How to get paying clients

The Ultimate Guide To Finding Your Target Market For Health Coaches + Wellness Entrepreneurs

Hey healthy ladies!

In this deep-dive blog post, I’m going to walk you through EXACTLY what to do to get crystal clear on your target market as a new health coach.

So, let me walk you through my step-by-step process for doing just that!

INTRODUCTION: Why do I need a target market?

Businesses that don’t have a clear target market often have trouble attracting and converting clients; take longer to be seen as leaders in their field; and struggle to grow their email lists and income.

Here’s what knowing your target market can do for you:

How Much Can You Charge As A Health Coach?

How much can you charge as a Health Coach? Maybe not what you thought…

Been pulling your hair out on what to charge as a Health Coach? There’s no one black-and-white answer on what to charge, so I’m not surprised if you are feeling confused.

When I first started out as a health coach I had no idea what to charge. I see this as one of the biggest stressors of the new Health Coaches I mentor today.

Most health coaching schools don’t teach how to price your packages.

Click through to read my thoughts on how to price your services…

How To Make A Good First Impression (Especially In Person)

I was reading Lisa Messenger's latest book on the weekend and something she spoke of in there really resonated with me.

She spoke about the power of meeting someone in person. How meeting someone in person can inspire you so much more when you realise they are REAL!

This is the power behind a strong personal brand - not just how you show up and present yourself online - but in real life.

3 Money Mindset Tips For Healthy Entrepreneurs

As a new entrepreneur, the issue of money can come to the forefront pretty quickly when that cushy regular pay-check has all too quickly become a distant memory.

Perhaps for you, the fear of financial uncertainty is the key reason you haven't yet taken the leap towards the career you daydream about each and every day...

I am a firm believer that to be healthy on all levels we need to also heal our relationship with money! And there is nothing like taking that step forward into our dream career to bring the issue of money quickly to the forefront to be healed.

How I Relax & Restore My Energy When Business Is Busy

After a busy start to the year, I have been taking some time to focus purely on my 2 wonderful UPswing Mastermind groups and my own self-care. (Related post: 7 Self-Care Tips For Entrepreneurs (Lessons From My Restorative Retreat))

The UPswing Mastermind sold-out again quickly in February with the program doubling in size this time around and the driven health coaches who said yes this year are certainly DRIVEN!

Some are experiencing the joy of true clarity on their target market, some are celebrating their first paying clients and a couple of ladies are already on track for $5k and $10k months only 5 weeks into the program – seriously amazing!!