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How To Create Your Dream Workday As A Health Coach (Jennie’s story Part 3)

By now I’m sure you feel like you’re Jennie’s best friend. So do I!

She's taken us on a bit of a rollercoaster ride (part 1), hasn't she? The fact she’s allowing me to tell her story so you can really learn from her journey shows how deeply Jennie cares about transforming people's lives.

Previously we spoke about how Jennie grew her business too quickly (part 2) by making the biggest mistake I see all health coaches make, and that’s not packaging up your services.

Selling one-off sessions and working for an hourly rate is a one-way ticket to Brokeville and burnout.

How To Build An Email List Of Raving Fans (using LeadPages) For Your Health Coaching Business

Hi beauty,

Do you feel like no one is listening when you are looking for health coaching clients?

Like no one really ‘wants’ what you are offering?

Like people go cross-eyed when you tell them you’re a ‘health coach’

And if you are really, really honest, the only people you are really talking to are your family anyway….

Where are those masses of ‘raving fans’ you’ve heard other coaches brag about?

The Simple Secret to Telling People What You Do As a Health Coach

Have you ever wondered how to tell people what you do as a health coach?

It’s the question most new Health Coaches dread: “So what do you actually do?” How do you go about explaining what it is that you do?

In some circles your answer would be called your 'elevator pitch' - an explanation of what you do that could be shared in a quick elevator ride.

The natural answer that springs to mind when someone asks about “you” is to come back with “I am”.

Click through to learn the simple secret to telling people what you do as a health coach…