life coach

My Top Tips On How To Be Confident On Video In Your Health Coaching Business

Hey beauty!

Do you feel like a deer in the headlights when the cameras start rolling? Are you a die-hard introvert and dread going live on camera? 😫

Do you stumble over your words, draw a blank in the middle of sentences, and punctuate every few words with ‘umm’ or ‘errr’ when you’re filming videos?! 😳

Firstly, you’re SO not alone.

And secondly, this one’s for you, boo! 💗

Instagram 101 for Health Coaches

Hey beauty!

Today on the blog (and in the FB Live which you can choose to watch instead of reading) I'm talking ALL things Instagram!


  • The purpose behind the platform (it's very different to Facebook!)

  • How Instagram can help you to grow your health coaching business

  • The BEST kind of content to post to Instagram to grow your know/like/trust factor

  • Why you need to add Instagram Stories to your Insta-strategy, too, and how to use it

Consider this your introduction to effective Instagram-ing for health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs. 😉

So, let’s dive in!

How to Use Your Facebook Business Page as a Health Coach

Hey beauty!

In today's blog post and FB Live video, 👆🏼👆🏽👆🏾I'm going to teach you the keys to a killer Facebook Business Page as a Health Coach, and give you some essential action steps to take once to improve yours.

When you read the post or watch the video (it's your call!) you will learn:

  • Why having a Facebook presence is important…

  • My top tips for optimising your FB Business Page…

  • How to create consistent content that helps grow your business..

  • What’s working on the platform right now...

(And I want you to know that these tips are up-to-the-minute and reflect the most recent algorithm changes that have taken place over the last few months.)

5 Ways To Practice Gratitude In Your Business

I can honestly say I love my relationship with my clients and almost every part of my job. My work with them brings me deep gratification and the inspiration that in turn feeds my own creativity.

I often reflect on how far my clients have come in their quest for entrepreneurship and business ventures, and have a sense of gratitude towards what they bring to my own goals, as well as guiding them on their way to success.

But sometimes I witness clients so eager to build their coaching businesses that they can be so focused on where they want to be and not so grateful for how far they have already come. This is a missed opportunity in my opinion!

3 Money Mindset Tips For Healthy Entrepreneurs

As a new entrepreneur, the issue of money can come to the forefront pretty quickly when that cushy regular pay-check has all too quickly become a distant memory.

Perhaps for you, the fear of financial uncertainty is the key reason you haven't yet taken the leap towards the career you daydream about each and every day...

I am a firm believer that to be healthy on all levels we need to also heal our relationship with money! And there is nothing like taking that step forward into our dream career to bring the issue of money quickly to the forefront to be healed.

How To Attract Dream Clients To Your Health Coaching Business - Step #5


Are you afraid of sounding salesy?

“Amanda taught me a new way to view sales. In my first week of putting myself out there, I scheduled 5 discovery sessions from conversations with people I knew and signed 2 paying clients.”

Kylie Muratore

Is it fear holding you back from getting clients as a health coach?

How To Attract Dream Clients To Your Health Coaching Business - Step #3


It can be tempting to fall into the trap of thinking that no-one wants to work with a health coach, or that it is impossible for those that do …

I sent personal emails to my friends and family, as well as posting on my private FB page and booked 13 discovery sessions and 2 clients in 1 week.

Yvonne Ling Kao,

Let Your Light Shine As A Health Coach

As I launch my brand new blog to the world today, I set the intention for both myself and every health coach in this community to be willing to shine our lights and demonstrate a new world of possibilities.

Overcoming the fear of judgement from others and stepping into our truth regardless is what will create a true ripple effect in the world of health via health coaching.