Successful health coaching business

How To Be Confident As A New Health Coach - The Ultimate Guide To Coaching Confidence!

Hey healthy lady!

Taking the leap to become a health coach is SO EXCITING… but it’s also downright scary!

It is common, normal, and completely natural for new health coaches to lack confidence in their ability to get great results in their coaching sessions.

Let's just think about this logically: How could you possibly be confident that you will get amazing results in a coaching session if you haven't yet done it?!? You can’t!

I watch SO many new health coaches sitting on the sidelines…

Waiting to feel confident before they start coaching…

Or maybe even investing another $5000 in a second or third coaching certification…

When in fact, it’s impossible to feel confident without actually getting in the game and getting started first!

How To Get Inspired When You're Feeling Stuck In Your Business

Hey beauty,

Walking along Burleigh Beach with girlfriends is one of the rituals that grounded me into my new home on the Gold Coast — and today I’m sharing some of the rituals that help me stay in a high-vibration state in my business. (Beach walks and ocean swims are some of them!)

Click here to listen to this audio now.

In this vlog — a snippet from an UPswing Mastermind Coaching Call — I share the importance of finding what works for you when it comes to shifting your vibration; my favourite book on mindset; how to actively steward your energy as an entrepreneur; and how to build alignment practices into your day…

So that you can go from high-vibe to low-vibe, and get re-inspired with EASE when you’re feeling stuck. 💗

How To Be Your Own CEO And Get More Done As An Entrepreneur

Hey beauty! 💗

Business and entrepreneurship can get super-serious and all-encompassing sometimes, can’t they? And honestly, when they take up ALL of your time, energy and attention - it can make you kinda boring. #tunnelvision

I started feeling this way earlier in the year — so I intentionally planned a trip of FUN and connection, to people and places which have nothing to do with my job.

Yes, I am still coaching as I travel, and part of the trip is actually for a mastermind with other entrepreneurs — but two weeks were carved out purely for time with my family, and 5 days just with my husband. It feels really great to focus on what matters most.

And I know I’m not alone in getting swept up in entrepreneurship sometimes either!

My Top Tips To Shine On Social Media

Social media platforms are a way of bringing mutual friends together, and connecting us to millions of people around the world who are interested in the same thing as us!

The top thing is to remember that this is about true connection (not sleazy business or marketing tactics) and getting our message out there.

But how do you go about building this true connection?

In this post, I’m sharing 4 of my top tips on how to shine on social media!

How To Stay Healthy While You're Building Your Business

Hey healthy lady!

I completely understand the demands of balancing:

  • Family...

  • Children...

  • Spouse...

  • Clients...

  • Continued study...

  • Making money...

  • Building your business...

I am right there with you, and so are the ladies in my UPswing Mastermind and UPswing Momentum programs...

So I asked these women to share their top tips for staying healthy (and happy!) while building a coaching business, and they offered up some excellent advice.

Why You Don't Need To Be An Expert To Start Coaching

So many new coaches come to me saying that they don’t feel ‘expert’ enough to start coaching....
They think that they need to do another training to feel 'good enough' to coach...

Well, I thought this story from when I first started out might help everyone to see that NO-ONE feels confident when first starting out!

One of my first clients was a young woman named Rebecca. When Rebecca came to work with me I had only worked with a handful of clients on the basic program I had learnt at IIN.

Rebecca was bedridden with chronic fatigue and had been told not to expect a recovery.

As a new health coach, I wondered if I knew enough to help her. I wondered if my limited health knowledge would be strong enough to support her in improving her health.

Embodying Feminine Energy As A Health Coach

Do you embody your feminine energy as a health coach? In this post, I’m sharing why I believe it is vital to our success as health coaches.

A few weeks ago I attended a beautiful event ~ RISE ~ hosted by Rebecca Van Leeuwen from Soul Sister Circle. This was a truly gorgeous evening, filled with organic food, soulful music, sacred sisterhood, divine wisdom, and high vibes.