Are You Truly Open To Receiving In Your Business? (the answer may surprise you…)

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At a spirited urban retreat I attended last December here in Sydney, we did an exercise around receiving that turned into a major “aha” moment for me.

Basically, we had to allow our partner (a stranger) to give to us, in the form of a shoulder massage, and see how much we could fully trust that it was safe to receive.

It surprised me to find that I experienced some resistance during this process. I kept wondering when the time would be up and feeling like I needed to give back in order to “deserve” this.

Let me tell you: I thought I had this receiving thing DOWN after the massive work I’ve done around wealth consciousness that helped me get to $5k months as a health coach… then to my current multiple 6-figure coaching biz.

Turns out, there are always more depths to explore! 

(If you’re struggling to meet your income goals right now, keep reading… You may have a block around receiving, and I want to help you bust right through it.)

But first, let’s get back to my “aha” moment.

I had been ready to take my business to the next level for quite some time, but it was feeling really hard and heavy whenever I thought about it.

I was stuck in this internal battle of knowing what I am supposed to be putting out into the world but also feeling like I might burn out if I went for my bigger goals.

So instead, I let them fester away.

When I did this exercise, I realized I had a block around receiving (specifically around receiving the business support I really needed).

And I am not joking – it was literally 30 minutes later that I met the woman who has been supporting me to do this ever since!!!

So let me ask you... Are you able to 100% receive from others?

Without guilt, and without feeling unworthy?

If you have blocks around receiving, then I guarantee this will impact your business. In fact, without being able to receive, it’s unlikely you’ll get far at all as a Health Coach.

(This isn’t meant to discourage you – but rather to encourage you to look deeply at your patterns around receiving, and do the work that will open the floodgates and allow everything you desire to show up.)

You are not meant to do this alone. And you don’t have to.

If you’re curious about receiving the support to get to YOUR next level in business, I’d love to help.

Check out the details of my UPswing Mastermind where I support health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs in a 6-month program.

BTW – You CAN work these things out yourself – but you are going to save so much time and money when you allow yourself to be supported by a mentor and group. The power of a mastermind is in bringing so many different minds together on your business. I truly believe that health coaches can create a healthier world. But you’re not meant to do it alone.


Amanda xx

PS. Wondering if you’ve chosen the right niche to focus on in your health coaching business? Grab my FREE ‘Find Your Profitable Target Market Guide’ by clicking the button below!

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If you’re struggling to meet your income goals right now, you may have a block around receiving in your business. Are you open to receiving the support you need to reach your goals? In this post, I'm sharing my story of how I discovered I wasn't ope…