health coach scheduling

How To Sign Client Contracts Electronically (using HelloSign)

Systems and structures can sound so BORING or HARD for new health coaches and they are certainly not the sexy, freedom-based lifestyle ideas that we might have envisioned when starting a business.

But streamlined systems that work are actually really sexy!!

And today, we’re looking at how to set up a system for signing client contracts online.

Once your potential client says ‘YES’ to working with you, streamlined systems are imperative to ensure the sales goes 100% through with professionalism and ease.

Are You Ready To Take A Leap Of Faith In Your Health Coaching Business (Amber’s Story)

Sometimes life takes you to places you couldn’t possibly plan for. The key is to TRUST that everything is working in your favour and that it is all going to be okay.

I want to tell you Amber’s story, because it speaks to that side of all of us, I think, who want to live and work in an exotic place; doing what we absolutely love, and changing lives.

When I last caught up with Amber, she looked radiant in a sundress and a frangipani flower in her hair. The backdrop I could see behind her looked serene, tranquil, and, well, like she was Skyping in from a tropical island... and that's because she was!

7 Tips For Business Motivation When You've Lost Your Mojo!

When building a business, tasks and work can pile up and make you feel overwhelmed. It can also be hard to say no to more work, and the cycle continues.

All of a sudden you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, tired, bored or lethargic - you have lost your spark and we don't want that!!

Once you lose your mojo, it can be challenging to find the motivation to reclaim it and a downward cycle can creep in.