Should I Offer A Money-Back Guarantee As A Health Coach?

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Hey beauty!

“Should I offer a money-back guarantee?” 💰💸

I get this question pretty often from new Health Coaches in my UPswing Mastermind and community — I assume because sooo many generic business trainings DO suggest offering a money-back guarantee to encourage people to buy, as a sales strategy.

But Health Coaching is different.  

Watch today’s vlog to find out why.

You’ll learn:

🙅 The #1 reason you shouldn’t offer a money-back guarantee as a Health Coach…
👍 What I recommend you do instead, and…
📑 The KEY clause you should ALWAYS include in your coaching contract…

Hit play to watch it now! 💋

Should I Offer A Money-Back Guarantee As A Health Coach?


I hope this clarification is really helpful for you, beauty!

Like this post? You’ll love this one: Should I Put My Program Prices On My Website?

Amanda xx


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A lot of trainings suggest offering a money-back guarantee as a way to increase buyer confidence and sales BUT does that apply when you have a health coaching business?? In this video, I'm sharing where I stand on the question of "Should I offer a m…