showing up, as you are being seen on camera, you're going to build that Know, Like and Trust Factor a lot faster for those who you will enjoy working with too.
You don't have to be everyone's cup of tea, but you do need to be showing up as your true self. In my UPswing Mastermind program, we're actually helping you step into your highest self. We're helping you step into who you are as a 5k a month woman.
Maybe right now, there might be a bit of shame or a bit of awkwardness about getting on camera and sharing. That's most likely because you're actually not being in your highest self. And that's where the UPswing Mastermind supports you in that up-levelling. It's not just business. It's stepping into who you are and feeling so damn proud. And in authenticity, when you do show up and speak to people.
Let's say we've got a room of like a thousand people. It's perfectly fine if your message only resonates with 50 of them. Thousands of people in this group, you know, I'm fine if five of you resonate with my work because I want to work with those people that resonate with me and that I resonate with too.
That's when we're going to create magic. When you're living in your true self, your message, what resonates with everyone, we hold ourselves back because we're trying to please everyone.
If we try to please everyone, we're speaking to no one. If you speak in your truth and you speak as you are and you share your business and your brand from there, 50 people out of the thousand will be magnetized to you. And they are your people. They got to stand up quickly. And you're going to know who they are, whatever the images that you're holding your mind around, who that 5k month woman might be, how does she dress? How does she act? We can start stepping into that and being the woman we're proud of.
When I look at my clients and amongst them who are the most successful, it's not to do with looks, it's not to do with who's the most beautiful, the most healthy, it comes down to one factor: who is showing up.
Who is showing up, being willing to write posts, being willing to get on video, being willing to host workshops. That is the single biggest factor in someone's success. When you are willing to really own that, your life has brought you to where you are just like my online advertising, career, health transformation, all of those things that felt like struggles brought me to where I am today.
Then you realize you're meant to be getting this work out there and you will put yourself out of consistency. And that is the difference in those who will get massive success in their business.
For me, I've always loved business. Now I've put out business and I've also always valued the inner work I value coaching immensely. I love nothing more than supporting women through their transformation, to their highest selves. It's one of my highest values. I had mentors telling me that in the beginning, "Look at who you are, Amanda, you're an international award-winning advertising executive. You are an energy healer, you're all these things. Why aren't you putting that out there?" This is years ago. And I was like, "No, I'm a health coach." And I was trying to build a personal brand like other health coaches instead of being true to who I was.
When I actually got honest about my life, my values, my skills, I realized I could wrap all this up in the way that I coach today. I think the real example is that our life has brought us to who we are today and we are who we need to be already as our personal brand.
Be careful to see the difference between these brand layers.
The business brand is the tangible thing you teach. It's your purposeful package. I'm a business coach. I offer a six-month, very live, very high, intimate coaching experience for driven health coaches who are serious about creating change in the world and a proper business. That's what I teach. That's my business offering.
My personal brand is what you see here today. I can't control that. I am who I am. It's my values. It's my lifestyle. It's how I'm running my business. It's in my writing. I get photos to represent that. There might be other business coaches who teach similar things, but they'll never have my unique life experience, my unique marketing background, my unique energy healing and my unique experience of my own health and my own business. That's my personal brand.
Nobody can copy that. Nobody can learn that that's me. And that will resonate with the right people who want to learn the business tangible offering of the six-month program alongside that.
So we've got business offering, we've got personal brand and the third layer is what do we offer, what do we deliver. What we deliver is a mixture of the two. So say you have a package. But what happens? How do I deliver that? The actual delivery of your package is different than what we've done in the purposeful packages training, which is creating the business brand. You need to be able to customize that, but it also interweaves the personal brand, which is why it's a bit more complex.
So let's summarize, I want us to talk about the personal brand because it's the main piece that people are avoiding in putting themselves out there. And it's also the piece that comes together with the tangible, perhaps with a package or business offering to create a delivery.
When we get to that piece, those of you working with me this year in the UPswing Mastermind, that's what we'd be creating — your delivery package.
So there's the three layers...
Business brand: tangible, what you offer, purposeful package
Personal brand: who you are, how you show up
Deliverable package: A mixture of the two, your offerings sprinkled with your own flavour.
So hopefully that gave you some insight into packages, brand and how all of that comes together.
Amanda xx
PS. Ready to create a purposeful package in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease? Click this link to get instant access to the FREE training >>
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