how to manage coaching clients

How To Book Client Calls With Ease (Using Calendly!)

Hi ladies,

How did you get on with your One Thing last week?

I’ve heard some wonderful breakthrough stories from a couple of you who took action on last week's One Thing and posted your Canva image on Facebook to book Discovery Sessions with potential clients.

If you missed that mini-training, you can access it here >>

So following on with our Action April theme, this week’s One Thing is to set up an online scheduler so that clients interested in those Discovery Sessions can book a time to talk with you with ease.

One thing I have noticed through mentoring 100s of new health coaches is that sadly they can lose a potential client who has shown interest, purely because of the back and forth in setting up a good time that works for both parties to connect.

In this week’s Action April training, I guide you through setting up your online schedule using a free program called Calendly.