6 Important Steps To Getting Started As A Health Coach

I’m excited to share my take on the steps to getting started as a health coach. It’s a question that everyone asks once they’ve made the decision to turn their passion for wellbeing into a successful and rewarding business.

Not long after the excitement of deciding to become a coach, along comes a whole wave of new information to learn about how to actually run a coaching business.

We can hardly open our computers these days without being bombarded with a million and one conflicting tips on how to get started and a bunch of overnight success stories leaving us all feeling like somehow we’re missed the boat and might as well give up before we start.

I want you to know that there is no hurry and there is plenty of room for you too.

3 Little Things That Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Business

I was super happy this week when Facebook (finally) agreed to change my Facebook page name over from 'Fuel Urban Wellness' to 'Amanda Jane Daley' (happy dances all around).

Just having the correct name on that page feels like I've come home - it feels like it's actually mine again and I am loving playing in there with lots of new business inspiration for you all.

One of the first posts I put up on that page after the change over has caused great conversation and a lot of likes this week, so I wanted to let you in on the chatter.

8 Ways To Stop Self-Sabotage In Your Business

I'm back in Sydney after 2 glorious weeks in Bali - seriously I think Bali is THE perfect holiday spot in the world. Warm, sunny, loving people, raw food and yoga galore! #bliss

A key thought that arose for me when I stopped 'working' while on holiday was that I personally have a deep knowing that you are MEANT to get your health work out to the world now - the world is so ready for what you have to offer - and I think deep down you know this too.

So why then would you keep getting in your own way???

On one hand, you want nothing more than to build your business and help as many people as possible. On the other hand, you seem to keep going round in circles.

Frustrating right?!

I hear you! For way too long I was stuck in my head trying to 'work it all out'.

How Much Can You Charge As A Health Coach?

How much can you charge as a Health Coach? Maybe not what you thought…

Been pulling your hair out on what to charge as a Health Coach? There’s no one black-and-white answer on what to charge, so I’m not surprised if you are feeling confused.

When I first started out as a health coach I had no idea what to charge. I see this as one of the biggest stressors of the new Health Coaches I mentor today.

Most health coaching schools don’t teach how to price your packages.

Click through to read my thoughts on how to price your services…

The Institute For Integrative Nutrition Conference Highlights

Earlier this month I had the honour of being invited to speak at the Institute For Integrative Nutrition Conference here in Sydney. For those who couldn't make it live, here are a few highlights from the day.


How To Make Decisions In Business

Quite honestly, I'm not always the most decisive person...

A few years ago, I went to a business event and walked away with a flyer for a ‘Business Mastermind’ program.

I was super excited.

At that time I was really struggling in my new business as a Health Coach. I was working with a handful of clients but it was still such a struggle.

I really had no idea what I was doing. And I wanted to succeed so bad!

The Power Of WHO You Learn From

If there's one thing I know well it is the power of surrounding yourself with people a few steps ahead of you. Yesterday I was reminded of the power of WHO you learn from once again.

I was lucky enough to fly Sydney to LA in Business Class a few weeks back.

As I sat down in my seat, I was surrounded by top businessmen who fly all the time. With so much space and luxury in business class from the moment you board, everyone was super upbeat and friendly and within minutes conversations were flowing.

The topic quickly turned to 'how to avoid jetlag' and boy, did these guys know the tricks!

Within 15 minutes of taking my seat, I had new knowledge under my belt of how to arrive at my destination top of my game and avoid jetlag.

Do You Have An Entrepreneur Mindset?

I gave my office a huge spring clean on the weekend and some fancy new decor - it's so new and shiny, I just want to sit in here all day!

This time last year I still worked from my kitchen table.

When I first started my coaching business a few years earlier, I was super excited to set up a beautiful office in our spare bedroom.

I had all of the stationery (from Officeworks back then, not like my beloved Kate Spade stationery today).

I had a new desk from Ikea. And a fancy whiteboard.

I looked the part...

How Denying Your Desires Is Holding You Back (Guest Post by Rachel Sizemore)

This is a guest post by health coach and breathwork expert, Rachel Sizemore.

"Your desires are for you."

This is one of the first lessons Amanda taught me in the UPswing Mastermind. Not only is it ok for you to go for what you want, but it is essential. It is the fuel for the engine that will drive your success.

It’s a tricky one for me.

In the big picture way, I know what I want: to share my gifts authentically with the world, to have a freedom lifestyle, to travel, to live at my body’s natural (read: slow) pace. But especially at the beginning, those desires felt too big, too abstract, too far out of reach to really light me up.

Desires Are Meant To Be Lived

So here's the thing...

I have a bit of a thing for stationery.

My husband has a rule: “No more journals until you have used all of the others”.

Of course, I never listen.

I always have several journals on the go. Personal journals for daily intentions, nighttime journaling and thoughts and meanderings. And stacks of notebooks to write client notes as I coach, lesson notes for UPswing Mastermind modules and blog post ideas.