My "Breathe-Out" Process For Self-Reflection & Goal Setting

My breathe-out process for self-reflection and goal setting header-min.png


Just before I wrapped up for the year, I spent a divine Sunday with one of my mentors, Rebecca Campbell, at her Spirited Urban Retreat. 

Perched right on the beach, there was really nothing Urban about it, but it symbolized leaving our lives behind us to experience a BIG breathe out of a day to release the year that had been straight into the waves ahead of us. 

For many of us, the past year was not an ‘easy’ year, but one of immense growth (it certainly was for me), and I knew it was important to take space to release that. 

While I did this process mid-December (on the new moon) and then prepared to take some quality time off, I know that many of you will choose the start of the new year to release and ‘complete’ the past year.

I wanted to pass on my version of the process so that you too can bring closure and gratitude to your year, then have a big breathe-out and a pause before welcoming in the year to come.



You’ll want to grab a journal and a candle.

You’ll also need about 30 minutes to take time to get into your heart – ask your body what it needs and be led intuitively – dance, meditate, stretch…

Light your candle and ask to be connected to your heart (not your head) and start answering the following questions in your journal:

Let your pen guide you and don’t judge the answers, just let it all out onto the page.

  1. What am I most grateful for from the past year?

  2. What has expired in my life now?

  3. What’s no longer in alignment in my life?

  4. What’s rising in me now?

Wrap this up with another mini-meditation and release the process for a few days.

Please be kind to yourself as you allow the past year to fall off you in the coming days (there’s no rush here. We’re not ‘cutting off’ the past. We’re releasing it gently. It served us well). 

During this time you might take some time to connect with family and friends; to really prioritise joy, fun and self-care. 

When you’re ready, I’d love to share what came after my big breathe-out.

Read the following steps of my process of setting intentions and goals here:

All the best!


Amanda xx

PS. Download my 100 Killer Coaching Questions TODAY so you never get stuck for what to say in a coaching session again. These 100 Questions will help you feel like a PRO (and get MASSIVE results for your clients). 👌🏼


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So much clarity can come from self-reflection so each year I take some time to do a "breathe-out" process where I reflect & release on what has been before moving on to set my intentions & goals moving forward. Click through to find out what my self…