How To Hit $5,000 Months As A Coach Without Burning Out! (Jennie’s Story Part 2)

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Remember Jennie, our lovely health coach who grew her business too quickly by making the biggest mistake I see all health coaches make? (If you didn’t get a chance to read Jennie’s story, see my previous post 'Jennie's Story Part 1: How Jennie overcame every obstacle in her Health Coaching Business'.)

In my next post, I'm going to share with you just how Jennie turned her business around and is now able to work 1.5 days per week while earning $5,000 per month (and counting).

A few of you have reached out to share your similar experiences, and some of you have let me know you’re starting out and are worried about making the same mistake as Jennie, so I’m going to share with you what that biggest mistake is, so we can all avoid it once and for all.

You’re going to be surprised by this, but here it is.

The number one business killer of health coaches, and the biggest mistake Jennie made, was saying yes to everyone who needed her help, instead of creating a package that could best help her IDEAL client only. And yes, that meant saying no to some potential clients too!

You see, Jennie worked with clients who approached her for single sessions on whatever THEY thought they needed, whenever they pleased.

Now, apart from the stress of having single and inconsistent clients filling your books every week, do you think it’s even possible to show them the true powerful transformative nature of health coaching in 1 hour or whenever they feel like it?

Jennie was saying yes to people who were not her ideal clients. She had lots of single-session clients who paid her an hourly rate, and soon enough, all those hours added up, AND progress was frustratingly slow for many of them because there was no consistency or structure.

Even though she was selling sessions and working with clients, her health coaching business was robbing her of the life she wanted to live. Kind of like how working her corporate job did.

Key Lessons For Health Coaches: 

Selling single sessions (or allowing your client to dictate how many they need) might seem like a good idea at the beginning of your health coaching business, but it will set you back. You’ll be trapped trading hours for money, feel trapped by your business, and never feel like you’re making enough for the hours you have to work.

When you work with clients who aren’t your ideal clients, or working solely on clients’ terms, it ends up feeling like you’re back working in the corporate world, and you’ll start to resent your health coaching business - which is something we most definitely want to avoid!

When Jennie learnt this key lesson, she was able to turn her business around to get the freedom-based lifestyle of working 1.5 days per week, coaching dream clients she loved, and making $5,000 per month and counting.  

In my next post, I’ll cover what Jennie did to get the results she wanted. 

xx Amanda

PS: If you're looking to take these ideas and put them into practice, be sure to download your FREE How To Crack The $5K Month Mark Guide below!

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Want to know the secret to hitting $5,000 months as a health coach, without burning out? It all comes down to how you sell your services. In this post, I'm sharing the best way to sell your services so that they are a win-win for your client AND you…