The Top 4 Mistakes Most Health Coaches Make on Social Media

And then I drop a truth bomb that you are going to have to get honest with yourself about in order to move forward.

In this post: I wanted to share with you today about four common mistakes I see health coaches are making on social media: 

  1. Hiding

  2. Getting stuck on the tech

  3. Not taking imperfect action

  4. Not Willing to be Beginners

And then I drop a truth bomb that you are going to have to get honest with yourself about in order to move forward.

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

The Top 3 Mistakes Most Health Coaches Make on Social Media

I wanted to share with you something that I actually just talk about on a podcast this morning. I was interviewed on the three biggest mistakes I see my clients make when promoting themselves on social media. So let's just dive on in.

  1. Hiding

Hiding behind the computer, waiting to get things right. This isn't just about perfectionism. Hiding behind the computer actually comes from a fear of being seen and heard. Being behind a computer, it's fine, but to really get our services out into the world, we need to be seen and heard. There is no way around it. I think we look for all the shortcuts. We look for all the magic or shiny objects that might get our business out there, but we can not avoid it. Not in the day and age that we are in of social media. 

We must be seen, we must be heard to sell our services.

So how it might look can often be a tricky one if you are getting stuck hiding behind your computer, because you probably don't realize you're doing it. You might be finding yourself, taking a long time, crafting the perfect post or planning your posts. We know how important it is in our community here, that you've got to hit your target market, right? And your package rate and your messaging right before you can really put yourself out there. But the thing is on social media, it's much more important that you do get yourself out there. And that is how you're going to find out if these things are even working. So we need to actually get our face seen.

And so this first point is not just about that, but it's about actually stopping and being really brutally honest with ourselves and go asking yourself, "Why am I doing that?" When you find yourself maybe wanting to make a website, wanting to set up your social media profiles, like all those things are okay, but they're not necessarily going to get you clients straight away. Whereas if you got on Facebook or Instagram live, there are so many things you can be doing to be seen by your ideal clients, by actually getting on, telling them about your services and asking them to work with you.

So that piece of hiding is really a bit of a self-coaching piece that I wanted to talk about. And most of us don't know we're doing it. Be honest with yourself, are you afraid of being seen or heard? Do you find yourself doing activities that are actually hiding? Self-honesty is very important.

2. Getting Stuck on Tech

The second step is getting bogged down back in technology. Many people think they've got to set up a whole website. They've got to set up a ClickFunnels or lead page or an opt-in or whatever magnet. Facebook has all these technologies, things that maybe you've been told you need to get clients, but I'm here to tell you, you don't and we can get so bogged down and trying to get tech things right when all that you need to get clients is to get people on the phone, right? To get clients as a health coach, you need to get people on a discovery call and therefore there are much quicker ways on Facebook live, Facebook posts, on Instagram, Instagram stories, all the in-person things.

My UPswing Mastermind actually includes a 30-day challenge, 30 different ways to get yourself out there and book these discovery calls. Websites, ClickFunnels, Facebook ads, all of those things we set up hoping that if we send people there, then they might magically book a call. It's all these extra steps that are just not needed. And we get so bogged down going crazy on technology, which is not why we became health coaches. And it's really missing the point.

3. Not Taking Imperfect Action.

It's better done than none. It's much more important that you put something out there regularly. It's actually important that you are creating and delivering things out there more than you weren't consuming. That's a really good measure. And it's much more important that you put something out there for your ideal client to be seeing you, to be hearing you than nothing at all.

So my favourite tip for this is, first of all, we need the mindset that it's more important that something is out there than nothing at all. That's like a rewiring of the values. Secondly, my top tip to do is to set 15 minutes a day and say whatever I can in 15 minutes to get myself seen and heard today. That's going to be enough. That's what's going to be out there. And I learned this in my advertising days that if we'd given a container, then you've just got to get something done.

For example, if someone said right now, you've got 15 minutes, you've got to make a story. Maybe I pick up Instagram, make a story about how I just did a Facebook live on Healthy Wealthy Society Facebook Group and why I love the community. Just find whatever you want to talk about at the present moment and go for it. We just waste so much time and energy when we give ourselves any more than that trying to make it perfect. Give yourself a 15-minute timer and whatever is here for you. Take action. Not just today.

Every day done is better than none.

If we don't start today, all of us, I think wish we'd started a year ago, years ago, building up this consistency. The only way that people are going to build the know-like-trust factor with you is when they see you consistently showing up.

4. Not Willing to be Beginners

If you are stuck in being scared, this loops all three of those points together. Be honest about it with yourself and be willing to be coached instead of trying to take shortcuts or going around the discomfort instead of being willing to go through the discomfort. It's what I work with my clients on.

The quicker we can go through that discomfort, the quicker we are no longer a beginner.

It's like going to the gym, you've got to go to the gym, you got to lift the weights and you've got to do it consistently enough to get the results. So if you can embrace that, it's okay to be a beginner. And it's okay that what you put out there to be really crappy to start with.

Wouldn't you rather be consistent for the next 30 days and see where you come out of the lessons, the learnings, the improved confidence in the next 30 days? Done is better than none, embrace the beginner mindset. Those are my tips for today.


Amanda xx

PS. If you’re ready to get consistent clients & earn a consistent income from your health coaching or wellness business, then you’ll love my FREE Masterclass where I teach you the three-part framework to consistent clients and cash flow as a health coach without overwhelm and burnout. Click HERE for Instant Access!


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And then I drop a truth bomb that you are going to have to get honest with yourself about in order to move forward.